"Just Good Eat'n"
F.Y.I. and Comments
In This Issue

We have some very good news for you!  Plus we would like your input on a few things, so continue to read then come on in and let us know...
Just an update, we have begun construction on the hay barn and we are making good progress!  We have been contacted by a few local bands and they sound promising!  As long as we're able to stay on track it looks like you'll be able to enjoy a relaxing late spring/early summer evening under the stars listening to some great music.
What we would like to find out is what type of music you would like to hear and how would you like to see our hay barn decorated, so come on in and fill out a compliment/comment card and be sure to list in detail what you would like to see and hear!
EGGS, Eggs, all theses EGGS!!!
Can you believe that the Easter Bunny came by and left all his eggs here at Fritters, so we decided to continue to pass them out until there are no more...  So come in and get your prized filled egg while they last, once their gone their gone!  If you are of the fortunate ones whom have received an egg then you know of the great prize it had stored inside!  Just remember the prizes expire on the Sunday the 21st of April 2013, so come on in and redeem your prize and receive another prize egg IF we still have them... 
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Remember to fill out the comment cards and get your egg before their gone!
Oh, by the way!  You can find us on Facebook!
Alan Johnson
Fritters Restaurant | 478-934-6024 |
2401 GA Hwy 26 East
Montrose, GA 31065

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