Other items
Parent and Student Handbook
In revision
- Coleen Whisenhunt and Bill Soltis, who are ill
- Blanca Rosa Zeledon, who is ill, grandmother of Isabelle Ramirez (5th Grade) and Sebastian Ramirez (7th Grade).
- Diaz family and the soul of Victor Fallas, Grandpa of Gillianna Diaz (3rd Grade) and Aiden Diaz (Kindergarten).
- Rubio Family and for the soul of Mayra Rubio, mother to Isaiah (3rd Grade) and Aliyah (Kindergarten) and Ellias (high school Freshman).
- Aquino Family and for the soul of Chad Aquino, father to Bella (2nd Grade).
- DeMarcus Harper, who is ill, father of London Harper (1st Grade).
Our Lady of The Rosary,
Pray for Us
If you have a prayer request, please email ffajardo@csdo.org
February 3, 2019
February is here! Be sure to check the live event calendar link for upcoming events.
(See Quick Links.)
Thank you for everyone's energy and hard work to make it another successful Catholic Schools Week at HRS! We will be sending out a newsletter mid-week to acknowledge our students' accomplishments in the Jr. High Science Fair, Spelling Bee and Geography Bee.
Remember that donations can still be made to the Fun Run! We have included a link in this newsletter. Let's exceed our goal!
Enjoy your Sunday. Blessings on your week.
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love."
- Mother Teresa
Monday, February 4
* 3:00 p.m. Art Club 1st-3rd Grades
...extended care fees apply
(Room 4B)
* 3:00 p.m. MUSE Band practice (Dominican Hall)
Tuesday, February 5
* Pizza Sales (Lunch)
* 3:00 p.m. Guitar Class
...extended care fees apply
Wednesday, February 6
* 3:00 p.m. Choir practice
...extended care fees apply (meet in Hall then proceed to Church)
Thursday, February 7
* Bake Sale (recess) - 50 cents - to support the American Heart Association
Friday, February 8
* 8:15 a.m. Town Hall - Jump for Heart - wear a red shirt (jeans okay, shorts must be uniform shorts)
Saturday, February 9
* Diocesan Science Fair
Monday, February 18 - Friday, February 22
* WINTER BREAK - No School, No Serendipity Club, Office Closed
February 27
* 7:30 a.m. Dr. Seuss Breakfast
We ask that families please send their students with exact change on Tuesdays for the pizza wagon. We have a lot of our younger students coming to school with large bills and they end up with missing change. Students need to be sure that they receive the correct change at the time they purchase their pizza. Thank you in advance for your help and support.
Hair must be neatly groomed and arranged so that it does not impair
- Boys
are to be clean
shaven and their hairstyle must be no longer than
the top of the shirt collar.
- Extreme hairstyles are not permitted for girls or boys.
If in doubt about a
certain hairstyle, inquire at the school office before the hair is cut.
- No hair ex
tensions or other materials may be woven into or worn/clipped in
the hair.
- Hair is to be one natural color.
- The school has the final interpretation of the policy on hair.
You may have noticed that we are transitioning to a new website provider - eCatholic. During the upgrade, you will see minimal changes to the site content. However, the new provider does not provide subscription notification when the class/teacher pages are updated. eCatholic programmers are working on this feature. As soon as it becomes available, you will be notified. Please contact Mr. Khalil
dkhalil@csdo.org to provide suggestions or feedback.
For the month of JANUARY, the following students earned a Christlike certificate and free dress. Congratulations go out to:
Maria Alcocer Sotomayor, 7th
Sophia Amio, 2nd
Erin Ancheta, 2nd
Jeremy Cancio, 6th
Angel Carranza, 6th
Emily Celli, 5th
Gianna Celli, 7th
Elias Eschliman, Kinder
Eli Fry, 2nd
Natalia Goldston, 4th
William Hourigan, 6th
Henry Innes, 5th
Victoria Innes, 2nd
Lars Johannsen, 7th
Madison Johnson, 2nd
Alyssa Lewis, 2nd
Jordan Nguyen, 5th
Allison Proctor, Kinder
Frankie Rael, 5th
Isabel Ramirez, 5th
Wyatt Rensch, 7th
Bianca Rensch, 5th
Matthew Torrico Villanueva, 1st
Natalie Vazquez, 7th
Ryan Wisely, 1st
Samantha Yackle, Kinder
Autumn Yee, 1st
*earned more than one!
If you were inadvertantly left off this list, please let Mrs. Kiki Gonzalez so that we can acknowledge you in the next bulletin.
The Knights of Columbus held their annual Free Throw Competition on Friday, January 18th at the Holy Rosary Church gym. Thank you to all those that came out to participate. We would like to congratulate our winners! Holy Rosary School students are highlighted.
8 years old - Jackson Ramirez
years old - Thomas Burr
10 years old - Justin Uribarri
11 years old - Rocco duPont
12 years old - Jacob Sison
13 years old - Robert Nguiffo
14 years old - Yannick Nguiffo
10 years old - Gabriella Hiosta
11 years old - Olivia Baluyut
12 years old - Jadee Salvador
13 years old - Elena Lazzaro
3 Point Contest - Tomas Baluyut & Jadee Salvador

Disney and Cameron Mackintosh's
Mary Poppins JR.
Your favorite practically perfect nanny takes center stage in this Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious adventure based on the
award-winning Broadway musical and classic Walt Disney film.
(Audition Times will be emailed over this weekend.)
Registration Extended!!!
Complete registration form and turn in to the school office no later than Monday, February 4th to get an audition time!
See brochure!
Click here
to download brochure/registration form.