Weekly Newsletter
November 6, 2018
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Please Pray for
- Aquino Family and for the soul of Chad Aquino, father to Bella (2nd grade)

- Rubio Family and for the soul of Mayra, mother to Isaiah (3rd grade) and Aliyah (kindergarten) and Ellias (high school freshman)

Our Lady of The Rosary,
Pray for Us
St. Dominic,
Pray for Us

If you have a prayer request, please email ffajardo@csdo.org.

Wednesday, November 7
* Choir with Mr. McCain ...extended care fees apply (meet in Hall then go to church)  
Thursday, November 8
* LAST DAY of Trimester 1
Friday, November 9
* FIRST DAY of Trimester 2
* 8:15 a.m. Veteran's Town Hall  
* 12:00 p.m. Minimum Day Dismissal
Monday, November 12
* Veteran's Day Holiday: No School or Serendipity Club
Tuesday, November 13
* Pizza Sales (lunch)
* Musical Theater (Dominican Hall) 
* 3:00 p.m. Guitar Class ...extended care fees apply 
Wednesday, November 14
* 3:00 p.m. Choir ...extended care fees apply (meet in Hall then go to Church)  
Thursday, November 15
* 6:30 p.m. 7th Grade Caritas Thanksgiving 
Friday, November 16
* Faith Family Activity
* Togo's Bag Lunch (pre-order required)
Monday, November 19 - Friday, November 23
* Thanksgiving Break: No School or Serendipity Club
Monday, November 26
* 3:00 p.m. Art Club - first class for 4th-6th Grades ...extended care fees apply (Room 4B)
Wednesday, November 28
* 3:00 p.m. Barnes & Noble Night and Panda Express Fundraiser ( Espanol



In our October 1st Newsletter, we explained what a Christlike Award was and how a student could earn one.

For the month of October, the following students earned a Christlike certificate and free dress.  Congratulations go out to:

Gabriella Matar, 1st Grade
Nathan Sigua, 8th Grade
Elias Eschliman, Kindergarten
Amelia Benigno, Kindergarten
Angelo Reyes, 8th Grade
Angel Carranza, 6th Grade
Will Hourigan, 6th Grade
Victoria Villatoro, Kindergarten
Samantha Yackle, Kindergarten
Joey Xavier-Young, 1st Grade
Roen Hooke,4th Grade
Isabelle Ramirez, 5th Grade
Emily Celli, 5th Grade
Andrea Garcia, 5th Grade
Samantha Rodriguez, 5th Grade
Hanna Salomero, Kindergarten
Allison Proctor, Kindergarten
Aiden Diaz-Sarat, Kindergarten

If you were inadvertantly left off this list, please let Mrs. Kiki Gonzalez so that we can acknowledge you in the next bulletin.

Panda Express Fundraiser 
You will need a hard copy or digital version of the flyer for HRS to receive fundraising credit!

Click one of the flyers below to download
a hard copy

Forms available at the school office or click here .

Date:  Saturday, December 8, 2018                           
Time:  Registration begins at 7:30 A.M.
Location:  Contra Loma Regional Park, Antioch
Before Dec. 1 (Early Reg./T-shirt included)
+5 & under                       FREE (T-shirt - $8) 
6 - 15 yrs.                        $20.00
16 - 60                             $25.00
Seniors (60+)                  $20.00
Families*                         $55.00 
After Dec. 1 (Late Reg./T-shirt not included)
+5 & under                       FREE (T-shirt - $8) 
6 - 15 yrs.                        $25.00
16 - 60                             $30.00 
Seniors (60+)                  $25.00 
Families*                         $65.00  
*Families are up to 4 members, $10.00 for each additional member.  *$5.00 extra charge for running in 2 races.  All eligible early registered (before Dec. 1) participants will receive a commemorative Holiday Run & Walk T-shirt.
+Early registration/free T-shirt does not apply.
The Holiday Run & Walk for Health began 40 years ago and has continued to grow each year.  This event is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of the Delta-Antioch, CA Supt. of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson, East Bay Regional Parks Dist., and the City of Antioch, and directly benefits local school clubs and organizations working with our youth. The events include kids' dashes, a 1 mile run/walk, a 3 mile run/walk and a 10K run.  Ribbons will be awarded to all participants and medals will be awarded to specific place finishers.  In addition, there is a School Challenge and School Spirit Award.
School Challenge and School Spirit Award
Students, family members, teachers and staff members are encouraged to participate, and trophies will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place schools in each grade level category based on the highest level of participation.  Winning schools will also receive prize money: (1st Place - $500; 2nd Place - $300; 3rd Place - $200). We strongly urge Holy Rosary School students, family members, teachers and staff members to participate in this fun, worthwhile event.  Entry forms are available in the school office.  We really hope that you can join us and support our school.