Weekly Newsletter
March 31, 2019
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Prayer for Today

Lord our God,
we turn our faces to you and plead with you to come to us earthly and often tormented people. May we find strength in the Lord Jesus Christ, through whom redemption is promised to us all. May your kingdom at last be revealed and everything change for the better even though we do not see it yet. May we always honor your name above all others, for you are our Father and we want to hold fast to your grace that lets us call you Father. In our troubled times we want to have enduring faith that you can bring a new time when good shall at last emerge from all the distress. Grant that every broken and needy person may experience your help, your grace, and your salvation, and may know that these always surround us, if only our eyes are open to see and recognize them. So we want to thank and praise you at all times, and at last know the joy of eternity, to your glory and honor.


We have so much incredible talent at our wonderful school!  We had musicians, singers, dancers and a magician and comedian!  We even had Olympic-worthy Synchronized Swimmers!  It was a great finale to our STREAM Week.  

Sunday, March 31 
* 4th Sunday of Lent
Monday, April 1 
* 3:00 p.m. 4th-6th Grade Art Club ...extended care fees apply   (Room 4B)  
* 3:00 p.m. MUSE Band practice (Parish Center Meeting Rooms)
Tuesday, April 2 
* Pizza Sales (lunch)
* 3:00 p.m. Musical Theater rehearsal (Dominican Hall)
* 3:00 p.m. Guitar class ...extended care fees apply  
Wednesday, April 3 
Thursday, April 4 
Friday, April 5 
* 8:00 a.m. Mass followed by Stations of the Cross (7th Grade)
Saturday, April 6
* Parish Retreat - Registration Form 
Sunday, April 7
* 5th Sunday of Lent
Monday, April 8  
* 3:00 p.m. 1st-3rd Grade Art Club ...extended care fees apply   (Room 4B)  
* 3:00 p.m. MUSE Band practice (Parish Center Meeting Rooms)
Tuesday, April 9  
* Pizza Sales (lunch)
* 3:00 p.m. Musical Theater rehearsal (Dominican Hall)
* 3:00 p.m. Guitar class ...extended care fees apply  
Wednesday, April 10
Thursday, April 11  
* UPDATE * Spring Pictures cancelled 
Friday, April 12  
* 8:00 a.m. Mass followed by Stations of the Cross (Kinder/6th Grade)
Saturday, April 13   
Sunday, April 14 
* Palm Sunday  
* 8:45 a.m. Mass - 4th Grade Passion presented at Mass 
Tuesday, April 16
* Kids Against Hunger Service Project
Thursday, April 18
* Holy Thursday
* 10:00 a.m. 4th Grade Passion Play (black top or gym)

Friday, April 19
Monday, April 22 - Friday, April 26
* Challenge Island enrichment program - must pre-register 
Easter Break...April 22 - 26
* NO SCHOOL ....Office closed
* CHALLENGE ISLAND enrichment program
* SERENDIPITY OPEN by RSVP ONLY with Mrs. Golinveaux - 
no drop in use.


For the month of MARCH, the following students earned a Christlike certificate and free dress.  Congratulations go out to:

Andrew Aldape, 6th
Ethan Ancheta, Kinder
Amelia Benigno, Kinder
Vincent Cano, 7th
Santino Castellanoz, 4th
Emily Celli, 5th
* Giselle Cortes, Kinder
* Sarah Cosper, 8th
Osmar Davila Saenz, 1st
Samantha Ferrer, Kinder
Matthew Gallego, 2nd
Francesco Hamade, 2nd
Alex Innes, 3rd
Abigail Kimball, 1st
Alyssa Lewis, 2nd
Connor Lewis, 4th
Becca McPeek, 8th
Eric Mendoza, 5th
Isabel Mercado, 6th
Olivia Mercado, 2nd
Jordan Nguyen, 5th
Mina Paje, Kinder
Isaiah Pino, 8th
Olivia Statler, 2nd
Lexie Thomason, 8th
Justin Uribarri, 5th
Lia Torrico-Villanueva, Kinder
Angelina Yackle, 2nd
Samantha Yackle, Kinder
*earned more than one!

A note from Mrs. Gonzalez....if you earned a Christlike and I left you off the list, come and see me so that we can acknowledge you!  Thank you!

925-757-1270 x10