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Holy Rosary Church
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Parent and Student Handbook
In revision
Please pray for
- Zhu Family and for the soul of Peter Zhu, HRS Alumnus. Prayer Service to be held Saturday, March 23, 2019, at
1:00 p.m. @ Holy Rosary Church
- Diaz family and the soul of Victor Fallas, Grandpa of Gillianna Diaz (3rd Grade) and Aiden Diaz (Kindergarten).
Our Lady of The Rosary,
Pray for Us
If you have a prayer request, please email ffajardo@csdo.org
The Third Week of Lent
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Loving Father, So many times I turn away from you and always you welcome me back. Your mercy and love gives me confidence. Thank you for the invitation to share, fast and pray so that you can form a new heart within me. Your powerful compassion for my weaknesses leads me to ask for mercy and await with great hope the Easter joy you share with us
8th Grade, Stations of the Cross
March 22, 2019
Sixth graders learning about cell plasma membranes in science lab.
Sunday, March 24
* 3rd Sunday of Lent
Monday, March 25 - Friday, March 29
Preparing students to enter STEM careers in the future is not enough. Adding Religion and the Arts into STEM content areas merges 21st century teaching and learning with the timeless truths of faith and beauty in all of the subject areas. - NCEA website
Science * Technology * Religion * Engineering * Arts * Math
Monday, March 25
* 3:00 p.m. Talent Show Dress Rehearsal
* 3:00 p.m. 1st-3rd Grades
...extended care fees apply
(Room 4B)
* 3:00 p.m. MUSE Band practice (Parish Center Meeting Rooms)
Tuesday, March 26
Wednesday, March 27
* 8:15 a.m. Town Hall
Thursday, March 28
Friday, March 29
* 8:00 a.m. Mass followed by Stations of the Cross (3rd Grade)
* 6:00 p.m. Talent Show - $5 adults, $2 children, HRS Student free
Thursday, April 11
Tuesday, April 16
* Kids Against Hunger Service Project
Thursday, April 18
* 10:00 a.m. 4th Grade Passion Play (black top or gym)
HRS Lenten Stations of the Cross (following 8:00 a.m. Mass)
Friday, April 5 (
8th Grade)
Friday, April 12 (
Kinder & 6th Grade)
Thursday, April 18
(4th Grade) - 10:00 a.m. Passion Play (black top or gym)