MAITC Ag Leadership & Statewide Organizations Grants First Deadline
June 7, 2019
Summer Teacher's Institute
"Agriculture for ME
Land & Sea"
University of New England
Biddeford, ME
July 29 - August 2, 2019
MAITC 2019 Grants Program Submission DEADLINE
August 9, 2019
Maine Farm to School Conference
Kennebec Valley Community College - Harold Alfond Campus
Hinckley, ME
October 4, 2019
Maine Nutrition Council Educational Event
"Life Stages: Oral Health and Nutrition"
University of Maine at Augusta - Bangor Campus
3pm - 5pm
October 30, 2019
Teach ME about Food & Farms
*Contact us to plan a workshop date for your school for Fall 2019
Special Programs
ReTreeUS plants orchards in schools and provides educational programs that empower people to be healthy environmental stewards.
Fuel Up to Play 60 offers educators a wide array of resources they can use to help students make sustainable changes in their school environment.
Agroworld- agricultural science e-zine developed for the secondary educator.
Kids Gardening has ideas about plants and gardens, teacher resources, and grant opportunities.
The Chop Chop magazine and website has easy and healthy recipes.
Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom Ag Mags are 4-page, colorful agricultural magazines for kids.
Agriculture License Plate |
Funding from this plate has impacted over 200,000 students in 2017 with lessons, materials, volunteers and teacher training. Annually up to $60K is distributed in grants to schools, FFA, 4-H and other Non-profit programs for Ag education initiatives by the Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Council.
Contact Us |
28 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333
The Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Association
The Non-profit, completely volunteer, portion of MAITC.
These funds are used directly to support teacher scholarships and recognition, and support volunteer participation for Ag education programs. Your donation is completely tax deductible and you can make a one-time donation or a recurring monthly donation which will support the mission, "to promote the understanding of agriculture and natural resources among students, educators, and the general public."
If you have any other questions or would like to join this group please contact the chairman, Maryjane Stafford.
Summer Teacher's Institute!
"Agriculture for ME on Land & Sea"
July 29 - August 2
University of New England, Biddeford, ME
Have you ever thought of doing vermiculture in your classroom? Jock Robie with Mainely Worm Bins will guide educators through the process of worm composting with this exciting, hands on presentation during our weeklong Summer Teacher's Institute!
At this Educator's workshop, participants will receive 36 contact hours or 3.6 CEU's from the University of Maine for re-certification credit.
Fall 2019 Purple Plow Challenge
Agriculture consumes large amounts of energy in the production of our food. In this challenge, students will learn about energy and they will design, build and share a solution that diversifies energy consumption.
Click here
for more information about the challenge and how you can sign up!
Breakfast Around the World
Check out this interactive game exploring what people around the world eat for breakfast!
Designing Garden Spaces for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Therapeutic engagement with gardening and garden-based activities is one type of intervention currently being explored for children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Check out this
great article for designing garden spaces for youth with ASD.
Grow It, Try It, Like It!
Grow It, Try It, Like It! Fun with Fruits and Vegetables at Family Child Care
is designed to help Child and Adult Care Food Program operators provide garden-based nutrition education for children ages 3 through 5 years old in family child care settings. Through the activities in
Grow It, Try It, Like It!
, children touch, smell, feel, and taste new fruits and vegetables. Children also learn how fruits and vegetables grow. Planting activities help children connect the delicious food choices at the table with the farm, orchard, or garden. Check it out here.
New Maine Harvest of the Month Program
The Maine Harvest of the Month (HOM) is a campaign that helps to promote the use of seasonally available, local products in schools, institutions, and communities. The program, which highlights a different Maine product each month, aims to provide students with local and healthy produce, while supporting Maine's farmers and producers.
For more information, contact the HOM Program Manager, Jenn So.
Harvest of the Month
June is Maine Leafy Greens Month!
Read ME Agriculture Online Evaluation
Did you participate in this year's Read ME Agriculture program?
If so, please help us to continue to improve our program and ensure that it returns next year by taking our
Job Opportunity: 4-H Youth Development Professional
The University of Maine Cooperative Extension invites applications for a full-time, fiscal-year 4-H Youth Development Professional to begin work August 1, 2019, and work out of the UMaine Extension Waldo County Office in Waldo, Maine. This position will provide educational leadership for 4-H Youth Development in Waldo County. The selected candidate will work to support youth development through 4-H volunteers, 4-H Leaders Association and community partnerships. This position will foster an open, educational environment to promote the learning and growth of 4-H youth and develop and provide educational programs and resources that address the needs of youth in Waldo County in partnership with other Extension staff in the region to create a multidisciplinary approach to youth development.The typical hiring range for this position is $35,000-$40,000, commensurate with experience and qualifications.
For complete job description and to apply.
June is Maine Leafy Greens Month!
Eat 'Em Up. Grades K-2.
In this lesson, students will review the plant parts that they eat, including roots, stems, flowers, leaves, fruit, and seeds. Students will choose a favorite fruit or vegetable to feature in a healthy recipe and prepare it with their families.
- Eating Plants. Grades K-2. Students will identify the structure and function of six plant parts and classify fruits and vegetables according to which parts of the plants are edible.
- Lucious Leaves. Grades 3-5. The purpose of this lesson is to review the functions of plant leaves and to develop an understanding of leaves as edible parts of some plants. Many edible leaves are part of a healthy diet and are a good source of vitamin A.
Can We Have Too Much of a Good Thing? Grades 6-8.
In this lesson students will understand that plants require nutrients in the proper concentrations. Students will discover that plants can be damaged or killed by either too many or too few nutrients.
Global Food Security. Grades 9-12.
Students will explore the causes of hunger, both domestically and globally; evaluate potential
solutions for solving world hunger; and forecast the impact of a growing world population on
current food supplies.
Sylvia's Spinach
Lettuce Grows on the Ground
The Vegetables We Eat
Agriculture for ME
Read our Agriculture for ME book online
Hydroponic Spinach | How Does it Grow?
How Iceberg Lettuce Transformed the Way We Eat |