Anne and I started this newsletter some weeks ago when it looked like our schools were getting back to normal. We were pleased to say that we did not have a single person who had been taken ill with the Coronavirus. However, in the last few weeks it has all changed to where almost every family has someone down with it. In India the virus is spreading like a forest fire. Our CEO, Anil and his family have had it, as too has our web designer and his whole family. Mukesh, our Headmaster, now has the virus and has a sore throat and cough so we are hoping that it will not get any worse.
Luckily there are few symptoms that any of our teachers or children have caught the coronavirus. However, we are taking the teachers to a test centre to have them checked. We would like to have had them tested for antibodies but that is not available.
Since the film below, the government has ordered all schools to be closed until further notice. Our staff are going to be working from home and the children will be taught in the villages as previously.
Below is what we started to write before the virus hit.