Dedicated to the Preservation of the Santa Susana Mountains and Simi Hills
A Non-Profit 501(c)(4) Incorporated Nov.30,1971                 Founded Nov.20,1970
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SSMPA Newsletter
Winter 2019 
In this issue
Community Meetings are free to SSMPA Members and the Public.

Monday, January 28, 2019    7:00pm - 8:30pm
  at Chatsworth Park South Recreation Center
22360 Devonshire St.  (west end of Devonshire)
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Convenient parking in lighted lot
Wildfires and Wildlife
Update on Wildlife and Habitat after Our Recent Fires

Presenter:  Dana Stangel 
(returning to  SSMPA by request)

Dana Stangel founded and is the Executive Director of Los Angeles wildlife education organization:  Teranga Ranch. She is a former Biology teacher, MOMS Club President, and CERT Volunteer. She volunteered at a local animal sanctuary for almost 20 years, leading their Ambassador Wolf Team and Volunteer Education Program. 

Dana continues to serve her community as Wildlife Representative for Shadow Hills Property Owners Association, Sunland Tujunga Neighborhood Council Animal Issues Committee Founder and Co-Chair, Founder and Co-Administrator of the Sunland Tujunga Animal Lost and Found, Wildlife Columnist for the local newspaper (The Foothill Record) and as President of the Sunland Tujunga Neighborhood Council.

Reason Wins out at Santa Susana Field Lab
U.S. Dept. of Energy Calls for Risk-Based Soil Cleanup
The United States Department of Energy (DOE)  released, in December 2019, its Final Environmental Impact Statement  (FEIS)  for Remediation of its areas of responsibility at Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

The Final EIS analyzes the potential environmental and community impacts of remediation alternatives for soil, buildings and groundwater. DOE reviewed and incorporated about 2,200 comments submitted by stakeholders in the development of the Final EIS.

The Final EIS outlines DOE's preferred remediation alternatives for Area IV and the Northern Buffer Zone, which balance the diverse community and agency input received throughout the EIS process. The preferred cleanup alternatives are based on years of scientific study and analysis, are consistent with the site's end use as open space, and ensure that Area IV and the Northern Buffer Zone will remain safe for nearby communities by protecting human health and the environment.

DOE prefers " For soils remediation , the Conservation of Natural Resources Alternative, Open Space Scenario. This alternative is consistent with the risk assessment approach typically used at other DOE sites, other California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)-regulated sites, and EPA Superfund sites and accounts for the specific future land use of the site."

In other words, DOE does not recommend cleanup to "background".

The entire Environmental Impact Statement is available at

Are you aware that:

These C ommunity Organizations of the West Valley have all called for a
    risk-based cleanup  (not "background") at Santa Susana Field  Lab                         
Chatsworth Neighborhood Council

West Hills Neighborhood Council

Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council

Canoga Park Neighborhood Council

Chatsworth Community Coordinating Council (CCCC)

Santa Susana Mountain Park Association (SSMPA)

Lake Manor Citizens Committee Rural Town Council

San Fernando Valley Audubon Society

SSMPA Calls for Cleanup at Rocketdyne
      • A Cleanup that Does More Good than Harm
      • A Cleanup that Protects Our Surrounding Communities
      • A Cleanup that Preserves SSFL's Natural Habit and Wildlife
      • A Cleanup that Is "Doable" and Affordable

Coastal Live Oak Seedlings Project
Sky Valley Volunteers - An Offshoot of SSMPA

The Sky Valley Volunteers continue to thrive and grow. They have a new nursery work space at Orcutt Ranch Park and have resumed planting in the aftermath of the recent Woolsey Fire.

This project was born out of the awareness that many species of our native trees in California are suffering, due to the long-term drought, and the pests that subsequently attack the affected trees. 
Reforestation  projects such as these are critical!

Here is a recent message from Wendi, SVV Vice President:

Well after the devastating fires and the damage to one of our largest reforestation projects, we have some positive news.  There is a possibility some of the saplings will make a comeback. Amazingly, with what little rain we had before the fire, a few of the babies are beginning to re-sprout and others had flexible stems. This means they were not all toasted beyond hope. 

In December we had another tree planting at Sage Ranch Park. Our first was 10 months ago. We had 50 volunteers come out to participate.  We were ecstatic to see such interest.  Over 80 trees were placed in the ground.

Please see the YouTube video and get the flavor of what we are doing.  Maybe you will come to the next planting.  

Sky Valley Volunteers
Sky Valley Volunteers

See more about Sky Valley Volunteers  here , here , and  here .

   If you are interested in volunteering, please contact John Luker at , or Wendi Gladstone at .
Chatsworth Nature Preserve Earth Day Open House
Saturday, April 6th, 2019
The City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and the Santa Susana Mountain Park Association will host this year's Annual Chatsworth Nature Preserve Earth Day Open House on Saturday, April 6, 2019. 
Last year more than 1,000 attendees were able  to see the only designated Nature Preserve in the City of Los Angeles (open to the public only one day a year in celebration of Earth Day) with dozens of interactive exhibits and guided hikes around the Ecology Pond.
  Sharon Shingai, Director-At-Large with the Santa Susana Mountain Park Association, is the Organizer of this terrifically successful annual event.

See  DWP's summary of the 2018 Open House HERE  

Save the date for this year's Nature Preserve Open House: 
Saturday April 6, 2019.

Support Ventura County's New Wildlife Corridor Zone

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors is moving on a proposed new wildlife corridor zone. The zone will protect major wildlife corridors, including those used by mountain lions in the Santa Monica Mountains, that connect Simi Hills and Los Padres Forest. Such zoning complements the work we're doing to build a wildlife bridge over the 101 freeway at Liberty Canyon. You can read the draft zoning ordinance, FAQ sheets, see maps and more  here.

You can support the passing of this wildlife corridor zone in two upcoming events: 
an educational SOAR gathering on January 27 
and a 
Ventura Planning Commission Hearing on January 31, 2019.

The SOAR gathering will explain the importance of habitat connectivity, answer your questions about the new zoning on SOAR lands, and give an update on SOAR's progress in Ventura County. Light refreshments provided.

Another Historical Monument in Chatsworth
The Apeta Momonga Mission Trail
Everything is on track for official City designation of a new Historic Monument in Chatsworth, thanks to the work of several SSMPA members.

The LA City Cultural Heritage Committee has approved designation of the Apeta Momonga Mission Trail. When City council approves the Commission's recommendation the Trail will  join the Homestead Acre, the Stagecoach Trail, Stoney Point and other historical monuments in Chatsworth.

The Apeta Momonga Mission Trail is a nearly two-mile unpaved equestrian and hiking trail south of and parallel to the State Route 118 Ronald Reagan Freeway between De Soto Avenue to the west and Tampa Avenue to the east in Chatsworth and Northridge.

The Apeta Momonga Mission Trail "reflects the broad cultural, economic, or social
history of the nation, state, or community" for its pre-Spanish settlement use as a route between the Native American villages of Achoicominga and Momonga, and for its association with the historic network of trails that connected the San Fernando and Ventura Missions during California's Mission Period (1769-1833).

Applicants for the designation of the monument were Darlene and Dean Wageman, SSMPA Board Directors. Ann and Ray Vincent and Al Knight, all SSMPA lifetime members, prepared the application. Thank you all!
Information on local hikes is available via the following links:
Welcome Walks:  Interpretive hikes in the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park (SSPSHP):  Facebook: Friends of the Santa Susana Mountains   &

SSPSHP Volunteer Hikes: Contact: Jennifer Dandurand, park interpretive specialist, Los Encinos SHP: 818.784.4849;
Rancho Simi Trail Blazers:
SFV Audubon:  Meetings and Bird Walks for families
Hiking and Event Updates:
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SSMPA Mission 


SSMPA's mission is to preserve and protect the Simi Hills, Santa Susana Mountains, and regional open space.


Join Our Board of Directors?
We have eleven Directors on our board. Our by-laws allow for up to fifteen Directors.
SSMPA logo

Do you support conservation?
Open space? Parks and parkland?

If you want to learn more about the possibility of joining our board, please drop a message at No obligation. Confidential.

membershipOne Cat's Advice

We gratefully accept your new membership, renewals, donations all year round!
If a mountain lion can cross the 101 and the 118,
the least we all can do is become members of SSMPA.

Please click HERE  to start or renew your membership by  credit card
or fill in the membership form below and mail it to us. 

Your membership (new and renewal) and donations help SSMPA efforts and continued success in providing free community meetings; advocacy for open space/nature preserves; keeping or reopening local parks; acquiring easement land parcels to protect native plants and habitat, wildlife corridors and park space; environmental educational opportunities; preservation of Chatsworth's and the surrounding area's historical, cultural, and archaeological sites. 

  If you do want to not receive your newsletter via e-mail and must receive it by snail mail, please send an additional $10.00. If you have moved, please be sure to let us know your new address. 
THANK YOU for your recent New Lifetime Memberships:
Lynne Seta, Brooke Schick, Sharon Shingai, Dawn & Larry Giannetti, Lisa Spencer

THANK YOU for your recent New Annual Memberships:
Ken & Shirley Jones, Amie Akridge

And THANK ALL OF YOU loyal members who have recently renewed your SSMPA Membership 

Sign up for a LIFE MEMBERSHIP and/or a DONATION OF $50.00 and receive a FREE 
"Cotton Blend Cool" T-shirt with a Chumash-inspired design
Let us know your size when you mail in your check,
or send an email to if you pay online.
Membership dues:
( ) $20.00 for individuals
( ) $25.00 for a family
( ) $30.00 for a business or organization
( ) $150.00 for Individual Life Membership
( ) $200.00 for a Family Life Membership
Make your check payable to SSMPA and mail to:
SSMPA, P.O. Box 4831, Chatsworth, CA 91313-4831   
Please be sure to provide us the following information:
Names___________________________________ E-mail_____________________

Special interests or skills you have and if you would like to volunteer for any activities: ____________________________________________________
Note:  If you must receive your newsletter via snail-mail, please send an additional $10.00.
Thank you for your support!
IMPORTANT: Please send today your e-mail address ,or changes to your e-mail address, to:
Your e-mail address is used exclusively for SSMPA newsletter and community announcements.  
  Contribute to SSMPA?

Use your debit / credit card or Paypal


Click here to download our Winter 2018 newsletter


Please confirm your interest in SSMPA by clicking on: 

Thank you!
BODLIST2018 / 2019 SSMPA Board of Directors 
President: Tom Nachtrab 
Vice President: Wendi Gladstone
Treasurer: Teena Takata
Recording Secretary: Donna Nachtrab
Director-at-Large: Robert "Bob" Dager
Director-at-Large: Warren Stone
Director-at-Large: John Luker
Director-at-Large: Sharon Shingai
Director-at-Large: Darlene Brothers-Wageman
Director-at-Large: Dean Wageman