Mayor R. Carey Davis

Thank you for subscribing!

In an effort to more effectively engage the community, my office has adopted the use of an electronic newsletter.  I look forward to updating our community on the developments and milestones that we achieve as we continue to move through the recovery process.

Please feel free to share with your family and friends, and encourage them to remain updated on what's going on in San Bernardino.

This newsletter will be distributed on a monthly basis.

The City Council adopted Priority Goals which serve as the guideposts for all decisions made for the implementation of San Bernardino's recovery plan.  These emerged from the opinions voices by residents who attended community engagement meetings in 2015, and refined by our strategic planning core team.  

All information and developments discussed will be aligned with these goals to ensure the establishment of  a sustainable San Bernardino for the residents.


In December 2015, the City Council adopted a resolution presented by my office that established a Quality of Life Team

This team is tasked with:

  • Developing a comprehensive plan for targeted clean-ups
  • In partnership with the San Bernardino City Unified School District, developing a plan to ensure that routes most traveled by students are free of illegally dumped materials to provide a walking area free of debris, trash, and other obstacles not belonging in the walkway.
  • Developing a street by street assessment method to rate cleanliness of streets, parks, and city owned properties
  • Developing a plan to maximize the enforcement of illegal dumping of waste laws.

The Team has already made a significant impact around the City.  Once fully staffed, we look forward to seeing the restored focus on maintaining a clean city.  

To report illegal dumping or another Quality of Life Issue please make a request via SB Access Online:

City Manager Update
Mr. Mark Scott  began his tenure as our new City Manager on Monday February 8, 2016.
I appreciate the dedicated service of Chief Jarrod Burguan while he served as the Interim City Manager.
He is returning to his role as Police Chief and will remain a valuable member of our management team. 
We extend a warm welcome to Mr. Scott, and look forward to benefiting from his wealth of knowledge and experience from managing cities. 
Mr. Scott has served in the city management profession for more than 35 years.   He describes himself as an accessible manager who enjoys participating in the craft of community-building and the role of facilitating partnerships. He will move to SB to immerse himself in our community.

Long Range Property Management Plan
I am happy to report that the Long Range Property Management Plan has been filed, and was approved by the California Department of Finance in December 2015.
I commend City Management, as well as Urban Futures, the Successor Agency Team and the Oversight Board for their work and commitment toward fulfilling this goal.  
Evening With the Mayor!
Evening with the Mayor is a casual event at a local business where I get to meet with San Bernardino residents and have a discussion about their concerns and the recovery plan.

The next event is taking place on
February 25th. 
Location: The Mexico Cafe| 5:00-6:00 P.M. 

  Farewell to Council Member Johnson
Council Member Rikke Van Johnson will conclude his three term tenure this month of February. I appreciate and applaud his 12 years of service to our community and wish him the best of luck in his retirement.
  I look forward to working with the incoming Council Member Elect Bessine Littlefield-Richard
 Council Member Rikke Van Johnson
Upcoming Events
February 2016

Calendar of Events
2012-2013 Single Audit
2013-2014 Single Audit
I am happy to report that the single audit reports for the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 fiscal years have been completed.  2012-13 was completed by the independent Auditor  Macias Gini & O'Connell. 2013-14 was completed by The Pun Group.

This marks a step in a positive direction as we work to improve our City Government.

 In October 5, 2015, I brought an item to the council to direct the City Manager to implement the OpenGov platform within 30 days. This platform promotes transparency by allowing the public to view San Bernardino's revenues and expenditures. The council formally directed the City Manager to implement the platform, and it is now fully operational. Residents can access the following: 
  • Approved Budgets
  • Audited  Expenditures and Revenues
  • Payments Issued to Vendors 
  • Unaudited Expenditures and Revenues 

Visit the link below to learn more!

December 2nd Victim Fund
The support on the GoFundMe campaign has been incredible. We have raised over $125,000. Thank you for all the support and the donations that continue to pour in.  Please continue to keep those impacted in prayer. 

Go fund me

Volunteer for a Commission Today!
The Mayor's Office is currently accepting applications for volunteer commission positions.
Please use the link below for a complete list of vacancies.

El Niño Preparedness
San Bernardino provides free sand for residents who are preparing for the rain.
For Full Details and More Information, Visit:

Free Residential Clean Up Days
The City of San Bernardino provides free dump days for residents.  Please feel free to utilize these days to dispose of large and bulky items.                                                  
For More Information Visit:


Chief of Staff: Christopher Lopez
Executive Assistant: Evelyn Estrada
Assistant: Ericka Murphy
Legislative Aide: Richard Tejada
Mayor R. Carey Davis| City of San Bernardino| 909.384.5133 | 909.384.5067 | |