Precision Agronomy Customers:
Probe installations should basically be completed by the end of next week. All your probes that we had locations for should be installed, unless there were special circumstances requiring us to wait.
A couple of notes from our installation teams.
We have installed probes from Stapleton to Bradshaw, McCook to Geneva. As we inspected fields and drilled holes for the probes, we never found any fields that were dry. Most of those installations went into fields that literally had “muck” below 6”. With that in mind, and after looking at some initial data from the sensors, we do not think there are many, if any, fields that would need irrigation soon. Yes, it has been hot and windy, but that weather pattern is just pushing the roots down to go after that deep moisture. If we irrigate and wet up that top foot, those deep roots will not develop. Which means we will be irrigating and managing a shallow rooted crop all season. That situation creates all kinds of challenges. On top of that every time the pivot goes around money leaves your pocket. With commodity prices where they are, you cannot afford to spend money when you do not need to. So, please, hold off irrigating. If you have questions about a specific field give us a call and we will look at it.