Thursday, November 10, 2022

The "WHY" Behind Our Worship

I joke about being a “professional Christian,” but I did in fact take an entire class about worship in seminary. Did you know there are very specific rules about how to properly structure a service? Did you know that certain elements in an order or worship are always supposed to be capitalized while other elements are supposed to be aligned to a certain margin? I can confirm this for you because in my worship class we had to create several orders of worship and my professor would deduct points for every improperly alligned element, every uncapitalized word, every improperly spaced movement within the service. And Lord save you if you put things in the wrong order - pastoral prayers DO NOT come after the sermon!

But what you quickly discover when you get into actual church works is that most congregations are set in their ways when it comes to the order of their worship services and don’t give a hoot about the proper formatting of an order of worship. For example, my last congregation did not care that you’re supposed to list the hymn tune for every hymn you sing and those tunes are CAPATALIZED as they appear in the hymnal. My cries of technicalities and spending years learning these sorts of things were heard and then overruled. And while don’t mind admitting that upset me at first, it became one of those congregational details that wasn’t nearly as important as the content of our worship.

Then I came to Northminster and boy-howdy do y’all include every nuanced detail into your orders of worship! And given the nature of this church that makes sense as we’re full to the rafters with musicians, artists, and educators. And as we talked about this past Sunday at the New Members and Inquirers Class, part of Northminster’s founding was very specific choices about how worship will be done. I won’t dig into the history of different worship styles now, but I’m sure we’re all aware that our approach is not the norm for Baptist churches (or even churches that are just technically Baptist). This means there are certain worship elements you’re not likely to find here (think a praise band, screens, applause, or musically played softly while I’m talking.)

Let me be clear, there’s nothing inherently wrong with any of those things, but Northminster has chosen to follow a different path. Can it come across as snobby and cold? Yes, if we aren’t thoughtful that’s exactly what could happen. But as a staff Debi, D.H. and I work hard to make sure our worship is vibrant, thematically engaging, and timely within the parameters of our liturgical style. My running moto has become “liturgical with warmth,” meaning I want us to engage in centuries-old practice that out date this church while also finding the space and humor to be our authentic selves before God.

What questions do you have about worship? Are there parts of our service you don’t understand or wonder why they’re included? Are there parts of our service you particularly like or really don’t? Please let me or another member of staff know. We want to keep this conversation about worship going. 

Join Us for Worship

Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 10:45amSun

Rev. Jillian Hankamer preaches:

Isaiah's Vineyard Song

Click the logo below to view our Sunday Service:

Click here to view last Sunday's service

Our Worship in Songun

Opening Hymn: Sing Praise to God, Who Has Shaped

Joachim Neander was a dedicated, caring pastor of the Reformed Church in Dusseldorf, Germany. This was the most familiar of his fifty-six hymn text, which were published along with many of his original tunes in 1680, the year of his death. Set to the tune, LOBE DEN HERREN, found in The Erneuerten Gesangbuch, 1663.

The Gospel Acclamation: Taken from Isaiah 40:8 and Matthew 24: 35, D. H. helps us announce the Gospel reading from Mark 12. We respond to the gospel with the words “God speaks these words which shall not pass away.”

The Middle Hymn: In Solitude

Ruth Duck has commented that “these words were inspired by a pentatonic melody which came to me as I taught myself to play the mandolin.” They are an expression of her deep-rooted southern spirituality.” Set to the tune, LAND OF REST, a traditional US melody.

Anthem: If You Will Only Let God Guide You

This anthem was arranged by David Schwoebel in 1995. It is set to the hymn tune, NEUMARK, by Georg Neumark in 1657. The anthem was arranged for choir to honor June Gallaher to honor her 25th anniversary as pianist of First Baptist Church, Norman, Oklahoma.

Communion Anthem: I Place My Trust in You

Antonio Vivaldi (1675-1741) was one of the great Italian composers of the Baroque Era, and one of the greatest of the Venetian composers. This anthem is based on his piece “Adagio molto" from Sinfonia in B minor. The text is based on Psalm 31 and arranged for choir by Allen R. Petker in 1992.


Closing Hymn: Com to Tend God's Garden

John Dales is the author of more than 200 hymn texts. This one was written for the 275th anniversary of the Synod of the Trinity (Pennsylvania), where Dalles has served as a pastor at Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh. Set to the tune, KING WESTON, written by English composer, Ralph Vaughan Williams in 1925.

I so look forward to sharing worship with you this Sunday,


Click to view Order of Worship

Our Concerns and Celebrations

We pray for...

Darrell Cluck

Frances Thrasher

Duane Crews, nephew of Hannah Clark Jay Aro

Miranda Seal

Judy Eddington

Frances Thrasher

Kay Southern

Tracy and Mary Sandow

Our friends and sister church,

Iglesia Bautista Enmanuel,

in Ciego de Avila, Cuba

We celebrate with...

Tim Eich (13th)

Mel Mobley(14th)

Carol Ann Tubbs (17th)

Ken McKenzie (17th)

Charli Archer (17th)

Scout Archer (17th) 

as we observe their birthdays.

Happenings in the Church

Business Meeting This Sunday

Our Bi-Monthly Business Meeting will be held one week earlier than usual. It will held at 6pm with NO potluck. New Coordinating Council members are to be elected.

Northminster Columbarium

If you are interested in purchasing a niche in the Columbarium, there are packets located on the table off the narthex. Contact Renee with the paperwork.

Agape Meal Nov. 20

Our Agape Meal will be held on Sunday, November 20th at 6pm. The cost is $7 per person with a cost max of $25 per family The deadline to reserve a seat is noon on Thursday November 17th. Payment is due at signup. If a check is written, please memo it "Agape Meal". There is also a sign-up sheet for helpers to set up and take down tables, etc...

Northminster Book Club

Our next book is "Demon Copperhead" by Barbara Kingsolver. Discussion and potluck will be held Tuesday, December 6 in the home of Marilyn Decker, 711 Oakhurst, Bastrop. A group will carpool from the church.

Piatigorsky Concert Dec. 8

We are so excited that Evan Drachman, Cellist, and Richard Dowling, Pianist, will be performing at Northminster on Thursday evening, December 8 at 7 PM.

Evan is the founder and president of Piatigorsky Foundation, AKA PFClassical. You may click this link: He is the grandson of Igor Piatigorsky, internationally famed cellist. He plays one of his grandfather’s Stradivarius cellos.

Richard is a gifted pianist. Both have performed several times here.

Mission Opportunities

November Mission Emphasis:

The Christmas Project


Once again Northminster will devote the November mission trunk emphasis to The Center for Children & Families "The Christmas Project". Please remember the following:

  • Provide at least one clothing outfit, and at least one age appropriate toy off the child's wish list. NO gift cards, please!
  • Pleased do not wrap your gifts.
  • Have the gifts in a bag (trash bag is fine) that can easily be opened and place the wish list in the bag so that we can identify who the gifts are for.
  • The gifts must be brought to the Monroe office at 622 Riverside Dr. no later than Monday, November 28th.  The church will not deliver these items for you and they should NOT be placed in the mission trunk.

Over the Coming Weeks

This Sunday

 9:00 am - Choir Practice

10:00 am - Sunday School for Children (K-5), Youth, and Adults

10:45 am - Preludes

11:00 am - Worship Service

5:00 pm - Youth (Keep up with us on Instagram for any upcoming events or schedule changes!)

6PM - Business Meeting, no potluck. New Coordinating Council members to be elected.


6:30 pm - Choir practice.

Upcoming Events

Nov. 20: Agape Meal ($7 per person, $25 cap for family)

Nov. 27: Hanging of the Greens

Dec. 6: Northminster Book Club meats in the home of Marilyn Decker at 711 Oakhurst, Bastrop at 6pm.

Dec. 8: Piatigorsky Concert

The Floral Offering

Last Sunday's Floral Offering

Given to the Glory of God

Arrangement by

Ellen Prather and Laura Duke

PLEASE NOTE: When flowers are given in honor or in memory of someone, the flowers that day have been paid for by someone and not from the flower fund. 

Please allow the family to have first pick of an arrangement to take home before choosing some for yourself. Thank you!

Of Interest in the Community

Senior Recital

Northminster Choral Scholar, Naomi Kilpatrick will hold her Senior Vocal Recital on Wednesday, November 16 at 7:30pm in Emy-Lou Biedenharn Recital Hall on the campus of ULM.

Derle Long Remembered

A concert in loving memory of Derle R. Long will be held in Brown Auditorium on the campus of ULM at 6pm on Tuesday, November 22.

ULM Alums Exhibit Art

The ULM Art Program and Bry Gallery is currently hosting an exhibition of works titled "Reply All" by Memphis artists, Christen Parker and Lacy Mitcham. Both artists are alumni of the ULM Art Program. The show runs through Nov. 16 and an artist talk will be given on that date in Sandel Hall room 236 at 2pm with a reception following in Bry Gallery. Contact Joni Noble for more info at 342-1376.

Louisiana Tech University

School of Design: 

Et In Arcadia Ego by David Hamlow

The Louisiana Tech University School of Design invites you to the opening reception of Et In Arcadia Ego, an exhibition featuring works by David Hamlow. Hamlow is an installation artist working in repurposed packaging and post-consumer waste primarily harvested from his own daily consumption. These materials are transformed into modular units that come together as both two and three-dimensional elements of large-scale installations. Exhibition on display from November 1 to December 12, 2022. All exhibits are free and open to the public

Organ Encounter at Northminster

On Sunday, Pastor Jillian's children’s sermon centered around the organ in worship. Following the service, our youth were invited to come experience playing and learning about our Moeller Tracker Organ. They all displayed fascination and eagerness to play. It is hoped that one or some of them will one day occupy the bench.

ULM Choral “Home from Tour” Concert

On Tuesday Debi, Justin, Sarah, Naomi, Preston, and James played prominent roles in a beautiful and moving program of choral music that was part of their recent tour of Alexandria and Shreveport schools. They performed all works from memory. and tje result was stunning. Thank you for all your hard work and your amazing representation of all of us.

Choral Scholars in the Opera:

Sarah, Preston, and James were featured leads in the ULM Opera production of Street Scene, a very ambitious undertaking. Composed by Kurt Weill, the opera is very demanding and our choral scholars displayed incredible talent and commitment in a production that would rival professional opera companies.

Giving to Northminster

If you have found a space of community, or healing, or hope at Northminster and believe in the work we are doing, please consider supporting us financially so that we will be able to continue creating spaces like this in all the days to come.

To support Northminster financially, you can click here, or scan the QR code with the camera on your phone.

Find Us

Northminster Church is located at:

2701 Lamy Lane

Monroe, LA 71201


[email protected]

Church Office Hours:

Monday -Thursday 9am to 4 pm

Closed Friday

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State of Belief 

 by Dr. C. Welton Gaddy

Our Facebook Page

Vocal Vibes

by Dr. Deborah Chandler,

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