Thursday, July 18, 2024

On Sunday evening we’ll be showing Midwives of a Movement, a documentary produced by Baptist Women in Ministry. From BWIM’s description, this documentary “chronicles the stories of the women who boldly birthed a movement to seek greater visibility and opportunities for women in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in the 1970s and 1980s. Despite great opposition, their courage blazed pathways for advancing women in ministry and leadership among Baptists over the last 40+ years.”

Thanks be to God the call and leadership of women in ministry, particularly the pastorate, is a settled issue here at Northminster. I’ve never been your “female Pastor” for which I am grateful. As we’ve seen from the Southern Baptist Convention, however, the leadership of women is still being denied in far too many churches every single day. Not only does this handicap the Church and damage young women who’ve been called to ministry and are told they need to rethink their callings, denying the call of women limits God and the movement of the Holy Spirit. Scripture is clear that such action is folly. 

That’s why our continued advocacy for women in ministry is important. That’s why we must visibly and loudly say that God calls all people, regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation. The work isn’t done. 

I hope to see you Sunday evening. Jillian

Join Us for Worship

Sunday, July 21 at 10:45 am

Rev. Jillian Hankamer Preaching

Keeping the Main Thing, the Main Thing

Mark 7:1-23

Stream Sunday's Service

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Our Worship in Song

Opening Hymn: Blessed Are the Pure in Heart taken from Matthew 5:8 by John Kibble, 1819, alt. Set to FESTAL SONG.

The Anthem: Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God by Carl F. Mueller from Psalm 51:10-13.

The Communion Anthem: O Lamb of God by Sergei Rachmaninoff, Op 37, No. 6.

The Closing Hymn: Dear God Embracing Humankind, John Greenleaf Whittier, 1872, alt. Stanza 4 based on Psalm 51 by D.H Clark and set to REPTON.

Our Concerns and Celebrations

John Carr

Elvis Stelly

Mary Sandow

Iglesia Bautista Enmanuel, in Ciego de Avila, Cuba.

Martha Wainwright, aunt of Jeff Sebastian

David Bryan, friend of DH Clark

Marie Easterling, friend of Mara Loeb

Beau Burns, great-grandson of Peggy Burns

V. P. Dalrymple, friend of Anita Breen

Pattie Bewick, sister of Carol Ann Tubbs

Sarah Maloney, friend of Carol Ann Tubbs

Nora Kay Meredith great granddaughter of Kay Southern

Doug O'Neal brother of Debbie O'Neal

We Celebrate with...

Anita Breen (18th)

Craig Henry (20th)

Judy Halvorsen (20th)

Conn McCandlish (20th)

Camden King (23rd)

as they celebrates their birthdays


Join us on Saturday, July 27 at 2pm for a Wedding Shower honoring Angela Boateng and fiancé, Michael Boateng-Duah in the home of D.H. and Craig, 2401 Point Drive, Monroe. The couple is not registered and they would appreciate Amazon gift cards, other gift cards or monetary gifts. You may also leave a check for them in the offering plate, payable to Angela Boateng. Renee will distribute.

Children and Youth


From 5:30pm to 7:30pm on the evenings of August 4-8 Northminster will host Vacation Bible School for the children. If you are willing to help with actual VBS activities or would prefer to help with food or other needed items, but not during BVS hours, please see the sign-up sheet in the hall or speak with Beth Mayfield. Registration will be done online and a link will be provided in this space soon.

Church Life



The choir will be on rehearsal hiatus during the month of July. However 9am Sunday rehearsals will continue.


Business meeting, which is usually held on the 3rd Sunday will be moved to the last Sunday in July. We will gather for fellowship over potluck at 6pm and Business Meeting will begin at 7pm.


In order to continue our after church fellowship, we need folks to volunteer to provide drinks and snacks. Please see the sign-up sheet in the hall outside the pastor's office!

Please, NO items with icing or "gooey" stuff. This is getting into our rugs and embedded into the concrete floors.


Thursday, July 18 at 7pm at The Fat Pelican!


Our Next book is Lady Tan's Circle of Women by Lisa See. We will meet for potluck and discussion on Thursday, August 1 at 6pm in the home of Kyle Gregory.

Mission Opportunities



Many senior citizens are moving their thermostats high and not cooling their home due to being worried about the increased cost of Entergy and some are choosing to buy their medications rather than pay their increased electric bill. Some have no AC at all. A plea was put out for donations of fans of any kind. Northminster will be collecting fans (box, tower, oscillating, all kinds) all through the month of July and the fans will be taken to the COA as they are brought to the church since the need is so great. If you would prefer to drop the fan(s) off yourself you may do so at their location at 2407 Ferrand St., Monroe. Tell them you are dropping off from Northminster Church. Their phone is 387-0535. 

Ollie's is a great place to get fans of all kinds and their prices are great! They are located at 2279 Louisville Ave. in the old Twin City Mall parking lot across from Piccadilly.

Coming Up

This Sunday

9:00 am - Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am - Sunday School

10:45 am - Preludes

11:00 am - Worship Service

Noon: After Church Fellowship

Upcoming Events

Sunday, July 21 at 3pm: Ryan Kersh Benefit Concert

Sunday, July 21 at 6pm: Movie Night

Sunday, July 28: Potluck at 6pm followed by Business Meeting at 7pm

August 4-8 5:30 - 7:30pm: Vacation Bible School

The Floral Offering

The altar floral offering on Sunday, July 14 was given to the Glory of God and in honor of the birthday of Mary Sandow.

Arranged by Susan Curry

Of Interest in the Community

Giving to Northminster

If you have found a space of community, or healing, or hope at Northminster and believe in the work we are doing, please consider supporting us financially so that we will be able to continue creating spaces like this in all the days to come. Just click here, or scan the QR code with the camera on your phone.

Find Us

Northminster Church is located at:

2701 Lamy Lane

Monroe, LA 71201


Church Office Hours:

Monday -Thursday 9am to 4 pm

Closed Friday

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Vocal Vibes

by Dr. Deborah Chandler,

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