September-October, 2020 Issue 3
This newsletter is meant to provide updates on technologies, resources and strategies to support students with Visual Impairments.
“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision” 
Helen Keller
Superintendent Ernest E. Garrett III
Upcoming Events
Director's Message
The beginning of this school year has presented us with an opportunity to grow professionally in our careers. Teachers are learning how to deliver quality instruction in virtual, traditional and combination classroom settings. Teachers of the Blind and Visually Impaired are working to ensure that instruction continues and that students have accessible materials. I know this has added extra burdens on your already large caseloads.
LA-AEM wants you to know that we are here to support you and your students. Click or Treat 2 will be offering a Visional Impairment strand that includes CVI training. Webinars are being planned to support BrailleBlaster and Tactile Graphics over the next quarter. Our website is available with links to ELA Guidebooks and materials.
We are updating our website with additional materials to support ELA Guidebooks.
If you would like individual support for your staff or students, please make a request. We can provide support at your school or virtually.
Contact Information: (225)757-3477 |
Book Orders
Donavan Chasson
Briauna Frickey
 Congratulation Briauna and Donavan for competing at the National Braille Challenge 2020.
Briauna is currently enrolled at Louisiana School for the Visually Impaired in 7th grade. She clinched the title of "Overall Winner" for the second consecutive year to represent LSVI at the National Braille Challenge competition this summer. Briauna is an avid reader and enjoys attending school at LSVI. Briauna's family is very proud of her accomplishments.
Donavan, a Junior at Grand Lake High School in Cameron Parish, has been competing in the Louisiana Regional Braille Challenge since 1st grade. He has been the "Overall Winner" twice. This was Donavan's fourth time competing in the National Braille Challenge. Donavan's family is very proud of his accomplishments.
Exciting Opportunties from LA-AEM
Touch The World
Free Tactile & Braille Books
Touch the World is a new program created to impact early literacy for our students in Louisiana. Our mission is to support the development of concepts through early literacy for students ages birth to 5 that are blind/visually impaired. We will be creating free resources from early literacy books. These books have been transcribed into braille with large print to encourage family/educator engagement with their child. The book picked for this month is Goodnight Moon by Margaret Brown. To sign up to receive a book, please email Nabiha. This is a limited version as each book is hand created by Robin and Nabiha.
It’s here! A new virtual platform bringing free eLearning opportunities right into the comfort of your home or office, perfect for busy educators and families! “Bee” sure to buzz over to the APH Hive and browse through a variety of bite-size courses related to visual impairment, relevant to serving students from birth through graduation.
LEGO Braille Bricks
LEGO Braille Bricks are HERE!
The LEGO Braille Bricks toolkit contains:
  • Braille Bricks-minimum of 300 bricks in five LEGO colors
  • Three Basic Plates on which to work
  • A Brick Separator
LEGO Braille Bricks is a fun and playful way to learn braille. Go to to discover activities to support learning through play.
How can LA-AEM support you?
Our experienced staff would like to support your VI needs. Please let us know if there is any training or webinars that you are interested in learning.
Please take this survey as you plan for this year. Our goal is to offer one session a month, highlighting blindness and visually impairment.
National Federation for the Blind
In the Winter quarter, LA-Tech is offering an online TBS graduate course, Braille 2 (UEB). Through this course, students will develop proficiency in reading and writing the Unified English Braille code using the slate & stylus and the Perkins braillewriter.
For more information about the TBS programs, contact Dr. Edward Bell,
    Association for Education & Rehabilitation for the Blind & Visually Impaired
AER is having Dining in the Dark event at Baton Rouge Marriott, March 27, 2021, 5:00 - 10:00 p.m for $60. AER aims to support professionals in the vision field by providing face-to-face conferences, publications, and professional development opportunities. 
    Technology Spotlight
Mantis Q40
With the Mantis Q40, users no longer need to choose between a keyboard or a braille device – at the same time a student or professional is typing on the Mantis, the refreshable braille below the keyboard is providing a multimodal braille complement to the screen reader, making it easier to participate in, and succeed at, school or work.
Louisiana Resources
LA-Accessible Educational Materials