Please join us for our April Zoom Mixer!
How to Join the April Zoom Mixer!
April 6, 2021, 6-7PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 4599 3400
Passcode: 900476
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Meeting ID: 849 4599 3400
Passcode: 900476
Message From the Divide
Chamber President!
Hello Divide Community,
Spring is in the air! Can you feel it? I know I can! The Divide Chamber of Commerce is thrilled about this year’s activities. Please read through the below. Lots of exciting new programs and events. Also, please take a minute to share your thoughts, tell us how you are doing and what issues and challenges you are facing. We would love to hear if there is a topic of interest or other idea for an upcoming mixer that you would like us to focus on.
News and Events:
- The next Business Spotlight will feature Scott Ziegler, owner of Ironworks Fitness with locations in Lotus, Cool and Georgetown.
- The Divide Chamber is doing Business Spotlights in 2021 focusing each month on one of the Divide Chamber business owners here on the Divide. We are doing interviews and videos and want to learn more about you and your business. Our first business highlight video was Thomas McGrady, owner of California Expeditions. Check out his video on the Chamber website.
New Referral Rewards Program: It’s simple. For every new Chamber member that an existing member refers, you will receive $25 toward the next renewal of your membership dues. Referral rewards are always applied to future dues. The Referral Rewards Program aims to reward members who play an active role in helping the Chamber grow its membership, understanding the importance of contributing to the Divide community, and enhancing member businesses. For every new Chamber member that an existing member organization refers, they will receive $25 credit toward the next renewal of their membership dues. Referral rewards will always be applied to future dues. The new member must put the referring organization’s name as their sponsor on their application. The new member must pay their membership dues in full before credit is applied. New Members can join by going to the Chamber website and clicking on “Membership Information” where they can download an application and pay online. Remember to remind the new member to add your name as the sponsor. Simple and easy!
Ribbon Cuttings: Are you getting ready to start a new business on the Divide or re-launch an existing one? The Divide Chamber of Commerce will schedule a Ribbon Cutting date for any of it’s members. We will send out an E-Blast inviting the local community to participate. Please reach out to us if you are interested.
Are YOU a Local Champion? The Divide Chamber of Commerce is launching a community-wide marketing program. Local Connections™ helps local businesses and nonprofits cross-promote each other and represent their authentic local relationships and community involvement automatically online. This drives exposure, reach & referrals. Plus it’s entirely free to use. Once you sign up, the Chamber can then include your business/ organization in Campaigns such as a Community Calendar, a Support Local Directory, and more. Participate by using Locable’s Local Connections tools for cross-promotion - support your community and get more out of your own marketing efforts. It’s free for everyone in the community to participate. Will You Join Us? Just click on this link to sign up and join for free:
- 1st: Claim your business and set up your Locable account
2nd: Add your logo and make sure your info is up-to-date for your listing on the Chamber’s site
3rd: Add your events so that they automatically appear on the Chamber’s calendar
Upcoming Mixers
- Our next 2021 Mixer will be held on April 6 from 6 pm – 7 pm via Zoom with a presentation by Georgetown Divide Fire Safe Council - Tamara Johnston, Chair GDFSC and Cool-Pilot Hill Fire Safe Council - Deb Manley, Chair CPHFSC.
Learn about your local Fire Safe Councils and how you can prepare your business for the upcoming Fire Season. This is a must attend!
There will be a raffle for those who attend! Great prizes!
May : Be looking for an announcement on who our next presenter will be and the date and time!
June 23: The Divide Chamber of Commerce will co-host a mixer with the Georgetown Divide Rotary Club. The mixer will be held outdoors at BarmHaus Brewery in Garden Valley. Please be looking for details on the event.
Thank you for staying connected!
Kathy Fargo
Your Divide Chamber of Commerce President
A huge thank you to SBDC for being our guest Presenter at our March Zoom Mixer!
When you can get vaccinated.
Every Californian 16 and up will be eligible for
vaccination on April 15, 2021.
Tracking Covid-19 in California
Monthly Business Spotlight!
California Expeditions
of Georgetown California.
Watch the Video
Please Welcome Our Newest Member!
How to pay your 2021 Chamber dues!
If you would like to pay your Chamber dues by credit card click on the button.
April 10th – 11:30-5:30 – Delish Bish Food Truck, with entertainment by Dave & Violet Music.
“Delish Bish” will be at the winery with their delicious Gourmet Flatbreads, paired perfectly with our wines. Also enjoy the music of Dave & Violet from 12:30-3:30
April 18th – 11:30-5:30 – Cousins Lobster Truck, and Music by “B-Side Duo”
Make your reservations now! Call 530-885-9463, or email us.
May 8-9th – Save-the-date Mother’s Day Weekend
“Delish Bish” food truck with Gourmet Flatbreads. Also enjoy the music of Matt Rainey on May 8th, and on May 9th The B-Side Duo.
Friday Nights in the Vineyards – 5:00-9:00pm – Live Music and Food Trucks
We will have a Food Truck each month! $10/person, $5 Wine Club Members. Food trucks will be available from 5-8pm, live music from 6-9pm. No outside food or alcohol.
Tickets Required… Coming Online Soon.
Painting in the Great Outdoors
In April, the members of Art On the Divide Cooperative Gallery invite all interested Divide residents and visitors to our community to explore painting “en plein air” at the gallery garden and around the
nearby Georgetown neighborhood. En Plein Air is from the French language, culture and history and is defined as “...the act of painting outdoors.” In recent times and now all over the world, we see it re-
imagined as the ‘sketch crawl’ or ‘urban sketching’ or even ‘nature journaling’. Participants and viewers for this new, local event will meet on Sunday, April 25th at 11 a.m. in the garden in back of AODC with their portable sketching or painting tools and materials and either set up
there or meander through the local streets and alleyways to find other locales with one or more subjects of interest.
All are invited to re-assemble several hours later back in the garden to view and share the art that has been created during the day.
Art On the Divide Cooperative Gallery is located at 6295 Main Street, in one of Georgetown’s historic buildings and the phone number is 530 333-2787.
Divide Chamber Board for 2021!