Next Breath & WFF 2021
From Water to Air; Scientific Pathways towards a Clearer, Cleaner Future.
Robert Langer is an American chemical engineer, scientist, entrepreneur, inventor and one of the twelve Institute Professors at MIT.

Talk Title: When Particles Make Drugs & Vaccines Work — From Treating Tumors to a COVID-19 Vaccine
"I’ve really enjoyed doing basic research on micro and nano particles and it’s been remarkable for me to see the impact these particles have had on the world.”
Bob Langer
Robert Langer is an American chemical engineer, scientist, entrepreneur, inventor and one of the twelve Institute Professors at MIT. He was formerly the Germeshausen Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering and maintains activity in the Department of Chemical Engineering and the Department of Biological Engineering at MIT. He is also a faculty member of the Harvard–MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology and the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. His publications have been cited over 315,000 times and his h-index is 276. According to Google Scholar, Langer is one of the 10 most cited individuals in history. He is the most cited engineer in history. Langer's research laboratory at MIT is the largest biomedical engineering lab in the world; maintaining over $10 million in annual grants and over 100 researchers. In 2015, Langer was awarded the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering
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