Illustration of various housing types

Proposal Moves Out of Denver City Council’s Land Use, Transportation & Infrastructure Committee

The Expanding Housing Affordability proposal continues to move through the legislative review process and today was approved by Denver City Council’s Land Use, Transportation & Infrastructure (LUTI) Committee, a big milestone.

Previously, on April 6, a public hearing was held before the Denver Planning Board. The Board reviewed the changes in the proposal that would impact the Denver Zoning Code (DZC). These changes include the proposal's zoning incentives as well as the 38th and Blake rezoning, which is necessary to bring the pilot approach used in this area into the proposed new citywide policy. The Board unanimously voted in favor of these changes.  

The next and final step for the proposal will be a public hearing and vote before the full City Council on June 6. This proposal must be adopted by Denver City Council before it will become effective. 

Proposal materials:

Three people sharing their thoughts

Can I still provide feedback on the proposal? 

Yes! You can always submit a question or comment for the project team. There will also be an opportunity to provide public comment at the hearing before the Denver City Council on June 6. As the date gets closer, you will be able to sign up to speak.

Further resources

Proposed effective dates of the proposal
Information on the 38th & Blake rezoning
Learn how the proposal responded to public feedback in the Project Archive

Why are we doing this work?

Denver needs more affordable housing across the income spectrum. In addition to existing affordable housing programs, the City and County of Denver is developing a policy to ensure that as new homes are built in Denver, more affordable homes are built too – both to rent and to buy. As the cost of living in Denver has gone up, one in three households in our city struggles to afford housing costs today. These are our neighbors who are daycare providers and teachers, social workers, restaurant workers, and many other people who make our city the great place we all love. That’s where the Expanding Housing Affordability project comes in.

To learn about other housing initiatives underway, please visit
Visit the project webpage for the latest updates
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