June 14, 2019
Dear Trinity Friends:

As you know from Pam’s letter dated June 13, after much prayerful consideration, Pam has reached a decision to resign from her position as our Senior Pastor effective August 10, 2019. 

During her tenure here at Trinity, Pam has led the members of this community through happy times and difficult moments, both corporately and individually. Through it all, she has done so in a loving and caring way, comforting us and guiding us forward as our preacher, pastor, teacher, mentor, and friend. Pam and Joe are part of our Trinity family, and we will miss them.

Trinity is well-prepared to navigate the road ahead. As an immediate first step, the session voted yesterday to name Richard Floyd as Trinity’s Acting Senior Pastor effective upon Pam’s departure, August 10. Following Presbytery polity, Richard will serve in this role until Trinity selects an Interim Pastor. 

The Personnel Committee is already at work on a transition plan that conforms to the guidelines of our PCUSA Book of Order and that accounts for the unique needs and resources at Trinity. In the coming days and weeks, the Personnel Committee will be presenting its recommendations to the session for approval. The centerpiece of those recommendations will include the selection of appropriate nominating committees, each tasked at the proper time with searching for interim and permanent replacements for our Senior Pastor. Throughout all of this work, we plan to move with care and deliberation as we search for the person God is calling to lead Trinity next — all the while communicating process and progress to the congregation.

We are blessed with a beloved, talented and cohesive group of clergy in Richard, Andrew, Tom, Betsy and George, who will work with Norman, Molly, and the rest of our wonderful staff to ensure that Trinity continues to meet its mission to Make God’s Love Visible during this transition. (see the Trinity website for bios and contact information) Our programs will continue as planned, with ministry and committee chairs in place for the coming year.  

We are saddened by Pam’s decision, but we also know that transitions occur in the life of every church. As we all are aware, Trinity is a deep and abiding faith community committed to doing God’s work and serving God’s people. As Pam’s tenure comes to a close in August, we will celebrate her ministry with us. This will be a time not only to look back on the last nine years, but also one in which we begin to discern together carefully, and with God’s help, what the next chapter in the life of Trinity Presbyterian Church will bring.

As a reminder, Pam will be on study leave and vacation from June 23 to July 25. She will return to Trinity on July 28, with her last day in the pulpit on August 4, followed by a celebration yet to be planned. She will be available through August 10 to say her goodbyes. 

We are available to help you process this news and discuss the next steps as they are determined. Please feel free to contact us if you have any thoughts or concerns you’d like to share — we welcome your input. 

With faith, 
Alex Erwin                               
Clerk of Session
(404) 694-1542
Frank Fuerst
Chair, Personnel Committee
(404) 271-4791