Our Gathering will feature a Conversation on Healing Relationships within Our Sacred World
Moderated by Laura Paskus. Laura is an environmental journalist and senior producer of “Our Land: NM’s Environmental Past, Present and Future” on NMPBS. Her 2020 book, "At the Precipice: New Mexico's Changing Climate" was published by the University of New Mexico Press.
Featuring: Bishop Michael Hunn, Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of the Rio Grande. Bishop Hunn grew up in New Mexico and Texas. In over twenty years of ordained ministry, he has served as a parish priest, a school chaplain, college chaplain, and Canon to Bishop Michael Curry. Prior to being consecrated as Bishop of the Diocese of the Rio Grande, he has spoken on subjects such as non-violent communication, stewardship, and non-violent approaches to conversations about race.
Eileen O'Shaughnessy, a professor of gender studies, American studies and nuclear issues at UNM and CNM who is completing a PhD in Educational Thought & Sociocultural Studies. Eileen co-founded the grassroots organization Demand Nuclear Abolition and performs original social justice folk music with her band "Eileen & the In-Betweens," which has toured the US, Canada, and Europe.
Ryan Tate, Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries at First Congregational UCC in Albuquerque. Ryan is the founder of the African American Spiritualist Association, a soon-to-be-graduating divinity student, a musician, an avid forager and a lover of Mother Earth.
For a number of years NM & El Paso Interfaith Power and Light has given awards related to care of creation and justice to congregations or faith groups who have done good work over the year (SEED Award) and we have given awards to individuals who have done good works (SPROUT Awards). Please join us to honor the beauty and goodness in our communities this year:
Sprout Recipients:
Norm Gaume, Middle Rio Grande Water Advocates; Judy Smith and Sr. Odile Coirier, IPL board members; and Caryl McHarney, eco-artist.
Seed Recipients:
Little Sisters of the Poor with Villa Guadalupe Care Facility for elders in Gallup are awarded for their work on composting, gardening with elders, care of their land, and working to grow community connections with Spirit Farm for care of earth, water and community in creative and forward thinking ways.
Join us to celebrate!