Please join us in the Sacred Circle of Sharing with Carrie Woodburn and Cindy Starry

Co-Creating your own Foundation through the activation by the elementals of  

Earth = Stability
Fire = Desire
Air = Thoughts
Water = Emotions

Goddess Circles for Women   


Next Veil in the Series March 10th 

(followed by sweat lodge ceremony) 


In Orange County

(appropriate for women new to the circle and those who have  

already been studying in Sacred Circle with Carrie & Cindy)      




woman spirit    

Gathering of co-creating with foundations of 
Air and Water
Saturday, March 10th from 10am-2pm

Buy Now 
 Click above to register for March Foundation Goddess Circle

Exchange $95 per gathering  

(space limited - pre-registration only)  


** We will have the opportunity to participate in a traditional Lakota Sweat Lodge Ceremony directly following our Goddess Circle.  If you plan to attend the Lodge, please let us know when registering for class **



woman spirit face   


About Carrie Woodburn
carrie dance

Carrie is a Certified Energy Health Practitioner, Alchemist and Founder of Alchemy of the Heart which evolved out of Carrie's experience of the power of the human heart to heal and awaken consciousness. She is deeply committed as a catalyst for positive change in community and in the world.  


Interested in bridging the gap between complimentary and conventional beliefs, she believes we are on the brink of a significant evolution in human consciousness, one which will have a momentous impact to our future.  


Pranic Breathwork Practitioner, Artist, and Teacher of Feminine Mystery, she helps people connect with their heart which creates an opening for healing and a rich experience of truth.

Carrie facilitates group programs that awaken, inspire and empower others to make effective, lasting change, opening a new context and orientation for "well"-"being" as a place to begin from vs arrive to.


For More on Carrie visit: 

About Cindy Starry
cindy starry


Cindy Starry is a teacher, healer, and artist. She is dedicated to promoting and celebrating our connectedness with Mother Earth and our Global community through education and enlightenment. She combines her passions for energy work, and spiritual traditions into opportunities for helping individuals as well as groups.


A gifted intuitive and teacher of the Ancient Ways of Women. Cindy is certified in the practices of Reiki, Pilates and Pranic Healing/Breathwork. By combining both physical and energetic healing modalities, she facilitates her clients to support them in experiencing deep inner peace and physical relaxation, which becomes self-generating in the journey of wellness.


Cindy is also the founder of Aware Toys, Inc. and creator of the "Ki" Earth Toy in teaching children connections to our home the Earth.


For More on Cindy visit:



Private Sessions 
Both Cindy and Carrie offers Private sessions in person or via telephone. To inquire or schedule contact us at Carrie: 