People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHIVA) are disproportionately affected by socioeconomic factors and trauma.
Despite a dedicated network of services, PLWHIVA, like others with chronic illnesses, face extreme barriers to care which affect their ability to achieve positive health outcomes in situations where the services they are seeking are of critical import for daily survival.
PLWHIVA and other chronic illnesses are unable to show up with equal bargaining power in many instances. Alternative forms of dispute resolution, like mediation, can help to remove access barriers and resolve disputes with the goal of keeping them connected to our public system of care.
We will explore the practical aspects of showing up to support dispute resolution in the face of this power dynamic and discuss various issues of intersectionality and resources in the community.
From Stephen's clinic participants will:
- Attend HIV 101: Understanding the illness, treatment, trauma, and stigma.
- Gain an understanding of the theoretical vs. practical aspects of mediating disputes in this community.
- Learn about various services the community has available to them.
- Learn more about the AIDS Legal Referral Panel and its services.