Sunday Worship Service 9/22 at 10am
This Sunday we encourage you to invite a friend to church to share our lovely congregation and hear a sermon on “Balance in Doing and Being”. As always all are welcome and we hope to see you there!
We'll meet Charlene Mello from the Southeastern MA Foster Closet, and everyone is invited to bring a package of new socks or underwear to donate for our service project.
Following Coffee Hour, there will be a Parish Committee meeting in the Fogg Parlor.
Please send your joys and concerns to Rev. Susan by 8 am on Sunday. Be sure to tell her if your news can be shared with the congregation, or if you would prefer she keep it private. As always, you may also write your joy or concern on a card that the usher will collect during the offering.
Our Worship Services can be found at this zoom link:
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