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January 10, 2023
Webinar: Developing Educator Expertise to Work with English Learners
OELA, in collaboration with the National Research and Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners, is hosting a webinar on February 14, 2023, from 3:00–4:30 p.m. ET on the development of teacher expertise to serve students classified as ELs. Professional learning that results in enhanced professional expertise should be aligned to strategic goals, ongoing, and address outcomes for knowledge, attitudes, skills, aspirations, and practices. When teachers apply standards and research to their work, develop the expertise essential to their roles, and prioritize coherence and alignment in instruction, the results are equitable and positive for all students.
Panelists will present a model for the development of teacher expertise to serve ELs and share multimodal resources to plan and implement high-quality professional learning in pre-service and in-service programs. Speakers include:

  • Dr. Aída Walqui, Senior Research Scientist, WestEd
  • Dr. George C. Bunch, Professor of Education and Department Chair, University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Dr. Alexandra Estrella, Superintendent, Norwalk Public Schools
Upcoming Events
Join SupportEd Founder and President Diane Staehr Fenner, PhD, and Principal Associate Sydney Snyder, PhD, as they host an interactive webinar on fostering MLs’ oral language development and content understanding. Participants will also gain access to a Padlet of free tools and resources, and one participant will win a best-selling SupportEd book.
Join the National Association of English Learner Program Administrators (NAELPA), in partnership with TransACT, for a webinar where Dr. Debbie Zacarian will look closely at changing trends in leadership and student empowerment, federal and state policies and their impact on MLs and their families, and strategies for moving from a deficit- to an asset-based approach with students and families. The webinar will cover the 2nd Edition of Transforming Schools for Multilingual Learners: A Comprehensive Guide for Educators due out in January.
January 19, 2023
Join the National Center for Families Learning for this 90-minute training that includes:
  • a data overview of heritage language retention among immigrant and refugee families,
  • challenges immigrant and refugee families face in preserving heart and heritage languages in the home and the benefits of raising bilingual children, and
  • tools and practices to support parents and caretakers in fostering heart and heritage languages in the home.
January 26, 2023
Join Seidlitz Education in Houston, TX, to learn from K–12 teachers, English as a second language (ESL) specialists and instructional coaches, and district administrators and coordinators as they share what they are doing to successfully meet the current needs of ELs! The conference schedule includes a keynote by Emily Francis, author of If You Only Knew, breakout sessions by current educators, informal discussion opportunities with the presenters, and a complimentary lunch.
February 21–22, 2023
Hybrid Conference
Join NAELPA in Portland, OR, for their 2023 Hybrid Conference. The theme of this year’s conference is Assume Greatness: Diversity IS our Strength, featuring author and journalist Jo Napolitano as keynote speaker. The conference includes virtual pre-conferences in early February (exact dates to be announced soon), in-person and virtual presentations on February 22, and new this year—an exclusive in-person workshop with Dr. Michelle Yzquierdo on February 21.
Join Early Childhood Professional Learning as they explore and bring together two frameworks: the Pyramid Model for social-emotional competence and WestEd’s Bridging Cultures framework. After looking at each framework separately, they will use them to guide an analysis of free online social and emotional learning resources. Participants will brainstorm practical steps and ideas for implementing culturally appropriate practices that also enhance children’s social-emotional development. 
February 22–25, 2023
The National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) Conference will take place in Portland, OR. The conference includes sessions for teachers in the field of dual language, English as a second language, administrators, paraprofessionals, university professors, students, researchers, advocates, policymakers, and parents.
Join the global community of English language professionals for TESOL 2023 in Portland, OR. Through an engaging in-person event, you will be able to choose from 900 in-person sessions, access 200 virtual sessions, and interact with exhibitors.
In the News
The Washington Post
Educators and a student recall their own professional and personal experiences and reflections on how being bilingual and multilingual enriches their lives and the lives of others around them.
Delaware Public Media
MLs are Delaware’s fastest-growing demographic of students. Since 2016, the percentage of MLs enrolled in Delaware schools increased by 42%, now topping 14,500 students, but they aren’t getting the necessary support to succeed. MLs face a variety of learning disparities, including lack of access to educators certified in multilingual and ESL teaching. Several organizations in the state are working to improve the situation by trying to close the barriers that are preventing teachers from receiving their ESL certifications and by providing accessible English language instructions to EL families.
Cervantes Institute
According to the newly released Cervantes Institute’s 2022 yearbook Spanish in the World, the number of native Spanish speakers has risen to nearly 500 million (496.5 million—up about three million from last year). If non-native speakers are included, the figure is 595 million—up by four million from 2021. The report provides numerous graphs outlining the demographics of Spanish in the world as well as in-depth reports on the state of Spanish in a selection of global areas and an analysis of the relationship between language and artificial intelligence.
Rice University: Kinder Institute for Urban Research
This brief examines middle and high school outcomes of long-term English learners (LTELs) in the Houston region, with a specific focus on how the timing of reclassification—when an EL student is reclassified as English proficient—is associated with academic achievement and school engagement. The results of this study support previous research showing that EL students who become LTELs are at risk for negative educational outcomes. However, these outcomes can vary based on the number of years a student remains in LTEL status.
Institute of Education Sciences
The WWC recently reviewed the research on dual language programs, in which classroom teachers instruct students from an early age and over multiple years in both English and a second, partner language, and the results are summarized in an intervention report. These programs vary widely by partner language, primary language of the student population, and duration. Because reaching proficiency in a second language may require substantial exposure over an extended period of time, the report examines dual language programs that (a) span at least the elementary grades and (b) provide at least 50% of instruction in the partner language. The WWC found moderate evidence that dual language programs positively impacted student literacy achievement in English compared with instructional programs in English only.
Colorín Colorado
This article presents specific and measurable actions that educators can implement in the new year to support ELs. Many of the strategies can be used in any learning setting—in-person, hybrid, or remote. The strategies are divided into Strategies for Instruction; Strategies for Family Engagement; and Strategies for Collaboration & Advocacy. For each set of strategies, links to videos and other types of related resources are included.
Professional Learning
The WIDA Annual Conference is the premier event for educators of pre-K through Grade 12 MLs, giving educators from around the globe the opportunity to share best practices and discover innovative classroom strategies. The in-person conference will take place October 17–20, 2023, in Milwaukee, WI. A curated virtual option will also be available. The call for proposals is now open and the deadline to submit a proposal is January 31, 2023. Registration for this event opens in spring 2023.
The Teacher Innovator Institute will welcome up to 30 teachers from across the United States in summer 2023. Spend 2 weeks in Washington, D.C., working with education and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) experts to explore the connections between informal STEAM education and authentic learning. Teachers will remain with the program for two summers, returning to Washington, D.C., in Year 2 to reconnect, develop their practice, and mentor the newest class of Teacher Innovators. There is no cost for teachers to participate and most expenses are paid by the Museum.
Job Opportunities
Migration Policy Institute
Washington, DC
Richland County School District One
Columbia, SC
San Francisco, CA (Hybrid)
Connect With NCELA
ICYMI – Information ELevated: Language Instruction Educational Programs
In case you missed it, there’s a new episode of Information ELevated! This video offers a snapshot of data from EDFacts and Consolidated State Performance Reports on ELs and their participation in language instruction educational programs that instruct ELs in English and another language.

Local education agencies have the ability to offer a variety of programs to help ELs meet challenging state standards and acquire proficiency in English. Watch the video to learn more about EL enrollment in bilingual education and dual language programs for school year 2019–20, the top five state education agencies offering these programs, and languages of instruction.
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by Tuesday, January 17, 2023 for inclusion in the next edition of Nexus.
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
Disclaimer: NCELA Nexus is intended to share information that can be of use to educators, parents, learners, leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to ensure that every student, including ELs, is provided with the highest quality education and expanded opportunities to succeed. The information and materials presented on NCELA Nexus do not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCELA, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), or the U.S. Department of Education.