Webinar: Young Dual Language Learners: Strategies for Caregivers and Early Childhood Educators
OELA, in collaboration with the Institute of Education Sciences’ Regional Educational Laboratory West, is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, March 14, from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. ET on the topic of early learning of children who are dual language learners. The webinar will identify strategies and resources for caregivers and early childhood educators for supporting the development and optimizing the experiences of young dual language learners in early childhood educational programs and settings. The presentation will include discussions of topics such as social and emotional learning; oral language development; family engagement; and inclusion and student engagement.
- Dr. Pam Spycher, WestEd
- Sarah Neville-Morgan, California Department of Education
- Steven Hicks, Sacramento County Office of Education
Applications Now Accepted: Native American and Alaska Native Children in School (NAM) Program
Applications are now being accepted for the FY2023 NAM Program grant competition. This program awards grants to eligible entities to develop and enhance capacity to provide effective instruction and support to Native American and Alaska Native students, including Native Hawaiian and Native American Pacific Islander students, who are identified as ELs. The goal of this program is to support the teaching, learning, and studying of Native American languages while also increasing the English language proficiency and academic achievement of students served.
Deadline for Notice of Intent to Apply: February 24
Application Deadline: April 25
For more information about the NAM competition, please go to the NAM webpage.
Call for Peer Reviewers: NAM Program
OELA announces a call for peer reviewers for this year’s NAM Program grant competition. OELA is seeking candidates with professional expertise in dual language, EL, and bilingual programs or services, including current and former pre-K─12 teachers and principals, state and local education agency leaders, college and university educators, educational evaluators, and others with EL education and language acquisition expertise, particularly experience with such programs for Native students.
You must register in the G5.gov system by March 31 to be considered as a potential peer reviewer. The web address is www.g5.gov. If you need technical assistance, help is available through email at edcaps.user@ed.gov, or by calling the G5 Hotline toll-free at 1-888-336-8930. When the system prompts you for your areas of specialization, please indicate all specialization areas in which you have expertise that relate to the NAM peer reviewer qualifications, such as English language learner programs, Native language instruction, bilingual teaching/learning, or dual language learning.
Join Early Childhood Professional Learning as they explore and bring together two frameworks: the Pyramid Model for social-emotional competence and WestEd’s Bridging Cultures framework. After looking at each framework separately, they will use them to guide an analysis of free online social and emotional learning resources. Participants will brainstorm practical steps and ideas for implementing culturally appropriate practices that also enhance children’s social-emotional development.
February 22–25
The National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) Conference will take place in Portland, OR. The conference includes sessions for teachers in dual language, ESL, administrators, paraprofessionals, university professors, students, researchers, advocates, policymakers, and parents.
The ¡Adelante! Conference for Bilingual and Dual Language Educators is a teacher-led conference, hosted by bilingual teachers, for bilingual teachers. The Austin Area Association for Bilingual Education brings together many educators in the surrounding districts, covering topics such as biliteracy, strategies for dual language classrooms, equity and diversity, social justice and advocacy, and family and community engagement. The theme is “Luchando, conectando, y avanzando ¿Por qué no? Bilingualism for all!” This year’s keynote speaker is Dr. Carla España.
Join the global community of English language professionals for TESOL 2023 in Portland, OR. Through an engaging in-person event, you will be able to choose from 900 in-person sessions, access 200 virtual sessions, and interact with exhibitors.
The Reading League Summit 2023 is a 1-day experience where experts from the EL/Emergent Bilingual (EB) and the Science of Reading communities will come together to elevate the understanding of evidence-aligned literacy instruction for EL/EB students. Take a look at the summit agenda, which includes opening speaker Montserrat Garibay along with top neuroscientists, researchers, and multidisciplinary experts. The event is taking place at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, NV.
Who is the gifted multilingual learner? What are the characteristics of gifted multilingual children? How can teachers play a role in their identification? How can educators increase the rigor of instruction to address both the language and learning needs of not only the gifted multilingual learner, but all multilingual learners? This session, which will be presented by Marcy Voss in Dallas, TX, will provide answers to these questions and more.
Education Week
In Russellville, AL, a quarter of all students are ELs. Most of the district’s ELs are native speakers of Spanish. The Russellville school district has a reputation as a place where Hispanic students are cared for and where they can succeed. Graduates from the district now run shops in town or have returned to work as educators. The district utilizes the help of bilingual aides, many of whom are former ELs themselves. When Superintendent Grimes started in Russellville in 2015 such investments were scarce. Through trial and error, Grimes and his school principals learned that teachers needed more support staff. Grimes quickly realized that he needed the state to increase its allotment to Russellville for providing adequate support to the district’s ELs.
3 News Now Omaha
At just 3 years old, Lorena Martinez moved to the U.S. from Mexico. Today, she helps 43 Spanish-speaking students across two schools, Oakdale Elementary and Paddock Road Elementary, to learn English just like she did years ago. In this news segment, Martinez recounts her own experience and elaborates on her experiences of working with ELs.
Thomas Fordham Institute
ELs are not just learning language, but also math, science, social studies, and English with their peers. Could the effectiveness of their general education teachers have an impact on the speed with which ELs reach proficiency? A new study aims to find out. SRI International researcher Ela Joshi uses administrative data from the Tennessee Department of Education from school years 2006–07 to 2014–15. The dataset includes student and teacher demographics, including students’ EL status. The sample comprises over 13,000 students who began kindergarten between 2006 and 2012 and who were still classified as ELs at the start of third grade. All students were linked with specific EL teachers and specific general education teachers at the elementary level or specific general education English teachers in middle school.
San Diego County Office of Education
This toolkit, designed with K–12 language educators, provides a collection of effective protocols for student interaction and collaboration embedded in and connected with strategies and tasks for each of the three modes of communication (Collaborative or Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Productive or Presentational). Educators can visit each of the modes of communication sections to select high-leverage strategies aligned to their instructional purpose. In each section, educators can find examples of standards-aligned tasks and strategies that can be implemented in a variety of programs and instructional contexts. Within each strategy, teachers can find practical ideas and suggestions to make their lessons more interactive.
Education Week
Marlena Young-Jones has taught in Russellville City Schools for almost 11 years. Most of that time was spent as a second-grade general elementary teacher. In her last second-grade class at West Elementary, all 19 of her students were ELs. After that experience, she wanted to work more closely with these students as an English-as-a-second-language interventionist. In this article, Young-Jones shares why she loves helping ELs grow linguistically and academically and how the right mindset is needed to best support all students.
The SIOP Model is looking for engaging, highly interactive sessions with effective, practical ideas to meet the needs of ELs/multilingual learners in Grades K–12. This year, they are planning to add a specific strand for the following: content areas, grade spans, and for audiences (i.e., coaches, administrators, teachers, etc.). Presenters will be notified by Wednesday, April 5, of session acceptance or non-acceptance.
University of Delaware
Newark, DE
Internationals Network for Public Schools
New York City Area
Information ELevated: ELs’ Access to Educators and Other Support Staff
Check out the voiceover video for this episode of Information ELevated, which looks at ELs and their access to educators and other support staff. The video is based on the analyses of two large federal datasets: the Civil Rights Data Collection and the Common Core of Data. Educators and support staff in schools include teachers, school counselors, school psychologists, social workers, school-based law enforcement officers, librarians, and media specialists.
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by Tuesday, February 28, 2023 for inclusion in the next edition of Nexus.
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
Disclaimer: NCELA Nexus is intended to share information that can be of use to educators, parents, learners, leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to ensure that every student, including ELs, is provided with the highest quality education and expanded opportunities to succeed. The information and materials presented on NCELA Nexus do not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCELA, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), or the U.S. Department of Education.