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February 7, 2023
OELA’s Montserrat Garibay to Keynote West Texas Reading Symposium
Montserrat Garibay, the Acting Assistant Deputy Secretary and Director for OELA and Senior Advisor for Labor Relations, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Education, will keynote the West Texas Reading Symposium in El Paso, TX. The event will take place February 10–11 and will focus on building literacy in early grades and homes.
Day 1 will focus on building strong literacy practices in the home, and sessions will be held in English and Spanish.
Day 2 will focus on the science of reading in the elementary setting. Participants will be treated to research-based breakout sessions, to include biliteracy, facilitated by scholars in the field.
The Reading League Summit: English Learners and Emergent Bilingual Students: What Do We Know and What Can We Learn?
The Reading League Summit 2023 is a 1-day experience where experts from the EL/Emergent Bilingual (EB) and the Science of Reading communities will come together to elevate the understanding of evidence-aligned literacy instruction for EL/EB students. The event is taking place at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, NV, on March 25, 2023.

The summit will feature a series of four moderated panel discussions covering the topics of neuroscience, policy, and instruction. Participants will strengthen their understanding of what has been researched, what is known, where further research is needed, and why it is important to include all voices in the national science of reading discussion. Take a look at the summit agenda, which includes opening speaker Montserrat Garibay, along with top neuroscientists, researchers, and multidisciplinary experts.
Upcoming Events
This free virtual event for Spanish-speaking parents is hosted by La Fuerza de Familias Latinas and Literacy Partners. The theme is “El amor por la lectura.” A free children’s book will be mailed to participating parents. 
February 21–22
Hybrid Conference
Join NAELPA in Portland, OR, for their 2023 Hybrid Conference. The theme of this year’s conference is Assume Greatness: Diversity IS our Strength, featuring author and journalist Jo Napolitano as keynote speaker. The conference includes virtual pre-conferences in early February (exact dates to be announced soon), in-person and virtual presentations on February 22, and new this year—an exclusive in-person workshop with Dr. Michelle Yzquierdo on February 21.
Join Early Childhood Professional Learning as they explore and bring together two frameworks: the Pyramid Model for social-emotional competence and WestEd’s Bridging Cultures framework. After looking at each framework separately, they will use them to guide an analysis of free online social and emotional learning resources. Participants will brainstorm practical steps and ideas for implementing culturally appropriate practices that also enhance children’s social-emotional development.
February 22–25
The National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) Conference will take place in Portland, OR. The conference includes sessions for teachers in dual language, ESL, administrators, paraprofessionals, university professors, students, researchers, advocates, policymakers, and parents.
Join the global community of English language professionals for TESOL 2023 in Portland, OR. Through an engaging in-person event, you will be able to choose from 900 in-person sessions, access 200 virtual sessions, and interact with exhibitors.
Who is the gifted multilingual learner? What are the characteristics of gifted multilingual children? How can teachers play a role in their identification? How can educators increase the rigor of instruction to address both the language and learning needs of not only the gifted multilingual learner, but all multilingual learners? This session, which will be presented by Marcy Voss in Dallas, TX, will provide answers to these questions and more. 
In the News
Graduation rates for New York City’s ELs rose by 14 percentage points to 60%, the largest increase on record for ELs. The temporary policy change—first canceling the English Regents and then not requiring a passing score to graduate in 2020–21—removed a hurdle for ELs. The English exams can be particularly hard on ELs. By 2020–21, when the English Regents was optional, the number of ELs who graduated rose to nearly 4,900, while just 8% passed their exams. Experts agree that there’s good evidence that canceling the exams contributed to higher graduation rates. Research found little evidence that requiring high-stakes graduation exams improves student achievement, and doing so may actually increase dropout rates for struggling students.
NBC Connecticut
Advocates for Connecticut’s immigrant community are pushing for equity in education. They are urging lawmakers to pass a bill that would provide more resources to families with students learning English as a second language. House Bill 6211 would establish an English Language Learner Parent Bill of Rights. The bill would give Connecticut parents the right to register their children in public schools regardless of their immigration status. It calls for translation and interpretation, as well as bilingual programs for students and access to extracurricular activities. The bill would also require that all documents are sent to Connecticut parents in any of their native languages.
Migration Policy Institute
College-educated immigrants in the U.S. are more likely to have advanced degrees and to major in science, technology, engineering, and math fields than their U.S.-born peers. Their educational levels do not always translate into occupational gains. They are more likely than U.S.-born workers to be overeducated for their positions. About 2 million college-educated immigrants in the U.S. worked in jobs that require no more than a high school degree or were unemployed as of 2019. This outcome is the result of lower levels of English proficiency, licensing barriers, limited social and professional networks, and other issues. Immigrants’ literacy, numeracy, and digital skills may also play a role. This fact sheet finds a 22-percentage-point gap in literacy and an 11-percentage-point gap in numeracy between immigrant college graduates and their U.S.-born peers.
The field of English language teaching consistently evolves and always provides educators with opportunities to learn and grow professionally. From using the printed word in blogs, newsletters, books, and journal articles to sharing information and ideas in videos, webinars, and online conferences, there is an abundance of professional development (PD) available to educators. Many topics emerge year after year, such as working with learners in the four skills, integrating content and language, or addressing the needs of particular types of curricula or students. This blog entry presents eight PD topics that appeared frequently in 2022 in the TESOL community. 
ELs with disabilities work with a variety of educator teams including general education teachers, ESL specialists, and special education teachers. This combination of stakeholders working to support students’ learning and reclassification journey poses both challenges and opportunities. In this blog, Dr. Sara Kangas shares more about the importance of collaboration throughout this process; namely, the latest challenges facing students and how schools can employ a collaborative approach in addressing inequities.
Professional Learning
The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota provides high-quality professional development for language teachers that link research and theory with practical applications for the classroom. This summer, CARLA will offer 15 institutes (online and in-person) on a wide range of topics: Teaching Language Through the Lens of Social Justice, Critical Approaches to Heritage Language Education, Teaching for Proficiency in Dual Language Immersion, Introduction to Dual Language Immersion, and more.
TESOL Press seeks two authors for a new product series geared toward English language teachers who are looking for classroom activities that require little to no preparation. Authors will provide extremely brief classroom tasks and activities related to specific language skills. The author(s) will be expected to write activities and cull and refine them from the TESOL Press catalogue. The products will be developed over a 1-year period, starting as soon as possible, with expected publication by the end of 2023. TESOL encourages co-author applications with diverse teaching backgrounds and contexts.
The Teacher Innovator Institute will welcome up to 30 teachers from across the United States in summer 2023. Spend 2 weeks in Washington, D.C., working with education and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) experts to explore the connections between informal STEAM education and authentic learning. Teachers will remain with the program for two summers, returning to Washington, D.C., in Year 2 to reconnect, develop their practice, and mentor the newest class of Teacher Innovators. There is no cost for teachers to participate and most expenses are paid by the Museum.
The SIOP Model is looking for engaging, highly interactive sessions with effective, practical ideas to meet the needs of ELs/multilingual learners in Grades K–12. This year, they are planning to add a specific strand for the following: content areas, grade spans, and for audiences (i.e., coaches, administrators, teachers, etc.). Presenters will be notified by Wednesday, April 5, of session acceptance or non-acceptance.
Job Opportunities
Remote/Madison, WI
Santa Barbara City College
Santa Barbara, CA
Connect With NCELA
Career and Technical Education Month
Career and technical education (CTE) can increase student success in high school and postsecondary education and can prepare multilingual learners for in-demand occupations.
This CTE Month, explore OELA’s infographic for seven ways schools and teachers can ensure equitable access and opportunity for multilingual learners in CTE.
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by Tuesday, February 14, 2023 for inclusion in the next edition of Nexus.
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
Disclaimer: NCELA Nexus is intended to share information that can be of use to educators, parents, learners, leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to ensure that every student, including ELs, is provided with the highest quality education and expanded opportunities to succeed. The information and materials presented on NCELA Nexus do not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCELA, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), or the U.S. Department of Education.