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May 17, 2022
ED to Host Mental Health Summit on May 23
ED has announced a first-of-its-kind virtual summit, Recovery to Thriving: Supporting Mental Health & Students with Disabilities, to highlight steps schools, colleges, and communities can take to support students with disabilities and students with mental health needs. The half-day, virtual summit will occur on Monday, May 23, at 12:30 p.m. ET and will bring together education leaders, disability advocates and coordinators, special education professionals, and others to discuss issues affecting students with disabilities and students with mental health needs as our nation continues to emerge from the pandemic.
Afghan Refugee School Impact: Support to Schools Initiative
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement, just released a policy letter announcing the Afghan Refugee School Impact Support to Schools (ARSI S2S) initiative. ARSI S2S provides states funding for services that lead to the effective integration and education of eligible Afghan children and youth. However, given that ARSI S2S differs from traditional ARSI in terms of subrecipients and some allowable services, this policy letter defines the ARSI S2S initiative and provides guidance on its eligible populations, requirements, goals and services, equity and inclusion considerations, and reporting and monitoring requirements. 
Upcoming Events
In this session from the Illinois Resource Center, participants will learn strategies for teaching ELs to identify emotions in themselves and others; identify ways to incorporate children’s books to teach social-emotional skills; discuss ways to support social emotional learning during play and daily routines; and understand the use of visuals to help children learn social skills.
This series is presented by the EL Collaborative of the Council of Chief State School Officers, OELA, and the National Association of English Learner Program Administrators. Continuous Improvement of EL Programs includes the following sessions:
  • May 18: Webinar – Evidence-Based Programs
  • May 25: Debrief, Questions, Networking
  • June 1: Voices from the Field Panel
This webinar will feature firsthand perspectives and recent research conducted by Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Southwest, the American Institutes for Research® (AIR®) and the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center on using text messaging strategies for parent engagement and outreach.
With the support of the Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Steering (SILS) Committee and the American Indian/Indigenous Teacher Education Conference (AIITEC) Planning Committee, a decision was made to host a combined SILS/AIITEC hybrid conference at NAU Flagstaff Campus that allows for both virtual and in-person attendance.
June 17–18
Virtual Conference
With the support of the Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Steering (SILS) Committee and the American Indian/Indigenous Teacher Education Conference (AIITEC) Planning Committee, a decision was made to host a combined SILS/AIITEC hybrid conference at NAU Flagstaff Campus that allows for both virtual and in-person attendance.
The event is a professional development opportunity for educators to learn about U.S. federal and international education issues and advocate for policies that support ELs and the field of English language education. Participants will learn from experts about the latest education policy, share local issues impacting their work, and meet with legislators.
July 13–15
Virtual Conference
Attend keynotes and sessions led by SIOP® authors, guest keynote speaker Kelly Yang (author of Front Desk), and K–12 educators from across the U.S. Learn best practices to foster academic language development and make learning relevant and comprehensible for language learners.
September 28–30 
Hybrid Conference 
Registration is now open for the 2022 WIDA Annual Conference. The WIDA Annual Conference is the premier event for educators of K–12 multilingual learners, giving educators from around the globe the opportunity to share best practices and discover innovative classroom strategies. The in-person conference will take place in Louisville, KY. In addition to the in-person conference, a curated virtual option will be available.
November 2–5
Hybrid Conference
This November, come together at La Cosecha Dual Language Conference in Santa Fe, NM, to share current theory, best practices, and resources and build networks to fuel community efforts for a better future for our children! This national conference brings together the largest gathering of educators, parents, researchers, and practitioners supporting dual language, two-way immersion, one-way developmental bilingual, and one-way heritage language immersion programs from across the United States.
In the News
Iowa Public Radio
This article discusses some of the challenges that prospective dual language teachers are facing in Iowa as well as in other U.S. states. One of the major challenges is taking the Praxis, a series of tests for teacher preparation that are only offered in English. It can be a barrier to recruiting native Spanish-speaking teachers for immersion programs that will be entirely in Spanish. Advocates argue that because dual language education is very beneficial to students, flexible measures such as accepting teaching certificates from other countries in order to attract quality teachers that will stay on a permanent basis are needed.
School districts throughout California have experience serving immigrant students from war-torn regions and have well-established programs to help those students thrive. As the U.S. prepares to welcome at least 100,000 refugees from Ukraine, the Sacramento City Unified School District has recently received at least 12 new Ukrainian students. The district offers wide-ranging support for immigrant students, including a free immunization clinic, mental health counseling, English classes, and services for families, such as help finding jobs and getting settled in the U.S. Other Californian school districts that are also seeing an influx of Ukrainian students, such as L.A. Unified, are well equipped to receive these students and their families and provide high-quality educational and support services.
Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)
The Glossary of Korean Translation of Common IDEA Terms is intended to provide accurate and reliable Korean translations of commonly used terms in special education. Two community parent resource centers — the Community Inclusion and Development Alliance and Open Doors for Multicultural Families — developed the glossary with support from the Office of Special Education Programs and CPIR. The goal for the glossary is to increase communication between educational professionals and Korean-speaking families in the U.S. and support professionals’ efforts to better engage with Korean-speaking families.
Migration Policy Institute
Given the important role of technology in education and immigrant families’ integration, this study identifies promising practices for increasing digital access and literacy among immigrant-origin youth. The report highlights insights from educators, staff of refugee resettlement agencies, community leaders, and library and IT professionals working to support immigrant-origin youth during a challenging period. It also recommends steps that federal, state, and local actors can take to advance digital equity.
Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
This virtual meeting focuses on the importance and complexity of advancing equity and inclusion in the education sciences. The topics discussed are diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility; lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic; methods and measurement (information on innovations in statistical methods, data collection tools, and scaling evidence-based practices); and results from IES Research (highlights of findings from several IES-funded grants and Research and Development centers). Recording of all sessions can be accessed here.
Professional Learning
CARLA offers a wide range of institutes targeted at foreign/world language, English as a Second Language/English as a Foreign Language, heritage language, and immersion educators from a variety of teaching levels and contexts. In 2022, CARLA will offer online (synchronous and asynchronous) and face-to-face institutes on the University of Minnesota campus in Minneapolis.
Learn how to effectively implement the SIOP® Model to promote content comprehension and foster academic language development. This 1-month course features a live Q&A with one of the SIOP® authors. Participants can opt-in to earn graduate credits through a partnership with the University of the Pacific.
The Eastern Oregon Teacher Academy at Eastern Oregon University, sponsored by The College of Education, aims to graduate the brightest high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Opportunities also exist for current paraprofessionals in the field to participate. Applicants can be from any state and all participants will have the chance to earn EOU credit. Due to a generous grant from the Oregon Department of Education based on grant initiative and funding recommendation from the Educator Advancement Council, this year’s Academy will be free for participants. Questions? Contact Dave Dallas at [email protected].
The MIDTESOL 2022 Conference is looking for teachers, administrators, researchers, teacher trainers, graduate students, and student service providers who have emerged from the pandemic with insights and skills to positively impact our field by sharing their knowledge with others. Use this worksheet to prepare your submission before completing the online submission form.
If you are an English language teaching professional or scholar or in a related field or content area, you are invited to submit a proposal for the TESOL hybrid convention in Portland, OR, in March 2023. Through the online submission site, you can submit applications to be 2023 proposal reviewers and submit proposals for concurrent sessions, virtual sessions, and to organize Preconvention Institutes.
DLeNM: Summer Institutes, Registration Open
  • June 1–2: AIM4S3TM Math 2-Day Virtual Institute This institute is designed to deepen your mathematical understanding and support you in addressing students’ mathematical gaps. Join DLeNM to experience effective and engaging mathematics instructional strategies to support in-person instruction while deepening your own mathematical knowledge. This will be a hands-on institute targeting K–8 mathematics educators and secondary teachers working with ELs, emerging bilinguals, and students who struggle with math.

  • June 7–8: Hybrid Summer Institute 2022 This event is designed to fit into your professional development needs and schedule. Leading experts help support your needs and guide you through this ever-changing educational climate for your ELs and emerging bilinguals. Teachers, instructional coaches, and district leaders will have the opportunity to dive deeper into best instructional practices that are culturally responsive and support language learning.
NABE invites all education experts, researchers, authors, and successful practitioners with information of interest to submit a proposal, including multilingual proposals, for their 52nd Annual International Conference in Portland, OR. Proposals that demonstrate how their topic addresses one or more of the following competitive priorities will be able to earn extra points in the proposal review: dual language learners, multilingual/multiliteracy, and ELs.
The English Language Fellow Program is now recruiting applicants for the 2022–2023 academic year. The English Language Fellow Program sends experienced U.S. TESOL professionals on paid in-country teaching assignments at universities and other academic institutions around the world. Fellow projects are 10-month, full-time positions for professionals with a graduate degree in English language teaching and TESOL teaching experience. In return, the program provides professionals with a platform to build skills that can greatly enhance their TESOL careers. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until all projects have been filled.
TQ is seeking proposals from prospective guest editors for the 2024 special topic issue. Proposals are chosen by the TQ Editorial Advisory Board, and the guest editor(s) are responsible for overseeing the review process and selecting the content of the issue. The issue will appear in September 2024. 
Job Opportunities
Cambridge Public Schools
Cambridge, MA
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ICYMI: New Infographics on Multilingual Learners (MLs)

In case you missed it, OELA recently released two new infographics:

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National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
Disclaimer: NCELA Nexus is intended to share information that can be of use to educators, parents, learners, leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to ensure that every student, including ELs, is provided with the highest quality education and expanded opportunities to succeed. The information and materials presented on NCELA Nexus do not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCELA, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), or the U.S. Department of Education.