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May 3, 2022
Celebrating Asian American, Native Hawaiian, & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
This month, join us in celebrating Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! Did you know that Vietnamese and Chinese were in the top five most common home language groups spoken by ELs in school years 2017–18 and 2016–17, respectively? We’ve got more facts you can explore in these OELA fact sheets:

AskNCELA: Adult Education & Parent Roles in K–12 Education
AskNCELA has new responses to your frequently asked questions! These FAQs were submitted during OELA’s January webinar, Education and Afghan Newcomers: Keeping the Promise, hosted in partnership with the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, and the Office for Civil Rights:
  1. What resources exist to support adult education?
  2. What can we do to help parents understand their roles in K–12 education systems?

Visit NCELA to view each FAQ response.
Upcoming Events
Join Early Edge California and SEAL for Part 3: Supporting Multilingual Learners’ Home Language Development from 4:00–5:00 p.m. PT on May 12! This session will focus on essential strategies and practices educators can use to create a welcoming learning environment that supports bilingualism and a child’s connection to their home language. 
This series is presented by the EL Collaborative of the Council of Chief State School Officers, OELA, and the National Association of English Learner Program Administrators. Continuous Improvement of EL Programs includes the following sessions:
  • May 18: Webinar – Evidence-Based Programs
  • May 25: Debrief, Questions, Networking
  • June 1: Voices from the Field Panel
With the support of the Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Steering (SILS) Committee and the American Indian/Indigenous Teacher Education Conference (AIITEC) Planning Committee, a decision was made to host a combined SILS/AIITEC hybrid conference at NAU Flagstaff Campus that allows for both virtual and in-person attendance.
July 13–15
Virtual Conference
Attend keynotes and sessions led by SIOP® authors, guest keynote speaker Kelly Yang (author of Front Desk), and K–12 educators from across the United States. Learn best practices to foster academic language development and make learning relevant and comprehensible for language learners.
November 2–5
Hybrid Conference
This November, come together at La Cosecha Dual Language Conference in Santa Fe, NM, to share current theory, best practices, and resources and build networks to fuel community efforts for a better future for our children! This national conference brings together the largest gathering of educators, parents, researchers, and practitioners supporting dual language, two-way immersion, one-way developmental bilingual, and one-way heritage language immersion programs from across the United States.

In the News
Abc8 News    
O.B. Gates Elementary school in Virginia has become the first school in the country to offer American Sign Language as a partner language in a dual language immersion program. The program is one-way immersion with 50 percent of instructional time focused on the partner language with an emphasis on literacy skills. The school also offers a Mandarin Chinese immersion program and is working on adding Spanish.
After prioritizing English-only education in California for many years, the state is now experiencing a shortage of bilingual educators. This article describes the challenges that potential bilingual teachers experience, such as a lack of accessible teacher education and certification programs that train bilingual educators. It also highlights some solutions to overcoming this shortage, such as expanding programs that offer credentials to bilingual educators, providing accessible training options to existing members of school communities, and implementing support programs that can help educators learn their bilingual credentials.
TIRF Insights
Recent research suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to disrupted education, learning loss, and the wide-scale use of hybrid and online teaching and learning. The pandemic has also revealed and underscored a need to address not only students’ academic skills but also their social and emotional skills. This report investigates social and emotional learning against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic and disrupted education and learning loss.
Colorín Colorado
In this episode of the video series Reading SOS from Reading Rockets, language and literacy expert Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan answers questions from families of bilingual students. The questions address issues of helping students succeed in school while their family members are still developing their proficiency in English, supporting home languages, and referrals to special education services.
In this blog entry, the author outlines the advantages that incorporating students’ native languages can have on academic learning in secondary settings. The author argues that among other things such as student empowerment, multilingualism in the classroom can have a positive influence on mastering content, collaborating, and communicating ideas. The author also highlights that teachers do not need to speak their students’ native language to foster multilingualism in their classrooms.
Professional Learning
CARLA offers a wide range of institutes targeted at foreign/world language, ESL/EFL, heritage language, and immersion educators from a variety of teaching levels and contexts. In 2022, CARLA will offer online (synchronous and asynchronous) institutes and face-to-face institutes on the University of Minnesota campus in Minneapolis.
Learn how to effectively implement the SIOP® Model to promote content comprehension and foster academic language development. This 1-month course features a live Q&A with one of the SIOP® authors. Participants can opt-in to earn graduate credits through a partnership with the University of the Pacific.
If you are an English language teaching professional or scholar or in a related field or content area, you are invited to submit a proposal for the TESOL hybrid convention in Portland, OR, in March 2023. Through the online submission site, you can submit applications to be 2023 proposal reviewers and submit proposals for concurrent sessions, virtual sessions, and to organize Preconvention Institutes.
DLeNM: Summer Institutes, Registration Open
  • June 1–2: AIM4S3TM Math 2-Day Virtual Institute This institute is designed to deepen your mathematical understanding and support you in addressing students’ mathematical gaps. Join DLeNM to experience effective and engaging mathematics instructional strategies to support in-person instruction while deepening your own mathematical knowledge. This will be a hands-on institute targeting K–8 mathematics educators and secondary teachers working with ELs, emerging bilinguals, and students who struggle with math.

  • June 7–8: Hybrid Summer Institute 2022 This event is designed to fit into your professional development needs and schedule. Leading experts help support your needs and guide you through this ever-changing educational climate for your ELs and emerging bilinguals. Teachers, instructional coaches, and district leaders will have the opportunity to dive deeper into best instructional practices that are culturally responsive and support language learning.
NABE invites all education experts, researchers, authors, and successful practitioners with information of interest to submit a proposal, including multilingual proposals, for their 52nd Annual International Conference in Portland, OR. Proposals that demonstrate how their topic addresses one or more of the following competitive priorities will be able to earn extra points in the proposal review: dual language learners, multilingual/multiliteracy, and ELs.
The English Language Fellow Program is now recruiting applicants for the 2022–2023 academic year. The English Language Fellow Program sends experienced U.S. TESOL professionals on paid in-country teaching assignments at universities and other academic institutions around the world. Fellow projects are 10-month, full-time positions for professionals with a graduate degree in English language teaching and TESOL teaching experience. In return, the program provides professionals with a platform to build skills that can greatly enhance their TESOL careers. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until all projects have been filled.
Job Opportunities
Internationals Network
Bay Area, CA
Connect With NCELA
OELA Podcast Zooms in on Teacher Preparation in Maryland

Check out OELA’s two-part podcast featuring Jessica Swan and Anjali Pandey on EL teacher preparation and the OELA National Professional Development Grant, “TARGET Training and Retraining Grades K–12 Eastern Shore Teachers.”
In Part 1, the two discuss the impetus for the TARGET program, the steps taken for its implementation, and its outcomes. In Part 2, the discussion of the TARGET program continues, covering challenges, successes, lessons learned, and next steps for those interested in developing their own teacher preparation program.
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Do you have news to share with the Nexus community?
Send your alerts, upcoming events, resources, and job postings to AskNCELA
by Tuesday, May 10 for inclusion in the next edition of Nexus.
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
Disclaimer: NCELA Nexus is intended to share information that can be of use to educators, parents, learners, leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to ensure that every student, including ELs, is provided with the highest quality education and expanded opportunities to succeed. The information and materials presented on NCELA Nexus do not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCELA, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), or the U.S. Department of Education.