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April 17, 2024

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"Raise the Bar: How Community-Based Schools Can Contribute to the Multilingual Landscape” Webinar 

Save the date for the "Raise the Bar: How Community-Based Schools Can Contribute to the Multilingual Landscape" webinar on Thursday, May 30, at 2 p.m. ET.The webinar will feature Montserrat Garibay, Assistant Deputy Secretary and Director for the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) at the U.S. Department of Education, who will discuss the importance of heritage language education in the light of OELA’s ‘Raise the Bar’ call to action.”

Register Today

Data From “Raise the Bar: Lead the World” on Bilingual Education for English Language Learners

Explore this visualization created by data scientists at the U.S. Department of Education (ED) that highlights insights related to Title III funding across that nation. Discover State-specific information on bilingual education for English learners (ELs) during the 2020–2021 academic year using an interactive dashboard.

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School Library Month 

April is School Library Month, a month to celebrate one of the most valuable resources for students: school librarians and the libraries they oversee. School librarians are encouraged to organize activities throughout the month, emphasizing the crucial role school library programs play in enhancing learning. Visit the ED blog for insights on how librarians can support students.

Read the Blog

NCELA Resource Library
Visit our database of 20,000+ resources.

Funding Opportunities

Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA): National Professional Development (NPD) Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.365Z


Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Institutional Service: Augustus F. Hawkins Centers of Excellence (Hawkins) Program, Assistance Listing Number 84.428A

The 3 W's of Dual Language Education for State, Local, and Site Leaders: What, Why, and How (Part 2)

Dual language education is a powerful tool for fostering multilingualism and providing equitable access to high-quality instruction for ELs and multilingual learners (MLs). As part of its commitment to nurture all students’ multilingualism, OELA is hosting a series of webinars focused on dual language education.


Join us for the second part of "The 3 W's of Dual Language Education for State, Local, and Site Leaders: What, Why, and How" on Tuesday, April 30, at 1 p.m. ET.

Register for Part 2

Then in May, the OELA and Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America (EMMA) Consortium will focus on evidence-based State and local programs that are building educator workforce capacity, including “Grow-Your-Own” programs, teacher residencies, apprenticeships, and college and university programs prioritizing English as a second language and dual language/bilingual educator preparation tracks for multilingual educators.

May Series: Dual Language Teacher Preparation Pathways 

  • Part 1: Wednesday, May 8, 2 p.m. ET 

  • Part 2: Thursday, May 16, 2 p.m. ET 
Register for Part 1
Register for Part 2


A Message from Montserrat: National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month

April is National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month, a time to recognize the needs and achievements of bilingual and multilingual learners. As a proud Bilingual educator, who now serves as the Assistant Deputy Secretary and Director for the Office of English Language Acquisition, I want to take the time to share how valuable and important being bilingual is to me.  

Being Bilingual has opened up a world of opportunities in life, from being able to keep in touch with my loved ones back in Mexico, to learning and enjoying the beautiful arts from my heritage culture, to sharing my traditions and language with different types of people throughout the world. Being bilingual allows me to code-switch and to be my most authentic self. Soy de aquí y de allà with orgullo. Not to mention, being bilingual has added extra cash in my pocket in positions where I received a stipend or higher wage because I am bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural.

More than ever, our society must embrace and encourage a multilingual, multicultural and multiliterate society. It can only make us a stronger nation. As we recognize National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month, I welcome you to join the Department of Education’s Call to Action for Bilingual and Multilingual Learners.  

  • Spark students’ interest in learning a second language and take pride in maintaining their first language.
  • Encourage parents’ support and advocate for high-quality language programs in their schools.
  • Urge colleges and universities to prioritize bilingual preparation programs for multilingual educators.
  • Call on leaders and stakeholders at the national, state, and local levels to create, invest in and implement policies, processes and best practices focused on high-quality language programs.
  • Call on workforce leaders at the national, state, and local levels to advocate and invest in language as a workforce credential.

In partnership,


Learning Session Series: Accelerating English Learner Success with Formative Assessment

The Region 15 Comprehensive Center, in collaboration with OELA, invites you to a series of learning sessions focused on what formative assessment is and how it can be implemented to support the academic and socioemotional growth of EL students, with a particular focus on early learners in Grades K–2.

The event hosts encourage participants to attend with their teams and recommend that attendees join for all three sessions.

Learning Session 1 April 17, 2024

Learning Session 2 June 26, 2024


Learning Session 3 August 21, 2024

Apply to Be a 2024 NPD Peer Reviewer by April 30

Do you have professional expertise in English learner programs or services, specifically bilingual or multilingual education or Grow Your Own GYO teacher education programs? Apply to be a peer reviewer for the FY 2024 National Professional Development (NPD) grant competition today. We are especially seeking potential reviewers with evaluation expertise. We appreciate those who have already submitted résumés; more information will be coming soon.

If you are interested, please reach out to The deadline to express interest is April 30, 2024.

Call for Peer Reviewers
NPD Applicant Information

Outreach Packet: English Learner Family Toolkit and App

OELA has launched a new resource designed specifically to help educators and stakeholders better assist families of ELs. This resource comes in the form of an outreach packet that includes a guide for effectively promoting the EL Family Toolkit to all EL stakeholders. To learn more about the outreach packet or to download the resource, check out this blog.

Read the Blog

Applications for New Awards: Teacher Quality Partnership Grant Program Fiscal Year 2024

On April 4, 2024, ED announced a Notice Inviting Applications for the Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) program. The deadline for applications is June 3, 2024. ED plans to award approximately $25 million to eligible partnerships to support high-quality teacher preparation and professional development for prospective teachers and school leaders. TQP funds teacher preparation programs at the undergraduate or “fifth-year” level (Pre-Baccalaureate Models), as well as teaching residency programs for individuals new to teaching but with strong academic and professional backgrounds (Residency Models).

View More Information

Upcoming Events

April 29

TNTP Fireside Chat: Bilingual Educator Workforce Panel


Join TNTP on April 29 at 6 p.m. ET for their “final fireside panel chat of this year’s celebration of National Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month. Given the critical shortages the field has experienced for years in our bilingual educator workforce, come hear from policy and district leaders who are working in innovative ways to recruit and retain educators.”

April 30

DLL Federal Recommendations Webinar


“Early Edge California, UnidosUS, The Children's Equity Project, and Dual Language Learner (DLL) policy experts recently released Immediate Actions the Biden Administration Can Take For DLLs, a new set of federal policy recommendations to support DLLs now.” Join on Tuesday, April 30 at 1 p.m. ET for a panel discussion about these recommendations and highlights from across the country. Montserrat Garibay, OELA Assistant Deputy Secretary & Director, will share opening remarks.

May 8

Promoting Equitable Reclassification of English Learners with Disabilities


“The National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI) is partnering with Dr. Sara Kangas, a leading expert in [ELs] with disabilities, to bring EL and special education [S]tate education agency leaders (SEA) leaders together for a one-hour national webinar on [the] reclassification of dually identified students. The webinar draws from the contents of a soon-to-be released policy brief that addresses important considerations in the reclassification of ELs with disabilities.”

May 2931

NJTESOL/NJBE 2024 Spring Conference


The In-Person New Jersey Teachers of English to speakers of other Languages/New Jersey Bilingual Educators (NJTESL/NJBE) Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Brunswick from May 29–31. Register for one, two, or all three days and take advantage of networking opportunities with colleagues. Stay updated on State and national initiatives, and don’t miss the chance to explore the latest teaching tools by visiting the representatives at the sponsor and exhibitor booths.


Presentation topics will include General Interest, Content Area Instruction, Bilingual/ESL Pre-K through 12, Higher Ed, and more. All registrations include one free year of NJTESOL/NJBE membership.

June 5–7

Cambio de Colores 22nd Annual Conference


Mark your calendar for the Cambio de Colores 22nd Annual Conference, June 5-7. This year’s theme,

“Sparking Change, Integration, and Deep Connections,” renews our call to action and commitment to learning alongside leaders and experts from our changing communities. This professional development opportunity is an excellent chance for bilingual educators, counselors, and school district leaders who aim to create welcoming communities for newcomers to learn from each other.

June 10–11

TABE's 3rd Annual Dual Language Virtual Symposium


“Come join a fantastic lineup of educational experts, researchers, and policymakers to collaboratively explore innovative strategies and evidence-based practices, within the context of the Science of Teaching Reading, in order to enhance academic achievement, bilingualism/biliteracy, and socio-cultural competence in Dual Language programs.”

Oct. 15–18

WIDA Annual Conference


“Come join a fantastic lineup of educational experts, researchers, and policymakers to collaboratively explore innovative strategies and evidence-based practices, within the context of the Science of Teaching Reading, in order to enhance academic achievement, bilingualism/biliteracy, and socio-cultural competence in Dual Language programs.”

Oct. 17-20

TABE Hybrid Conference


This year’s Texas Association for Bilingual Education (TABE) conference will be held at the Kalahari Resorts & Conventions in Round Rock, Texas, from October 17– 20. Conference registration opens on June 1.

Nov. 12-16

La Cosecha Dual Language Conference


Are you, or someone you know, looking for the perfect conference focused on providing instructional and programmatic support to best serve your ELs and emerging bilingual students? La Cosecha 2024 will feature over 280 professional presentations and workshops for supporting two-way and one-way immersion, developmental bilingual, and heritage/tribal language immersion programs and will bring together educators, parents, researchers, and practitioners from across the United States.

In the News

Community College Daily

On a New Journey to Become a Nurse in the U.S

San Diego College of Continuing Education offers a tuition-free, 16-week Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program that prepares students for the State CNA examination and provides opportunities for clinical rotations at local hospitals and healthcare facilities. Graduates become State-certified as nurse assistants and can work in rehabilitation and long-term care facilities. This article tells the story of a Mexican-born nurse, Vanessa Munguia, who is a student enrolled in the program. She is in the process of learning English while also preparing to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam, and other certification and licensure exams.


How the 2024 National Teacher of the Year Helps English Learners Adapt in Rural Appalachia

The new National Teacher of the Year, Missy Testerman, is an English as a Second Language specialist at Rogersville City School in an Appalachian community in Tennessee. She is a strong advocate for her students, many of whom are new to her school and community, and is spending the next year traveling the country, speaking out about important issues to teachers. This article features an interview with Testerman about her work in educating and supporting EL students and families. 

Migration Policy Institute

NEW RESOURCES: Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Families Through Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services

“Infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) services can play an important part in supporting young children’s well-being and development. For young children in immigrant and refugee families, who make up about one-fourth of all U.S. children ages 0–5, IECMH support can be particularly impactful. These services can, for example, help mitigate the effects of trauma and stressors related to migration and acculturation experiences.” Download this brief to get insights on the importance of IECMH services and what opportunities policymakers and practitioners have to ensure equitable access. 


NEW RESOURCE: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know: Scoring ACCESS for ELLs

This article focuses on the ACCESS for ELLS (English language learners) assessment suite. It is intended to help educators interpret the ACCESS for ELLs score reports and learn how the scores are calculated. This publication discusses the scoring process, the duration of this process, and how educators can interpret the scores for the various domains of the assessment and apply this interpretation in their work.


TIPS FOR EDUCATORS: Are You Using This Protocol to Engage Multilingual Learners in Math?

“Now, math classes are filled with opportunities for rich language use, and math can provide a very concrete way for [MLs] to use and develop academic language.There are many instructional strategies that teachers can use to support MLs in acquiring the academic language of math and in understanding and engaging with mathematical concepts.” This article focuses a math strategy called the Three Read Protocol, designed to help MLs understand math word problems and improve their academic language development.

Professional Learning

WIDA Learning Language Every Day: Activities for Families

This resource includes activities available in multiple languages for families to start conversations with their children about their family, what they like to play, how they feel, and much more. Educators can use these resources to learn more about their students and their families.

Right From the Start: Enriching Learning Experiences for Multilingual Learners Through Multiliteracies

In this position paper, Margo Gottlieb, Ph.D., analyzes policies and practices related to the expansion of multiliteracies and their effect on the teaching and learning process for MLs. She explains how multiliteracies can improve the learning experience for MLs and also provides an evaluation of the Science of Reading.

ASSETS Podcast: The Voice of the Office of English Language Acquisition

Listen to the ASSETS podcast to hear Montserrat Garibay, Assistant Deputy Secretary and Director for OELA, discuss the challenges encountered by ELs in the U.S. education system. She also provides insights into the collaborative efforts between OELA and ED to address these challenges.

REL Central Infographic: Diversifying the Teacher Workforce

Diversifying the teacher workforce is a high priority for the States and districts that the Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs) partner with and for education systems nationwide. This infographic provides a snapshot of resources available from the RELs and Comprehensive Centers that discuss examples of ways to implement strategies for supporting teacher diversity.

Dual Language Education of New Mexico Summer Institutes

OCDE Project GLAD® and the AIM4S³™ Math Summer Institute: Unlock the power of teaching and learning at the OCDE Project GLAD® and the AIM4S³™ Math Summer Institute from June 1112, 2024. These sessions will empower you to enhance your grasp of these powerful frameworks; engage in student-centered instructional strategies for key content areas such as math, language arts, social studies, and science; and deepen your understanding of integrating content and language to support ELs and academic language learners in your classroom.


Cultivating the Pedagogy of Translanguaging: The Translanguaging Institute will bring together a diverse group of educators who serve emergent bilingual students and families from June 13–14, 2024. The institute will unite educators from across New Mexico and the United States

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition 2024 Summer Institutes for Language Teachers

This summer, CARLA will offer 14 institutes (online and in-person) from June 24 to August 2 on a wide range of topics, including Critical Approaches to Heritage Language Education, Practical Program Evaluation for Heritage Language Programs, Teaching for Proficiency in Dual Language Immersion, Introduction to Dual Language Immersion, and more!

Job Opportunities

Coordinator, Welcome Center

District of Columbia Public Schools

Washington, DC

Senior Manager, Early Literacy


Connecticut and Massachusetts (preferred locations)

Connect With NCELA

National Professional Development (NPD) Program Discretionary Grant Report, 2016, 2017, and 2021 Cohorts (School Year 202122)

OELA has published a new discretionary report. This document highlights information from the 2016, 2017, and 2021 grantee cohorts of the NPD Program, comprising 142 grantees in the 2021–22 project year.


The data captures the grantees’ program performance results based on three Government Performance and Results Act measures for the 2016, 2017, and 2021 cohorts.

Read the Full Report

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by Monday, April 22, 2024, for inclusion in the next edition of Nexus.

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National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)

Disclaimer: NCELA Nexus is intended to share information that can be of use to educators, parents, learners, leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to ensure that all students, including English learners, are provided with the highest quality education and expanded opportunities to succeed. The information and materials presented in NCELA Nexus do not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or partiality by NCELA, the Office of English Language Acquisition, or the U.S. Department of Education.