Mental Health First Aid Program Trains
The American Muslim Senior Society (AMSS)
New in Nexus
Urban Behavioral Associates and Green Pharmacy to bring services to Progress Place

Nexus has helped facilitate a collaboration between Montgomery County Health Care for the Homeless, Urban Behavioral Associates, and Green Pharmacy to provide co-located services at the County’s shelter at Progress Place in Silver Spring. Through this collaboration, shelter clients will receive psychiatric services from Urban Behavioral Associates, with medications dispensed and delivered by Green Pharmacy, which will also provide medication therapy management.

These co-located services will increase access to needed, community-based care for underserved clients experiencing homelessness, many of whom end up hospitalized. This program will provide the consistency, time, support, and attention clients need. Nexus is excited to be supporting this productive collaboration with our community partners.
The program will:
1) Provide psychiatric services for individuals experiencing severe mental illness and homelessness.
2) Reduce the use of hospital services for routine medication management that can be more appropriately accomplished in the community.
3) Promote behavioral health management through creative service delivery.
4) If available, collaborate with a client’s existing health care team to provide an additional pharmaceutical resources through Green Pharmacy.

For more information, contact Orlando Wright,
Nexus to pilot program supporting client transitions from Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) to home

Nexus Montgomery will be implementing a pilot intervention to address hospital readmissions that occur after a patient has been discharged home from a skilled nursing facility.

Patients with limited local family support may have no one enter their home in over a month. In partnership with experienced private duty home health care agencies, Nexus will be providing a resource to accompany the patient home from the SNF, and make the home ready for them – cleaning out the refrigerator, cleaning the kitchen, changing bedlinens, adjusting heating/cooling, picking up groceries and medications, preparing food for a few days, ensuring everything the patient needs is within reach and removing obvious hazards, amongst other tasks. This resource will keep in touch with the patient over the subsequent day or two until Medicare home health is engaged with the patient.

Currently a third of all readmissions of patients passing through a SNF occur after the patient has gone home. There is a 66% reduction in that post SNF readmission rate if the patient receives home health within 48 hours. By addressing the immediate day of discharge needs of the patient, and by providing a better link to home health, we anticipate the pilot reducing readmissions in patients returning home after a SNF stay.

For more information, contact Bethany Sanders,

Project Access Patient Testimonial
Name and picture have been changed for privacy.
Mario fell from a ladder after experiencing a sudden onset of falls, visual disturbances and gait issues. He was seen in a local hospital emergency room. Through the Project Access program - a network that provides specialty care for low-income, uninsured patients, Nexus Montgomery was able to arrange a neurology evaluation.

The neurologist advised DNA testing for a rare genetic disorder. The cost for one of the two tests was more than $10,000; the other for more than $1,000. Project Access spoke with representatives from NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders) and GARD (NIH’s Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center). With their assistance, Project Access contacted a DNA testing company who agreed to provide deeply discounted DNA testing. Project Access and the patient’s primary care clinic coordinated the patient’s financial assistance application and specimen collection. Both DNA tests were performed at a total cost of $100. 

Mario is under continuing care with the Project Access neurologist and is deeply grateful for the care he has received.
For more information, contact Barbara Eldridge,
Project Access FY19 Fast Facts

  • Project Access has received 3,705 referrals, representing 1,842 unique patients. 

  • 2,517 appointments have been kept or confirmed.

  • 30% of Project Access appointments are attributable to Nexus Montgomery.

  • Project Access has recruited two new pro bono nephrologists to join its specialty network.
Meet the Staff
Temi Oshiyoye, MPH, CHES - Quality Improvement Manager
Temi Oshiyoye recently joined Nexus Montgomery as the Quality Improvement Manager. Temi will be working with the hospital transition care team, especially with the SNF Alliance program to reduce the 30 day hospital readmission rate after discharge.

Previously, Temi worked as the Director for the State Office of Rural Health and the Director for the Office of Workforce Development with the Maryland Department of Health where she managed initiatives and programs to improve access to care in rural and underserved communities.

Temi received an MPH from Indiana University Bloomington and a BA and BS in Psychology and a minor in Human Development from Ball State University. Temi is a Certified Health Education Specialist. 
Meet the Board of Managers
Dan Cochran - Finance Committee Chair
Daniel Cochran is the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center. Dan has over 25 years of experience in health care financial management, operational leadership and strategic planning. Prior to joining the Shady Grove team, Dan served as Vice President of Finance for the Reading Hospital and Medical Center in Pennsylvania