Please make a donation today to help Ezekiel and Joy Udoh!
Ezekiel and Joy Udoh are very special to CTCI. They are ministers in Port Hartcourt, Nigeria and run an orphanage for street children...most whose families have been victimized by the terrorist activity of Boko Haram.
Ezekiel was able to attend our Train to Reign program in 2017. What he learned impacted his ministry and he sees the desperate need for biblical family values in his country. Ezekiel and Joy feel the Lord is leading both of them to attend our summer
Train to Reign Program. The flights alone will cost $4,000.00 (round trip) and the Train to Reign Program fees will be $920.00 for the 10 day program. Will you prayerfully consider helping them be able to return to CTCI this summer?
Please watch this short video of CTCI's director, Larry Pons as he shares why we feel it is important for the Udoh's to join us this summer.
Enjoy this short clip taken from Ezekiel in Port Hartcourt, Nigeria asking for your help. Due to the location of the video in Africa, the video may be difficult to understand.
Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to help bless this precious family!