Come Worship with us this Sunday!!

8:30am – Cantata-A Ceremony of Lessons and Carols
"The traditional Service of Lessons and Carols is synonymous with Christmas celebrations. Telling the story of humanity's fall from grace in the Garden of Eden through the promise of redemption in the messianic prophecies and the birth of Jesus, these beloved services intersperse Bible readings with the singing of Christmas carols and hymns."
9:45am – Non-Traditional Worship (*back at the pavilion)
Worship from your car or bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on the lawn as we worship God together through music, scripture, prayer, and a message.

11:00am Cantata-A Ceremony of Lessons and Carols
"The traditional Service of Lessons and Carols is synonymous with Christmas celebrations. Telling the story of humanity's fall from grace in the Garden of Eden through the promise of redemption in the messianic prophecies and the birth of Jesus, these beloved services intersperse Bible readings with the singing of Christmas carols and hymns."

CLICK HERE for the link to last Sunday's 11am service

Coming in 2022

Strengths Based Parenting
Sundays 3:30 – 5pm
5 Weeks beginning January 23rd
Child Care Available
As parents we want to understand and connect with our children as well as equip and prepare them for the future.
Using StrengthFinders 2.0 by Gallop, Strengths Based Parenting will help you better understand, connect, encourage, and prepare your child so they can live into their God given potential.  Even better, StrengthFinders will improve the relationships in every area of your life from your family to your coworkers, and friends.

Ministry by Strengths
Thursdays 12:30 – 2pm
5 Weeks beginning January 13th
Have you ever wondered why you do some of the things you do? Or more likely, have you wondered why other people are so quirky? Scripture tells us that we are each uniquely and wonderfully made. The Apostle Paul takes it a step further and tells us that for us to grow and for the Kingdom of God to flourish we need work together and celebrate our differences! 
Using StrengthFinders 2.0 by Gallop, Ministry by Strengths helps us embrace what is unique about us and understand how one another’s quirks are vital to working together successfully. 
Even better StrengthFinders will improve the relationships in every area of your life from your family to your coworkers, friends, and ministry teams at Nimmo.

MENS BIBLE STUDY-Genius of Jesus

COMING THURSDAYS at 7PM beginning January 7th

No matter the field – technology, art, sciences – we are enamored with geniuses like Einstein, Da Vinci, Currie, Goodall, Jobs, and more. Those people who violate the status quo, transform old ways of thinking, and disrupt the very foundations of human culture forcing us to look at the world and ourselves in a new way. When we look across the history of those that we would classify as geniuses, the impact of one - of Jesus - stands well above that of every other genius.
In this study based upon the book Genius of Jesus by Pastor Erwin McManus, we will study not only the divinity of Jesus but also his humanity for lessons on how in this imperfect world we can live a more fully human life as God intended for us. Through the Jesus' own words and actions, we can be inspired and transformed in how we make the most of our short lives here in service of the vision that Jesus cast. Join us as we study the Genius of Jesus.


SUNDAY SCHOOL: Sundays during 11AM worship (Pre-K through 5th grade)
A morning worship time for young kids
Families will begin together in the sanctuary at 11AM worship and children will be dismissed about 15 minutes into service. They will meet in classrooms with age appropriate games and curriculum. Middle and High Schoolers are invited to help alongside adults! Contact Lucas to volunteer:

YOUTH GROUP - Attention ALL Middle and High Schoolers! We invite you to join us every Sunday from 5-7pm for fun-filled evenings full of music, games, dinner and fellowship. Contact Lucas McGee @ or Dyanna Hornbaker @ for more information.

Sunday, Dec. 19 , middle and high schoolers are invited to our Christmas party! Join us from 5-7pm for food, fun, and fellowship. Contact Lucas for more info:

At the December meeting, the Leadership Board elected Roma Firestone as Trustee Chair. Full meeting highlights will be available in next week's Enews and in the narthex. If you have any Trustee related issues, please contact Roma at 757-639-9045 or via email at

The next Leadership Board meeting is January 24, 2022.
The agenda items are due for this meeting no later than January 14, 2022.


During Advent, Missions and Outreach is asking Nimmo members to donate hats, gloves and socks in support of the Afghan refugees resettling to the United States. Here is a blurb from the VAUMC Refugee Response:

After the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan and the subsequent evacuation of a number of Afghan allies from Kabul, the Virginia Conference started a Refugee Response Team (RRT) to
lead the conference’s effort to assist in the resettlement of our new neighbors. 

We are asking Nimmo members to take a tulip (the national flower of Afghanistan) from the Narthex and return with socks, hats or gloves and pin the purchased items to the clothesline. We will send the donations to Team Rubicon who is working closely with U.S. bases to relocate and resettle Afghan citizens. Thank you!

Understanding Resettlement Process—
Afghan Allies who fled from their homeland need to go through a certain resettlement process. The Virginia United Methodist Conference Refugee Response Team (VAUMC RRT) has identified three stages of resettlement:
Stage 1. Screening – The Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) and humanitarian parolee allies are staged at a U.S. military base for continued screening. For refugees that have arrived in Virginia, there are three bases that are hosting them until they are resettled: Fort Lee (1,700), Fort Pickett (5,900), and Marine Corps Base Quantico (3,700)
Stage 2. Temporary Settlement - After going through the screening process, allies will be assigned to a resettlement agency and a caseworker. They will be housed in temporary housing, such as hotels or AirBnBs until a permanent settlement is secured.
Stage 3. Permanent Settlement - As soon as affordable housing is available, they will be sent to permanent housing, as they establish grounds to integrate into the society.


We are excited that Nimmo is officially beginning the NLI Process. NLI is multi-year, multi-step process that seeks to equip, train, and challenge churches to reach the next level of their potential. To go from good to great!

NLI is an intentional investment in churches that have recognized potential for reaching more and new people. A core element for success is prayer.

The NLI Team is a team of six key leaders who will be working together for the entire process at Nimmo. Nimmo’s NLI Team includes: Robin Nelson, Jack Calhoun, Marie Grindle, Melody Jeffrey, John Folsom, and Mary Ann Schmidt.

Our first training event is on Breakthrough Prayer. The entire congregation is welcome to participate in this training event. If you would like to attend please register HERE and go to the bottom to register for Breakthrough Prayer.

For more information on this event, please click HERE.
ONE YEAR BIBLE-Zoom Only Today!

Here are the readings this week if you would like to follow along our One Year Bible Journey:

Readings for December 17- December 23
December 17th: 2 Timothy 4: 19-22, Hebrews 1:1-4:13
December 18th: Hebrews 4:14-7:28
December 19th: Hebrews 8:1-10:39

December 20th: Hebrews 11:1- 12:29
December 21st: Hebrews 13, 1 Peter 1, 1 Peter 2: 1-3
December 22nd: 1 Peter 2: 4-25, 1 Peter 3, 4

The following reflection and questions have been taken from the Bible in A Year study guide:

  1. Imagine yourself at the throne of God right now. There is nothing in your way. He is ready to receive you and to listen to you. What help do you need right now? How can He intercede for you?
  2. Did you notice that in regards to faith, the writer addressed the issues of suffering and discipline? many have been tortured or persecuted for their faith in God (Hebrews 11: 36-39) and today, we still experience difficulty, trials, heartache, and punishment (12: 6-13). How does faith intersect with hard times, set backs, and discipline?
  3. Have you had to face any furnaces in your lifetime? What is the most difficult faith test you have had to endure?
  4. What do you think Peter meant when he wrote, "Suffering is part of what God called you to"?

Join us at 1:00 pm Thursday via Zoom for discussion.

The Blessing Ministry is seeking drivers to deliver 1 or 2 baskets once or twice each month. If you can help us with this important outreach mission, please contact Carol Disbro at 410-654-2347 or


Please be in prayer for Rebecca Chalmers family, tornado victims and families, Sonny Wheeler, Olive Malbon Family, CarolAnn Wheeler , Anne Boone, Suzanne Israel, Bill Hannigan family, George Buzzy, Kristin Rickard, Betty Montazami,  Lynn Folsom, Sharon Henning, Ron Hallman, Betty Wheeler, Steve Lind, Brenda Wolkers, Robert Weaver, Priscilla Franken, Art Seamster, Claude Wheeler, Wes Johnson, Howard Smith, Jimmy Paxton, Brenda Watkins, Randy Frey, Maryland Hallman, Lisa Bay, Jay & Mary Ann Russell, Cindy Seamster, Linda Nowell, Jeff & Joann Wilson, health care workers, Emerie Castonon, Dennis Firestone, military personnel and their families, elected officials, both local and worldwide, our church and church leaders.
Today Thursday 12/16
1:00 PM Funeral & reception
1:00 PM One Year Bible (Zoom Only)
7:00 PM Troop 791

Friday 12/17
8:30 AM Garden Workday

Saturday 12/18
8:00 AM Kitchen in Use
10:00 AM Cantata Rehearsal

Sunday 12/19
8:30 AM Cantata
9:45 AM Outdoor/Drive-Up Worship
11:00 AM Cantata In person or live streaming on our website or on the Nimmo Facebook  page.

9:30 AM LIFE MATTERS SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Life Matters Sunday School Class meets in Classroom #1 (aka Purple Room).  We are starting a new video/book study for Advent, "Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas" 

9:45 AM LUCY LAND SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS will meet at 9:45 am back in Fellowship Hall. There will still be a Zoom option for those unable to join in person. Zoom Link for the new time is

1:30 PM Atlantic Shores

2:00 PM Girl Scout Troop 436

5:00 PM Youth Christmas Party

Tuesday 12/21
12-2 PM Food Pantry Distribution
Click this link to see the Nimmo UMC Google Calendar



Please make a note in your address books. 

*Our phone number will remain the same. Thank you!

Nimmo UMC