The Link

The newsletter for The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes

"I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons."

-St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, C.O.

 The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Boniface

August 10, 2023

Online giving:

Summer Mission Appeal - August 12/13

Fr. James Channan, O.P. will preach a mission appeal at Assumption and Fr. Younas Shahzad, O.P. will preach at St. Boniface for the Dominican Fathers of Ibn-e-Mariam (“Son of Mary”) in Pakistan. They will share the good works of the friars in Pakistan, where the Dominicans open schools to all boys and girls, and evangelize as itinerant preachers, serve in parish ministries, teach in schools, colleges, and universities. The young men called to enter the priesthood as Dominican Fathers in Pakistan depend on the prayers and support of the faithful here in the United States. Your generosity is appreciated.

Donations can be made on Pushpay by selecting the Summer Mission Appeal fund.

Celebration of the Solemnity of the Assumption

The Solemnity of the Assumption will be celebrated on Monday, August 14 and Tuesday, August 15 with Masses at the following times:

...........August 14: 6:00pm at Assumption

...........August 15: 8:00am at Assumption; 12:10pm at St. Boniface

Since this is the patronal feast of Assumption Parish, after the 6pm Mass, we will gather in the air-conditioned hall for champagne, soft drinks, appetizers and dessert. If you are able to bring one of these items, please sign-up in the rear of the church, or email Maria Pluchinotta (

RCIA: A New Season Starting This October

God is always awakening in us a desire for something more in our lives. We may hear God’s call when faced with a major life event, like marriage or having a child, or in a time of crisis, like illness or loss. When we feel a pull towards a deeper relationship with God, it is good to have a community with which to explore it. The “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults” (RCIA) is for men and women who are considering the Catholic way of life and want to journey deeper into the Catholic faith. Some come with little or no religious background. Some were raised in other Christian denominations. Others are engaged to or married to Catholics and want to learn more. And some are baptized Catholics who practiced their faith up to a certain point in their lives and now wish to complete the sacraments of initiation (First Communion and/or Confirmation). RCIA aims to support you wherever you are.

The 2023/2024 RCIA program will begin in mid-October, meeting both on Zoom and in person following Sunday Mass at one of the Brooklyn Oratory’s two parishes, St. Boniface and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. All inquiries are welcome and will be kept confidential. For more information, contact RCIA coordinators Rob and Nadine,

Family Faith Registration is Open!

Please register right away for next year’s programs!

Please look out for emails with a calendar and more information

about our offerings for families, parents and children.

Family Faith and Sacraments Staffing Update

Patti Debonis will not be returning as Youth and Family Minister next year, though she will be back to offer Confirmation/youth events. We thank her so much for her love for our young people! Christina Matone was offered a full time position teaching Latin at Kellenberg Memorial High School. She will continue to work together with Emma and Coleen for First Communion classes; help with F3 the beginning of the year; and offer Child Lures and VIRTUS training.

There will be no big changes to the structure of the program (see the existing program outline here), but we will move to a Team Model to run it. We see this as an opportunity for more of us to work together, get to know each other better, and help our children experience God’s love for them in the Church. Would you like to get involved? Please reach out to Christina at

Position Available

Saint Saviour Catholic Academy (SSCA) is looking for a hands-on, seasoned development professional, responsible for all aspects of fundraising (annual fund, capital campaign, events, grants), alumni relations, and community partnerships. This position can be hybrid with the need for periodic visits to the school and occasional hours spent on evening and weekend events.

Special Knowledge/Skills: This position requires a deep knowledge of fundraising principles at all levels, demonstrated success in growing and managing a donor base, executing fundraising events, grant writing, excellent verbal and written communication skills, organizational skills with attention to detail, accuracy, and ability to meet deadlines and objectives.

Education: Bachelor’s degree required.

Only serious inquiries please. Contact Susan Walsh, Principal at

Farewell Fr. George

Fr. George Okoro has been ministering at the Oratory parishes since January. At the end of August, he will return to the New York Oratory to continue his work there. We want to thank Fr. George for his generous service to our parishes. He has played a vital part in supporting the liturgical celebrations at our parishes. Please reach out to Fr. George to thank him and wish him well. We will have a coffee hour in his honor on Sunday, August 27, after the 9:30am at ABVM and after the 11:15am Mass at SB.

Weekly Mass Intention Schedule

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Weekly Readings:


8-12 .......5:00pm.......Bettina & Antonio Acerra

8-13 ......9:30am.......For the People of the Parish

8-14 .......8:00am......Filomena DeRossi-Cooper

8-14 .......6:00pm......Fr. Francis Martin

8-15 .......8:00am.......Sr. Eileen Payne

8-16 .......8:00am.......Fe F. Genabe

8-17........No Mass

8-18.......No Mass

St. Boniface

8-13 .......11:15am......For the People of the Parish

8-13 ........6:00pm......Walter Jamieson, Jr.

8-14 ........6:00pm.....Joseph & Gilda Aguanno

8-15 .......12:10pm.....Dennis B. Delaney

8-16 .......12:10pm......Walter Jamieson, Jr.

8-17 .......No Mass

8-18 .......No Mass

Baptism at the Oratory Parishes

If you are expecting a child or are new to our communities and would like to have your child baptized in our parishes, please register for the next Baptism Preparation Session which is offered through Zoom. Send your inquiry to: and we will follow up to register you . Upcoming baptism dates are as follows: Sept 17 (St B), Oct 15 (ABVM), Nov 19 (StB), Dec 17 (ABVM).

Upcoming Calendar


08/13......Summer Mission Appeal

08/15......Feast of the Assumption

08/27......Farewell to Fr. George


09/17.......Homecoming Sunday

Please keep the sick of the community in your prayers:

Mary Cella, Martin Kafina, Catherine Bellinger, Ted Bajo,

Norma Padro, Jeremy Kreist, Abe Barnett, Maria Guzman,

Marie Smith, Kim Manzi.

Rest In Peace: Katherine Graham, Fr. Roman Galadza,

Beth Lancaster Bengochea, Louis Hoffmann, John Pfeifer,

Thomas Ryan, Noreen Rose Francis, Marie Ventura, Lloyd Ross.

Flower and Candle Dedications

St. Joseph candle offered by Connie Leone.

St. Jude candle offered by Notre Thomas.

Prayer List

If you would like to add someone to the prayer list, email the parish office at or go to the website and complete the information there.

Mass Times and Church Hours

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

2023 July & August Weekday Mass

Weekday hours: 7:45am–9:00am Monday through Wednesday. 

Weekday Masses: Monday through Wednesday 8am

2023 July & August Weekend Mass

5:00pm Saturday and 9:30am Sunday

Beginning Saturday, July 8, we will celebrate the 5pm Mass at Assumption downstairs in the parish hall.


The church is closed on

Thursday and Friday (effective 7/1-9/5/2023)

Confessions Saturday: 4:15pm-4:45pm

Prayers and Devotions

Tuesday: St Anthony Novena (after 8am Mass)

Will resume in September:

ThursdayRosary (after 8am Mass)

First FridaySacred Heart Novena (after 8am Mass)

First Saturday Mass: 9:00am with Rosary, Meditation and Benediction 

St Boniface

2023 July & August Weekday Mass

Weekday hours Monday through Friday: 11:30am-1:00pm

Mass: 12:10pm Monday through Wednesday

The church will be open for private prayer on Thursdays and Fridays. 

2023 July & August Weekend Mass

Sunday Masses: 11:15am and 6:00pm

Sunday hours 11:00am-12:30pm & 5:30pm-7:00pm

Confessions on Wednesdays, 11:30-noon

and before Mass on Sunday, 5:15pm-5:45pm

Prayer and Devotions

Tuesday & Thursday Rosary, after 12:10 Mass


Your faithful stewardship has helped sustain our communities and maintain vital ministries and services. Thank you for keeping faith with us and supporting our common work of the gospel. You can make your donation online through PushPay by clicking on one of the links.

For St Boniface:

For Assumption:

Or mail checks or envelopes to:

64 Middagh St

Brooklyn NY 11201

Attn: Assumption or St. Boniface

The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes 
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Boniface
Roman Catholic Communities in
Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights
Both parishes operate from one office:

64 Middagh Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201