Nirsevimab Update 

The Chapter learned that a few pediatric practices recently received requests from Massachusetts DPH to return some nirsevimab stock. We reached out to the MDPH Immunization Division to ask for some clarification on these requests.


Consistent with earlier MDPH communications on the supply chain shortage of nirsevimab, the Immunization Division is working to optimize the administration of newborn doses before discharge from hospitals across the state. MDPH has been contacting those pediatric primary care practices that have large inventories of the 50 mg formulation and requesting a return of some of those doses to meet the needs of birthing hospitals with no inventory.  

In general, the request has been primarily for the 50 mg nirsevimab, when it seems that a practice has inventory that they will likely not need in the short-term based on their patient population. Please remember that any patient over 5 kg should receive the 100 mg formulation.

The Chapter will continue to provide updates to its members as we get more news. Please make sure you are checking emails from both CDC’s Health Alert Network and MDPH to get timely information on all immunization-related activity. As always, reach out to us at or with any questions or concerns.

Click here for the updated nirsevimab resource packet.

Click here for the updated nirsevimab dashboard.

MCAAP| 781-895-9852 | 860 Winter Street, Waltham, MA 02451 |