July 24, 2018
Nixa News | August 2018 Edition
In this month's edition you can read about...

  • City administrator search update
  • Upcoming events
  • A letter from the Mayor
  • See our interactive street closures map
  • And more!

As always, you can find much more information at Nixa.com and engage with us on our official social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Nextdoor.
The City of Nixa, and Nixa as a community, prides itself on innovation. From our decision to start our own electric utility 50 years ago, to our push to be the first GIG internet city in the region, thru to the public/private partnership that brought us the largest solar farm in the state - we continue to strive for new ideas and innovative ways of doing things to move Nixa forward.
As Mayor I have continued to make innovation a top priority at the city. 3 of my 4 years as Mayor, the city has been awarded the Missouri Municipal League (MML) "Innovation Award" - the top award for city innovation in the state. This year Nixa won the award for the new solar farm, and will have it presented at the annual MML conference in Branson on Tuesday, September 18th. The city has pushed the drive to innovate through its culture. As part of the city's employee recognition program, "innovation" is one of the categories to be awarded. This leads the entire city team at the grassroots level to find new ways to make Nixa better.
I was also honored to be able to attend the Mayors Conference on Entrepreneurship earlier this month with over 120 Mayors from across the country. This conference let Mayors and entrepreneurs collaborate together to align their objectives and create a new national community where difficult problems can be addressed using the best of public and private approaches. I took away several incredible ideas that I hope we will be able to execute here, continuing Nixa's leadership as an innovator and a true "City of Opportunity".

Mayor Steele
The Baffler
This perplexing puzzle will keep you bewildered, befuddled, and bemused.

Q: A son and an engineer go fishing. The boy is the engineer's son but the engineer isn't the boy's dad. How is this possible?

The answer to The Baffler is at the bottom of the newsletter.
City Administrator Search Update
Nixa City Council are now reviewing applications from over 50 individuals who have applied to be our next City Administrator. Strategic Government Resources is the third party firm assisting Council through this process. Council is looking for a visionary and experienced leader who will be the perfect fit to guide our progressive, innovative, and fast-growing community into our next era of economic development and growth. Council will select finalists for interviews to be scheduled in the coming weeks.
Working For You
Street Repairs
The Nixa Streets Department is working to repair sections of street around town. To keep up with street and lane closures, be sure to see our interactive street closures map on our website.
Help Prevent Power Outages
Tree limbs and squirrels are two of the most frequent causes of electrical outages. When outages occur, Nixa Utilities depends on our customers to report the outage by calling 725-3229. Then, we can send line workers to restore power.

Did you know you can also do two things to help prevent outages?

  1. Report trees growing near power lines by calling 725-3229 or 725-2353.
  2. Ensure there are no squirrel feeders on or near utility poles on your property.
Exceptional City Staff
Service Award
At the July 23 City Council Meeting, Mayor Brian Steele recognized Deputy City Clerk Elizabeth Gibson for her 10 years of service to the city. Thanks for all you do Elizabeth!
Amanda Hunsucker, our Human Resources hero, achieved certification with the Society for Human Resources Management and has been promoted to Director of Human Resources. Congratulations Amanda!
City Clerk Cindy Robbins (pictured second from the left) achieved certification as a Missouri Certified City Clerk through the Missouri City Clerks and Finance Officers Association. Two other city clerks from the MCCFOA were present at the July 23 council meeting to present Cindy with recognition of her achievement and Mayor Brian Steele (far right) read a proclamation recognizing Cindy's achievement. Congratulations Cindy!
Employee Spotlight
Elizabeth Gibson is celebrating 10 years of service with the city. Elizabeth began her career with the city in the Planning and Zoning Department, but in August 2008, she transferred to the Administration Department. Elizabeth now serves as Deputy City Clerk where she manages a lot of the business license information, handles records retention and fills in during the absence of the City Clerk. Elizabeth has great customer service skills and maintains a wonderful rapport with both internal and external customers. She handles the public with patience and kindness and plays a major role in ensuring the success of the department. Her knowledge and communication with other departments and with the public helps set the standard for the whole office.
City Events
Nixa Police Department DARE Officer Brent Forgey will be at Safetypalooza on July 28 from 9am-2pm to help teach children safety tips. This event will be held at Nixa Junior High.
National Night Out
Come meet your Nixa Police Officers and Fire Fighters.

Join us for Nixa's National Night Out on August 7th at The X Center from 6pm-8pm.

This FREE event includes swimming, refreshments, games, prizes, and more!
Video Contest
Know someone 15-years-old or younger? They can create a 1 to 2 minute video on the topic of "Stranger Danger Safety Tips" and enter the 2nd Annual Nixa Police Department DARE Program Video Contest. Entries due by August 1. The winning video will get a prize package worth $150! See contest details on our website.
Nixa Next
You are the next generation. Be a voice for Nixa’s next steps. We need your input.

Nixa Mayor Brian Steele is hosting a free lunch at Bud and Walt’s Pizza and Pasta House for Nixa Residents ages 17-29 on Saturday, August 18 from 11:45am to 1:15pm.

The Mayor wants to hear your ideas on career opportunities, entertainment, current social issues, and ways to make Nixa an even better place to live.

If you are interested in contributing to the development of your city, or just want a free lunch, please join us August 18 th !
50th Anniversary Celebration for the Nixa Electric Utility
Save the date! October 6, 1pm-4pm.

The Nixa Electric Utility is planning a 50th Anniversary Celebration for our residents and customers. This event will commemorate the history of the City of Nixa's electric department and the path that led Nixa residents to owning and operating their own electric provider.
More event details coming soon.
Movies in the Park
The Movies in the Park series is presented by the Massengale Group. All movies begin at dusk and all movies are FREE! Please bring lawn chairs or blankets. Concessions will be available for purchase. All movies are dependent on weather. No smoking and no alcohol.

August 18th: Star Wars—The Last Jedi
September 22nd: Coco
Aquatics Center: Back to School Hours
When Nixa heads back to school, the hours at the Aquatics Center will change. Effective August 14th, the pool will be open as follows:

Open Swim : Friday 3:30 pm - 8:00 pm, Saturday 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm, 
Sunday 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm. 

Lap Swim and Splash Time : Monday through Thursday, and Saturday 10:00 am - 11:15 am.

Labor Day (September 3rd) : Open Swim 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm; Doggie Dive In 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm.
Doggie Dive In
On Labor Day, the pool will go to the dogs! To celebrate the end of the pool season, the Aquatics Center will hold its annual Doggie Dive In. The 
Doggie Dive In will be September 3rd, from 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm. Dogs are free and people are $2 each.
The Update is a great way to learn more about what's happening in Nixa and have your questions answered while enjoying lunch. Each month, we bring a different guest speaker. These events give senior citizens an opportunity to meet and interact with the city's leadership, voice their concerns, and stay informed!

For 2018, The Update is held on the last Wednesday of each month.

UPCOMING DATES: July 25, August 29, September 26.

Anyone can enjoy lunch at the Nixa Senior Center with a suggested donation of $6. Learn more at the  Nixa Senior Center  website.
The Xchange
Nixa Parks and Recreation presents: The XChange, Learning Opportunities for Professional Growth.

During this educational series, the focus will be on increasing communication, resolving conflict, and avoid drama in the work place.

Speaker and author, Lauren Schieffer, will guide participants in utilizing effective communication tools to create a better workplace environment.

Seating is limited—please register early! To register, call 725.5486, visit The X Center, or send an email to  info@nixaparks.com . Each class is $50 per participant.

The series will be divided into the following classes.
  • Class 2: Before it comes to blows. September 13th, 9:00 am - 11:00 am
  • Class 3: Leading out of drama. November 8th, 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Fall Recreational Soccer
Dates: Saturdays, September 15th - October 20th

Location: The X Center

Open To:  Ages 3 years old - 8th Grade

Cost:  Members $40, Residents $45, Non-Residents $53

Registration ends August 15th *
Late registration from August 16th - August 19th, with a $10 additional late fee.
Fall Recreational Volleyball
Dates:  Games begin September 17th/18th - October 15th/16th

Tournament: Saturday, October 20th (3rd/4th Grade plays Mondays; 5th/6th Grade plays Tuesdays)

Location:  The X Center

Cost:  Members $40, Residents $45, Non-Residents $53

Open To:  Girls in 3rd - 6th Grade

Registration ends August 15th *
Late registration from August 16th - August 19th, with a $10 additional late fee.
Fall Session: August 20th - September 17th (No classes Labor Day)

Open To: Ages 6 years and older

Fees: $40 per session

The non-contact, safe sport of tennis is great in terms of health and fitness. Tennis also develops hand-eye coordination, balance, and body coordination. Moreover, tennis nurtures work ethic and discipline, all while teaching young players responsibility and sportsmanship.
Mondays 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Ages 6 - 10 years old
Mondays 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Ages 11 - 17 years old
Mondays 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Ages 18 and older
Thursdays 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Ages 6 - 10 years old
Thursdays 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Ages 11 - 17 years old
Thursdays 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Ages 18 and older
More Nixa Parks Events, Programs, & Sports Leagues
For the latest info on all the events happening at Nixa Parks and The X Center, follow this  link to the Nixa Parks Newsletter  and   NixaParks.com
FYI: For Your Information
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Now Hiring!
The City of Nixa has job openings for various city departments!

Visit the  jobs section of our website   or you can call our Human Resources department at 417-725-3785.

You can learn more about what it's like to work for the City of Nixa when you  check out our page on LinkedIn .
Follow us on Facebook , Nextdoor, Twitter !

City Hall: 725-3785
Police: 725-2510
911 Non-emergency and Animal Control: 582-1030
Nixa Utilities and report an outage: 725-3229
Public Works: 725-2353
Parks: 725-5486
The Baffler Answer
The solution to your scalp scratchin'.

Q: A son and an engineer go fishing. The boy is the engineer's son but the engineer isn't the boy's dad. How is this possible?

A: The engineer is the boy's mom.
Nixa City Hall | 417-725-3785 | CityHall@Nixa.com | Nixa.com