I will tell you it hurts, it really does, every time I think about heading east on HWY 14 into Ozark. As a Nixa High graduate and the Mayor of Nixa, the competition between us and Ozark has been engrained in my core. But, sometimes we must take a deep breath and move across those city boundaries for the benefit of us all. Over the last year, Nixa, Ozark, Christian County, and dozens of local businesses have been working towards the creation of a "Christian County Business Development Cooperation" (CCBDC). The CCBDC will provide a single voice for the entire County when it comes to growing and attracting businesses in our area. Those businesses will help us create a more diverse economy that can support our ever-growing communities. We are currently in the process of registering with the correct agencies and setting up an Executive Committee to write the bylaws and to hire an Executive Director for this new group. So, let's all continue to battle tooth and nail every time we meet Ozark on the playing field - and work hand in hand with them off it to improve our communities and our County.
Are you getting all the Nixa info you need?
Hello Nixa!
We are making some small tweaks to the way we communicate with our citizens. First, you may have noticed that this newsletter is labeled February/March. That's because we'll start sending you the coming month's newsletter a couple weeks earlier to help you plan ahead. This is the March newsletter, and you can expect to see the April newsletter in the last couple weeks of March, and so on. Also, d
on't forget to "Like" and "Follow"
the City's Facebook page
. We are working hard to give you lots of updates there so we don't flood your e-mail. Another way to connect with the City is through our new Nextdoor.com account. Nextdoor.com is a social media network for neighborhoods to discuss crime, yard sales, and any other issues that might affect the people who live in your immediate vicinity. Now, not only can you discuss things with your neighbors, but you can directly message the city through the website and app to alert us to your concerns. Those messages come straight to my desk so I can be sure the appropriate City department will address it; from telling the Police about suspicious activity, to telling our Streets Department about a pot hole, the Nextdoor.com site is just one more way for us to hear from you so we can serve you better. You can also feel free to e-mail me directly with any questions or concerns at
Once again, please tell all your neighbors to follow
Facebook.com/NixaMO for Nixa-specific updates that you might not see on local news outlets.
Drew Douglas
Public Information Officer
April 4th Election: Voter Guide
On April 4th, Nixa voters will choose a new council person for District 3. That race is between Connor Koch and Darlene Graham. Pastor Matt Barker has suspended his campaign for the District 1 seat because he is moving to another district and would no longer be eligible to serve as District 1 Councilman. Jimmy Ledbetter is now the only remaining eligible candidate for the District 1 seat. Mayor Brian Steele is running unopposed for re-election, as is Municipal Judge Joel Harris. Voters will also decide a single ballot issue regarding collection of the City Sales Tax on Out-of-State Motor Vehicle Purchases. See the attached flyer for more information explaining this issue which could have a dramatic impact on the City's budget. April 4th Voter Guide Poster
Sign up for free curbside recycling
Enroll for a free curbside recycling bin! If you pay for trash pickup through the City of Nixa Utility, cost for curbside recycling is included in the price of trash pick-up, you just have to sign up to get your recycling cart delivered!
Call Republic Services 865-1717 to schedule your recycling cart delivery.
Recycling gets picked up every other week, just roll out your recycling bin to the curb alongside your trash bin.
Don't forget the city also has a recycling center where we can accept some of the things you can't throw in the curbside bins.
Nixa Recycling Services Website.
Tree Trimming
Tree trimming crews will be in the area represented on this map to cut back vegetation touching or too close to power lines. If you see trees that need to be trimmed within this area of Nixa (East of 160 but West of Hightower and South of Scott Wayne but North of Hwy 14/Mt. Vernon Street) please call the City Tree Department: 983-3000. Crews will be working this area for the next few months. If you have trees touching power lines in a back yard, please call to set up a time that would be best for you for a crew to come. We rotate which area of town the crews focus on each Spring/Summer. So if you live in a different area of town and see trees touching power lines, you can still call the tree department to report it, but right now we are focused on the area in this map.
Tree Trimming Map Spring 2017
The Nixa area's biggest business and community expo every year, hosted by the
Nixa Area Chamber of Commerce. This year's NIXPO will be held on Saturday, March 18th from 9am to 3pm at Nixa High School. Stop by the City of Nixa booth for some exciting give aways and lots of important info from the Police, Parks, and Public Works departments!
Health & Wellness Expo
join us for a day of nutrition, fitness education, and health awareness. The Christian County Health and Wellness Expo will be an opportunity for the people of Christian County to engage in various health and wellness screenings, activities, and seminars to learn about the numerous resources available to them within their community. Join us Saturday, April 1st from 9:00 am to noon. Entrance is FREE to the public! Booth spaces are available for vendors. Made possible by a grant from the Nixa Community Foundation.
Academy Shopping Day
You're invited to Academy Sports + Outdoors for an exclusive Nixa Parks league shopping day! On Saturday, March 11th at the Springfield store present your flyer at check out to receive your discount. We hope to see you there! Click here to print the flyer.
Need a Job?
Nixa Parks is looking to fill summer positions in aquatics, sports, summer camps, and concessions.
section of our web site or you can call our Human Resources department at 417-724-5626.
Play Ball!
T-Ball / Baseball / Softball registration ends April 7th. Season begins the week of May 8th. The program is open to boys and girls ages 3 years old to currently in 6th grade.
Tornado Shelters
Do you know where your nearest FEMA shelter is? There are 4 in Nixa. Click
here to see where your closest shelter is. Visit
Ready.gov for more information on #SevereWeatherPrep.
As always, if you have any questions about what's happening at the city, please reach out to us either by email, phone,
Facebook, or