Nixa News | July 2018 Edition
In this month's edition you can read about...
- How to help prevent electric outages
- City administrator search update
- Upcoming events
- A letter from the Mayor reviewing the city's annual leadership retreat
- And more!
As always, you can find much more information at and engage with us on our official social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Nextdoor.
As Mayor, one of my foremost responsibilities is to foster cooperation and coordination among our community leaders. Not only within Nixa, but across other agencies and organizations here, in Christian County, and throughout the southwest Missouri region.
One of the ways the City Council and I try to foster that collaboration is by taking the city's leadership team on an annual retreat. This year's one day conference was held on the campus of College of the Ozarks. We started by reviewing Nixa's 5-year strategic plan and reminding ourselves of the goals and objectives we set at last year's retreat.
The leaders of all the city's departments were present, along with all of your city council representatives, and special guests who held an economic development round-table discussion. Those guests were: Andrea Sitzes of Show Me Christian County; Chris Russell of the Nixa Area Chamber of Commerce; Karen Best, Mayor of Branson; Rick Ziegenfuss, Hollister's City Administrator; and Jonas Arjes of the Taney County Partnership.
I highly valued the regional perspective we gained as municipal leaders as we workshopped some concepts for economic development. We believe in the value of learning from our neighbors and partners rather than reinventing the wheel. We even took time to learn about setting a high standard of customer service from the College of the Ozark's Keeter Center staff.
I am continually impressed by how strong the leadership team is within the City of Nixa staff. Police Chief Jimmy Liles and Major Joe Campbell taught a course on situational leadership. Parks Director Matt Crouse and his Assistant Director Katie Buford taught a class on strengths-based leadership. We truly have talented and passionate leaders working across the city. I believe the continual development of and collaboration among these leaders is the best way to work out the detailed strategies for following through on our motto, "Neighbors Committed to an Exceptional Quality of Life".
Mayor Steele
This perplexing puzzle will keep you bewildered, befuddled, and bemused.
Q: What do you throw away when you need it but put away when you don't?
The answer to The Baffler is at the bottom of the newsletter.
City Administrator Search Update
Nixa City Council are still looking for the visionary and experienced leader who will be the perfect fit to guide our progressive, innovative, and fast-growing community into our next era of economic development and growth. See the job description and apply at the
Strategic Government Resources website.
The X Center Pool is now open! Get your day pass $4 for Nixa residents, $5 for non-Nixa residents. Season passes are sold for $105 for the first person in a Nixa household, with an additional $17.50 for each additional person in the household. For non-Nixa households, the price is $115 for the first person and $20 for each additional person.
Help Prevent Power Outages
Tree limbs and squirrels are two of the most frequent causes of electrical outages. When outages occur, Nixa Utilities depends on our customers to report the outage by calling 725-3229. Then, we can send line workers to restore power.
Did you know you can also do two things to help prevent outages?
- Report trees growing near power lines by calling 725-3229 or 725-2353.
- Ensure there are no squirrel feeders on or near utility poles on your property.
Thanks to Scott Honeycutt, a utility worker in the Street Department, for 10 years of service to the city!
Thanks to Brian Denney, the Electric Superintendent for Nixa Utilities, for his 20 years of service to the city!
Watch Nixa's Award-Winning Police Recruitment Video
In 2017, the Nixa Police Department asked Public Information Officer Drew Douglas to create a Police recruitment video. We use this video to show potential Police candidates what the values, standards, and expectations of our department are. It also explains the benefits of working in service of our community.
Now the video is being recognized with a Platinum Hermes Creative Award and a Gold Telly Award.
Watch it on and share it with anyone you know who may be interested in a career in law enforcement.
The Movies in the Park series is presented by the Massengale Group. All movies begin at dusk and all movies are FREE! Please bring lawn chairs or blankets. Concessions will be available for purchase. All movies are dependent on weather. No smoking and no alcohol.
July 21st: Jumanji—Welcome to the Jungle
August 18th: Star Wars—The Last Jedi
September 22nd: Coco
The Update is a great way to learn more about what's happening in Nixa and have your questions answered while enjoying lunch. Each month, we bring a different guest speaker. These events give senior citizens an opportunity to meet and interact with the city's leadership, voice their concerns, and stay informed!
For 2018, The Update is held on the last Wednesday of each month.
UPCOMING DATES: June 27, July 25, August 29.
Anyone can enjoy lunch at the Nixa Senior Center with a suggested donation of $6. Learn more at the
Nixa Senior Center
Nixa Parks and Recreation presents: The XChange, Learning Opportunities for Professional Growth.
During this educational series, the focus will be on increasing communication, resolving conflict, and avoid drama in the work place.
Speaker and author, Lauren Schieffer, will guide participants in utilizing effective communication tools to create a better workplace environment.
Seating is limited—please register early! To register, call 725.5486, visit The X Center, or send an email to
. Each class is $50 per participant.
The series will be divided into the following classes.
- Class 2: Before it comes to blows. September 13th, 9:00 am - 11:00 am
- Class 3: Leading out of drama. November 8th, 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Come check out Jr. Lifeguards! The class will give a basic introduction to the skills lifeguards use.
Classes will be held July 16th - July 26th, Monday through Thursday, from 11:15 am to 12:30 pm.
Registration will end July 12th.
The program is open to kids ages 10 - 15 years old.
The fees for the program are as follows: $30 Member, $35 Resident, $42 Non-Resident.
Space is limited—please register early! Registration will end the Thursday prior to the first class of each session.
Classes include Tadpoles, Intro to Swim, and Levels 1 through 5.
Classes are held Monday through Thursday for the two week session.
The fees for the program are as follows: Member $40, Nixa Resident $45, Non-Resident $53.
Session Dates for Swim Lessons: (Times vary depending on class)
Session 3: July 2nd to July 12th
Session 4: July 16th to July 26th
Saturdays, September 15th - October 20th
The X Center
Open To:
Ages 3 years old - 8th Grade
Members $40, Residents $45, Non-Residents $53
Registration ends August 15th
Late registration from August 16th - August 19th, with a $10 additional late fee.
Fall Recreational Volleyball
Games begin September 17th/18th - October 15th/16th
Saturday, October 20th (3rd/4th Grade plays Mondays; 5th/6th Grade plays Tuesdays)
The X Center
Members $40, Residents $45, Non-Residents $53
Open To:
Girls in 3rd - 6th Grade
Registration ends August 15th
Late registration from August 16th - August 19th, with a $10 additional late fee.
More Nixa Parks Events, Programs, & Sports Leagues
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The City of Nixa has job openings for various city departments!
City Hall: 725-3785
Police: 725-2510
911 Non-emergency and Animal Control: 582-1030
Nixa Utilities and report an outage: 725-3229
Public Works: 725-2353
Parks: 725-5486
The solution to your scalp scratchin'.
Q: What do you throw away when you need it but put away when you don't?
A: An anchor.
Nixa City Hall | 417-725-3785 | |