September 30, 2021
Nixa Newsletter | October 2021
Click on any headline or image to be taken to the news article you wish to read.
Mayor's Letter
This month, Brian Steele writes about Nixa's hometown spirit.
Reminders & Updates
Let your voice be heard! Take the survey today!
Your input will serve as a guide for Christian County's future goals, development, and land uses. Survey closes October 10, 2021.
Nixa redistricting process underway based on updated census data
Growth in northeast Nixa over the last decade means Council District 1 currently has significantly more population than the other two districts.
REMINDER: The last day to register to vote for this election is October 6, 2021.
The promotion ends October 20, 2021.
Working For You
The new roundabout at Tracker Rd. & Old Castle Rd. is scheduled to be completed in October 2021.
The SAFHR grant is provided by the Missouri State Assistance for Housing Relief for renters, with a few eligibility requirements. Apply for help.
Exceptional City Staff
Learn why Johnny Neal is such a valuable member of the Nixa Electric Department.
Pick up a discount coupon at The X Center or use the image above.
Parks Programs
To learn about programs and events offered by Nixa Parks, take a look at the latest Nixa Parks Newsletter.
News From Our Partners
For the latest news from Nixa Public Schools, download the app!
Or check out the QuickNews bi-weekly newsletter.
Visit the Nixa Fire Protection District Website.
Or download the Nixa Fire app!
Check out the latest business news from the Nixa Chamber.
Download the new "Experience Nixa" app!
See the latest economic development news in Christian County.
Latest news from the Christian County Library.
Visit the Christian County Health Department website.
See the latest COVID-19 update from the Health Department.
Visit the Christian County website for information about election, tax assessment, the Sheriff's office, and more.
FYI: For Your Information
View the current job openings at the City of Nixa!
Learn about the benefits of working for the City of Nixa.
Follow the City of Nixa on LinkedIn.
Stream meetings live every 2nd & 4th Monday each month from the comfort of your home!
City Hall: 417-725-3785
Police Department: 417-725-2510
911 Non-emergency & Animal Control: 417-582-1030
Nixa Utilities and report-an-outage: 417-725-3229
Public Works: 417-725-2353
Nixa Parks: 417-725-5486