August 31, 2020
Nixa News | September 2020 Edition
Recently, I had the opportunity to welcome back the teachers and staff of Nixa Public Schools for the 2020-2021 school year and thank them for all of the hard work they have put into planning for a return to classrooms and virtual learning. As we all work to get ready to move on from the Spring and head into the "new normal" I was thinking back…

I had some pretty amazing plans for the Spring – a double graduation in planned in May with my daughter Sidney graduating from Mizzou and Taylor from Nixa High School. I had planned a bucket list vacation to Europe. And I had planned for my first - “first day of school” in 17 years where I wouldn’t have a kid in the Nixa Public Schools.

But then life happens right? So as we all head into this year and move into the unknown I want to thank everyone in our community – school board members and administrators, teachers and staff, parents and guardians - for all of the work and planning you have put into this upcoming school year.

As mayor I know I wasn’t given much pre-Covid training on how to deal with a global pandemic – and I am sure as families, teachers and professionals, most of you weren’t either. I would much rather make proclamations recognizing local charities and attend Chamber of Commerce events than issue emergency orders or weigh in on public health policy.

But they say adversity builds character - so we should all be ready to face just about anything at this point, right? We have all done our part to make the best plans possible to prepare and protect our kids and our community - and we are ready to move forward - into that unknown.

So, let’s keep our social distancing, get our masks on and get ready to make this the best school year possible!

Mayor Steele
Masking for my clients
Who are you masking for? #MaskingForAFriend
We at the City of Nixa are masking in city facilities and when we are out in public in order to help protect our community when we are not able to maintain safe social distance.

Mayor Steele and the Nixa City Council are kindly asking everyone to please wear masks when in public if you are not able to maintain 6 feet of social distance from others who are not of your same household.

This is something we can all do to minimize the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic and help our community economically recover as quickly as possible.

According to the CDC, face masks have been shown to be effective in reducing the amount of droplets which leave your nose and mouth. This means that those who are infected (especially those who are infected but are not feeling symptoms) can reduce their chance of accidentally spreading the disease to others by simply maintaining 6 feet of social distance and/or wearing a mask.

Keep in mind, similar to helmets, life vests and seatbelts, masks only work when you wear them properly.
masking for small businesses
Working For You
Heads up, we're changing the way we send you news and information via email. Rather than waiting to compile a month's worth of information between emails, the City of Nixa will begin sending more frequent email alerts about news items.

We will still send out a monthly email newsletter, but it will have a new look. Beginning in October 2020, the monthly email newsletter will include a list of news headlines you may have missed from the previous month. When you click on a headline, it will take you to read the full article at
Ask your neighbors and loved ones: Have you completed the 2020 Census?
September is your last chance to be counted in the 2020 Census. Please remind neighbors and loved ones (especially young adults living alone for the first time, elderly loved-ones, renters, and those in rural areas) to complete the census for their household.

You may complete the census survey online (takes less than 5 minutes) at

Why the census matters: Getting an accurate population count means Nixa will get its fair share of funding back from the federal government for schools, healthcare, roads, and more! Every person that goes uncounted will cost our community thousands of dollars annually.

You may also respond to the census by calling 844-330-2020, or by completing the paper form and mailing it back.

When responding, remember to count everyone living in your home or apartment, even babies!

Learn more about the census at
Questions? Call Nixa City Hall at 417-725-3785.
Warning for Nixa Utilities customers
There is an online bill pay website and app which appears to be affiliated with Nixa Utilities but it is not. is a third-party website that allows people to pay their electric bills via their site. However, may charge the customer extra fees, and Nixa Utilities cannot control when we will receive the payment from, possibly resulting in a late payment from the member or even disconnection due to non-payment.

To make sure you are paying Nixa Utilities directly, visit our website, or our smart payment portal,
2020 Nixa Parks Program Guide
Exceptional City Staff
Employee Spotlight
Britney Davis
Britney Davis joined the Nixa Parks and Recreation Department in 2014 as a part-time employee working Front Desk and some Fitness. In November 2017 Britney made the transition from part-time to full-time as a Recreation Specialist over the Fitness Center. Britney has a passion for fitness and helping others achieve their fitness goals. Britney also oversees many of the departments special events like; The Easter Egg Hunt, Spooktacular, and Christmas Parade. Britney is a very focused and goal-oriented person so she pushes to achieve and make our fitness area the best it can be. Britney and her team of dedicated fitness instructors and staff are always ready for the next challenge. Keep up the good work Britney and Thank You for all your hard work!
Changing of the Guard
Donna Retires
After 17 years of service to the City of Nixa, Finance Director Donna Swatzell (pictured left) retired last week. During her tenure, Donna led the city to earn its first Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association (and has earned one every year since, along with a Trust Award from the Springfield Chapter of the Better Business Bureau). We will miss Donna's leadership and friendship and hope she enjoys her well-earned retirement!

We also now celebrate the fact that Jennifer Evans (pictured right) is taking over as Finance Director for the City of Nixa (we stole her a few months ago from the City of Cassville so she could train alongside Donna). Jennifer has already earned our trust and shown her grace and ability to lead even as she was being brought up to speed during everything 2020 has thrown at us. You won't find anyone more passionate about financial responsibility, accountability, and transparency than these two.
City Events
Doggie Dive In 2020
Sept. 7: Doggy Dive-In
On Labor Day, the pool will go to the dogs! To celebrate the end of the pool season, the Aquatics Center will hold its annual Doggie Dive In, sponsored by Seven Hills Veterinary Clinic. The Doggie Dive In will be September 7th, from 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm. Dogs are free and people are $2 each. 
Movies in the Park 2020
Sept. 12: Movie in the Park - Aladdin
The Movies in the Park series is presented by the Massengale Group. All movies are held at McCauley Park, begin at dusk, and all movies are FREE! Please bring lawn chairs or blankets. Concessions will be available for purchase. All movies are 
dependent on weather. No smoking and no alcohol.
September 12th: Aladdin (PG Live Action)
Nixa vs Ozark Blood Drive
Blood drive 2020 poster
The city of Nixa is participating in the first-ever Mayors’ Challenge Blood Drive with Community Blood Center of the Ozarks to help provide some much-needed blood donations for community patients.

The challenge to get the most lifesaving blood donations is between the cities of Nixa and Ozark. Ozark’s blood drive will happen first on Wed, Sept 9th at the First Baptist Church from 9:30 – 4:30. Nixa’s chance will be on Thurs, Sept. 10th at The Bridge Church from 9:30 – 4:30.

All donors will receive an “Extreme Adventure” t-shirt and one lucky donor from the winning community will be drawn to win a $500 Visa gift card courtesy of Greg & Carol Shackleford. Greg & Carol are from the Nixa community & were inspired to make a donation to help incentivize donors during this critical time after seeing Adam Swenka’s donation for the Bleed Greene event. Greg is alive thanks to blood donors after needing transfusions due to a car accident when he was a teenager. They are both blood donors & are also challenging others in their community to pay it forward through blood donation, hosting a blood drive or providing donor incentives.

The winning city will have a travelling trophy to proudly display until next year’s challenge. Community Blood Center of the Ozarks is the local, not-for-profit, SOLE provider of ALL blood, platelets, plasma & convalescent plasma to all 44 hospitals in 40 counties, including all Springfield hospitals. For donor’s & staff’s safety, masks are required & will be provided if you don’t have one. Appointments are strongly encouraged to manage donor flow. To make an appointment, go to or call 417-227-5006.
Parks Programs
Recreational Basketball
Recreational basketball
Recreational Basketball is geared towards introducing and fostering interest in basketball. Emphasis is on learning the game and having fun.

Season Dates: Saturday, November 7th - December 19th.

Open To: Boys and girls ages 3 years old (must be 3 by November 7th) to 6th grade. 

Location: Games are played at The X Center and Nixa Public Schools.

Fees: Members $42, Nixa Residents $47, Non-Residents $55.

Registration: August 3rd - October 7th. Late registration from October 8th - October 11th with a $10 additional late fee.
Yoga in the Park
Yoga in the Park
Bring your towel, mat, and water and come ready to relax in an outdoor setting. We will be guided through a 60-minute yoga session by a certified yoga instructor. This class is free and open all community members and fitness levels. We will meet at McCauley Park beneath the willow tree.
Saturday, October 10th: 6 - 7 pm
Saturday, October 17th: 6 - 7 pm
Saturday, October 24th: 6 - 7 pm
More Nixa Parks Events, Programs, & Sports Leagues
For the latest info on all the events happening at Nixa Parks and The X Center, follow the link to
FYI: For Your Information
Sign Up for Text Alerts and
Get emergency alerts on your phone by downloading the Swift 911 Public app from your app store. Subscribe to the "Nixa City News" alerts category and any other categories you'd like to receive text alerts about.

Sign up here for e-mail notifications from the City of Nixa. You may select which categories of e-notifications you will receive, so you only get emails on the topics you're interested in. From bids, to calendar events, to press releases, you can get an alert as soon as the information is released so you don't have to wait for the monthly newsletter.
Now Hiring!
The City of Nixa has job openings for various city departments!

Visit the jobs section of our website or you can call our Human Resources department at 417-725-3785.

You can learn more about what it's like to work for the City of Nixa when you check out our page on LinkedIn.
Follow us on Facebook, Nextdoor, Twitter!

City Hall: 725-3785
Police: 725-2510
911 Non-emergency and Animal Control: 582-1030
Nixa Utilities and report an outage: 725-3229
Public Works: 725-2353
Parks: 725-5486
Nixa Utilities ad
Nixa City Hall | 417-725-3785 | |