As my friend, and voice of the Nixa Football Eagles, Chris Russell will be asking everyone in a couple of days - Are you ready for Friday Night Football? I for one sure am! There are a lot of great events in Nixa throughout the year, but there is nothing else quite like that first Friday night home football game. When the lights come on, the crowd cheers, the band starts to play and the players hit the field.
I will admit I am a little biased. As a Nixa graduate and (really, really old) former Nixa Football player, I still remember breaking through that banner on Friday night. The excitement as your friends, family and the entire community cheers you on. The pleasure you feel when you are able to crush Ozark in the Backyard Brawl!
This year's first home game will add a new dimension as the City of Nixa sponsors the game and hosts a pre-game party on the practice field. One of the City's key strategies is to "develop and implement plans to involve citizens and encourage participation." A way we do that is with our NixaFest events. These events allow the community to meet and talk with their City Council and members of the city staff. You can find out what exciting things are coming to Nixa - and enjoy free inflatables and ice cream.
So I hope you will join us from 5:30 to 7:00 this Friday night for NixaFest - then help root on the Eagles to victory!
City Council Announces Seal, Flag, and Police Patch Redesign Contest
The City of Nixa is seeking submissions for a new City Seal, Flag, and Police Badge (patch) vector graphics package.T
he competition is open to anyone and t
he city is offering a $1,000 prize for the winning design package. Submissions are due by October 2, 2017. Find complete rules at
NixaFest to Kick Off Eagles Football Season!
The City of Nixa is celebrating the first home game of the Nixa High School football season on August 25th with a NixaFest Pre-Game Party! Come join City Council beginning at 5:30pm for inflatables and free ice-cream! The game against Branson kicks off at 7pm. This is a great opportunity to gather as a community to support our student athletes, meet your council representatives and learn about what's happening in the community! We will also raffle off SHOP LOCAL gift baskets at half-time, so stop by NixaFest to get your raffle ticket before the game!
Seniors, don't forget to join us for "The Update" at the Nixa Senior Center
"The Update" is a monthly effort to better inform and engage Nixa's senior citizens.
On the last Friday of every month, Nixa's Public Information Officer, Drew Douglas, will attend lunch at the Nixa Senior Center. He will bring information from the latest edition of the Nixa E-mail Newsletter, along with a special guest. It's a way for the city to ensure our seniors know what's happening in their town, an opportunity to hear their concerns and answer their questions. It also gives a chance for seniors to meet and interact with the city's leadership, ask questions, and stay informed!
August 25th special guests will be Nixa Mayor Brian Steele, and Public Works Director Doug Colvin.
September 29th special guests have not yet been determined.
Anyone can enjoy lunch at the Nixa Senior Center with a suggested donation of $6. Learn more at
Nixa Senior Center
Movies in the Park
The Movies in the Park series is presented by the Massengale Group. All movies begin at dusk and all movies are FREE! Please bring lawn chairs or blankets. Concessions will be available for purchase. All movies are dependent on weather. No smoking and no alcohol.
August 26th - Sing
September 30th - Lego Batman
Doggy Dive In!
On Labor Day, the pool will go to the dogs! To celebrate the end of the pool season, the Aquatics Center will hold its annual Doggie Dive In. The Doggie Dive In will be September 4th, from 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm. Dogs are free and people are $2 each.
Unified Sports: Basketball
Unified Sports (part of the Special Olympics) is coming to Nixa Parks! This inclusive program is designed for individuals ages 8 to 16 years old. We will kick off Unified Sports with a basketball program. Practices will begin late September / early October with games being played November through December. If interested in playing or volunteering, please contact us.
Winter Recreational Basketball
Registration for Winter Recreational Basketball ends October 6th. The program is open to boys and girls ages 3 years old (must be 3 by November 4th) to 6th grade. Games will be played on Saturdays. The season will run from Saturday, November 4th - December 16th. The fees for the program are as follows: Members $40, Nixa Residents $45, Non-Residents $53.
Need a job?
The City of Nixa has job openings for various city departments!
section of our website or you can call our Human Resources department at 417-724-5626.
Halloween Spooktacular
Spooktacular is presented by Mac Dental! Join Nixa Parks, Nixa Police, Nixa Fire District, and local businesses for the annual Halloween Spooktacular. The event will be held on Friday, October 27th from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Please bring a canned food item for donation. Wear your costumes and Trick-or-Trick at The X Center. In addition to candy, there will be lots of fun activities, including laser tag, inflatables, crazy hair, and more! Businesses, booth spaces will be available-more information to come!
Back to School Safety
With Nixa Schools starting back this month, everyone needs to be aware of an increase in traffic near all schools. With that in mind people need to allow themselves more time when traveling. Expect delays and expect Nixa Officers to be enforcing school zones. When driving by a school, some students will be walking on city streets. Also, be prepared for students to use crosswalks near their schools. MODOT has a new safety program called "Buckle Up Phone Down." It's designed for a driver to commit to wearing their seat belt and put their phone down to eliminate distractions while driving. Buckling up before a person drives and eliminate distractions in their vehicle is the best way to travel. Remember to be courteous of school bus drivers, and all traffic in both directions must stop when a school bus turns on its light and deploys its stop sign, until children have boarded or exited the bus and cleared out of the roadway.
Electronics Recycling Day
Complete Electronics Recycling will be partnering with the City of Nixa to host an electronics recycling collection. The event will be held Saturday, September 9 from 9am - 12pm at 1111 W. Katheryn St. and is open to all residents, businesses, churches, schools and organizations in Nixa and the surrounding area.
 PCs, laptops, cell phones, kitchen appliances, and lots of other electronic equipment will be accepted free of charge except for Televisions (All TVs) and CRT Monitors ($20 fee applies). A more detailed list of recyclable items can be found at
The following items will NOT be accepted at the event, but can be recycled at their facility located at 2935 W. Chestnut Expressway in Springfield during normal business hours (9am - 5pm Mon-Sat).
- Alkaline batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, hearing aid, etc.)
- Fluorescent / CFL / HID Lamps
- Appliances w/ Freon (Dehumidifiers / Refrigerators / Air Conditioners)
- Large Appliances (Washers / Dryers / Dishwasher / Hot Water Heater / Water Softeners / etc.)
For more information about this event, please contact Tim Andrews at 417-864-4415 or
Complete Electronics Recycling is a local computer and electronics recycling company offering a variety of recycling and data destruction services to residential and commercial clients in southwest Missouri. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, EPA & DNR registration, BBB Accreditation, millions of pounds of material diverted from area landfills, highly responsible and environmentally friendly business practices and guaranteed data destruction, Complete Electronics Recycling protects you and the environment.
Streets Slated for Mill and Overlay:
Residents living on the following streets SHOULD NOT park in the street starting on August 14th, 2017. The City of Nixa is paying a contractor to mill and overlay new asphalt on the following streets this year. If your car is parked in such a way that it impedes work, it will be towed at your expense. If parking is allowed on your street, you may resume doing so after the work is completed. Theses streets will not be closed for this work.
Slim Wilson Blvd.
N. Jones Ct.
E. Allen Ct.
N. Haworth Ct.
N. Bill Ring Ct.
W. Bridgewood Pl.
Woodbridge Ct.
Bridgewood Ct.
Majestic Oak Dr.
Rippling Creek Rd.
Brook Forest Rd.
Peach Brook
W. Hunter Dr.
Pheasant Run
W. Deerfield Dr.
Plans for 2019 Intersection Improvements
The Core Team for the upcoming design and construction improvements at 160/Northview and 160/Tracker intersections met on August 24th to review preliminary design and discuss various construction concerns and opportunities. The Core Team is made up of about 15 to 20 individuals from MoDOT, City of Nixa and the engineers, Bartlett and West. The local firm of Shaffer and Hines is also involved as a subcontractor to B&W. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2019. Questions or concerns may be directed to MoDOT or Nixa Public Works: 725-2353.
Council Employee Recognition Awards
This quarter we received 5 nominations for the Council Employee Recognition Award of Excellence.
- Kirk Farris/Wastewater - was nominated for his diligent work during the heavy rains in April, keeping the facility in compliance.
- Amanda Hunsucker/Human Resources - was nominated for always going above and beyond to help others.
- Jacob Elwood/Parks - was nominated for his teamwork, creating an atmosphere of cooperation, to help the team function at its highest level without consideration of his personal needs or convenience.
- Stephanie Ewing/Public Works - was nominated for volunteering to assist in the HR duties, to see that employees' needs and deadlines for payroll were met.
- Chad Harmon/Utility Billing - was nominated for his excellent customer service.
Each of the nominees met the criteria for Council's Award of Excellence. It was a difficult decision, but the committee decided Chad Harmon should receive this quarter's Award of Excellence.
During a difficult disconnect day, Chad handled a very hostile customer with a calm manner, being polite and treating the customer with respect. The angry customer's neighbor (who witnessed the incident) came to the Utility Office to compliment on Chad's behavior during the encounter. The neighbor was impressed with Chad's ability to handle the situation.
The following week, Chad stopped to help a gentleman who had fallen while mowing his yard. The man had sat in his yard, trying to flag someone down, when Chad stopped to help him. Chad assisted the man up and into his home and even offered to call for medical assistance. This gentleman called Chad's supervisor to express his appreciation.
Chad's actions and excellent customer service skills make him a perfect candidate to receive the Award of Excellence and an exceptional representative of the City of Nixa.
(Pictured below from left to right: Kirk Farris, Amanda Hunsucker, Mayor Brian Steele, Stephanie Ewing, Chad Harmon)
Building Inspectors Achievement
 At the July 24th City Council Meeting, Building Inspectors Jason Cook and Joe Ripple received certificates of achievement for completing not one, but two major certifications. Both became Certified Residential Inspectors through the International Code Council, a nearly 8 month process which involved classes and testing on inspections during the building process. Jason and Joe also completed a one year online course with the International Association of Home Inspectors, meaning they have an extra certification above and beyond state requirements for home inspectors. These certifications mean Nixa builders, businesses, and residents can rest assured that the structures in our town are inspected by highly qualified and certified professionals. Thanks for your hard work in completing these certifications in between all the effort to keep up with the construction boom in Nixa!
Win a $100 Bass Pro gift card!
 As the City of Nixa looks to the future and makes plans to ensure an adequate long-term water supply, we want to better understand citizen opinions about this issue. Below you will find a link that will take you to the 2017 Citizen Water Supply and Usage Survey. Your participation in the survey is very important and the survey findings will assist the City of Nixa in its efforts to better serve the long-term water supply needs of its citizens.
The information you provide will be completely confidential and anonymous. Your completed survey will go directly to Opinion Research Specialists LLC, an independent research company, which will collect and analyze the results.
The survey takes about three minutes to complete. Upon completion of the survey, you will have the option of entering a drawing to win one of five $100 Bass Pro Shops gift cards.
You may take the survey now at
Thank you for participating in this important project.
Nixa To Get A Library Location
On August 8th, Christian County residents voted to approve the restoration of the 20 cent tax levy to fund Christian County Library expansion and improvements including a branch in Nixa.
The Christian County Library is planning to open the Nixa location by summer of 2018.
Get one of these fancy Nixa travel tumblers for $15
Anyone can come by Nixa City Hall during business hours to purchase one of these stainless steel travel mugs for $15. While you're here, you can also pick up a free refrigerator magnet with the important city contact numbers on it!
Remember to "Like" and "Follow"
the City's Facebook page
. We are working hard to give you lots of updates there, so we don't flood your e-mail. Another way to connect with the City is through our new account. is a social media network for neighborhoods to discuss HOA issues, yard sales, and anything else that might affect the people who live in your immediate vicinity. When you join with a Nixa address, you'll be able to send messages to the city's account and see events and other information we want to make your neighborhood aware of. It's just one more way for us to hear from you, so we can serve you better.
If you have any questions about what's happening at the city, please reach out to us either by email, phone,
Twitter, or
City Contact Numbers:
City Hall: 725-3785
Police: 725-2510
911 Non-emergency and Animal Control: 582-1030
Utilities and report an outage: 725-3229
Public Works: 725-2353
Parks: 725-5486