Nixa News | May 2019 Edition
In this month's edition you can read about...
- Vote for the Nixa Police lip sync video to be featured on national TV
- See the schedule for Sucker Days 2019
- Nixa Police increase enforcement of center turn lane laws
- Citywide Garage Sale weekend
- Citywide Clean-up
- More upcoming events
- A letter from the Mayor
- And more!
As always, you can find much more information at and engage with us on our official social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Nextdoor.
Last week I had the honor to open the first meeting of Nixa’s Home Rule Charter Review Commission. You may be asking "the whose-a what-a commission?"
Let’s start with the first part, the Home Rule Charter. The Home Rule Charter is effectively Nixa’s constitution. It outlines the do’s and don’ts of how the city is run. The charter was created in 2009 by an elected committee of Nixa residents and was approved by a vote of the public in April of 2010. The Home Rule Charter Review Commission was recently formed to go back and take a look at our current charter and recommend any necessary changes.
So why do we have a Home Rule Charter? The charter establishes a more flexible, efficient and responsible form of government for the city. It allows us to set our own rules on how we will be governed, instead of accepting a set of standard rules created at the state level for a generic city our size. It also permits citizens to have a greater voice in local government by defining the rules around how the public can begin an initiative, referendum, or recall petition. While the charter gives us more flexibility, it still makes sure we comply with the state and federal constitutions.
If it is so great, then why do we need to review it? Well, because the charter says we do! The charter was written with a clause that requires a review at least once in the first 10 years. So, the City Council appointed a commission of 9 citizens, 3 from each of Nixa’s districts, who had not previously been involved in the drafting of the charter, to review it. Over the next several months, this commission will look at specific issues identified by Council and city staff (but will also take an in-depth look at the Charter as a whole) to identity any changes that may be needed. Once they have decided on those changes, they will present them to City Council, and they will be put before the public for another vote in April 2020.
So be sure to budget a little extra time for the ballot box next April, as each change to the charter must be a separate item on the ballot!
Mayor Steele
This perplexing puzzle will keep you bewildered, befuddled, and bemused.
What has a head, a tail, is brown, but has no legs?
The answer to The Baffler is at the bottom of the newsletter.
Thank you for voting on April 2nd!
In the municipal election on April 2, just 12% of registered voters turned out to cast a vote across Christian County. In Nixa, Justin Orf and Aron Peterson were each elected to another 3-year term on city council. Municipal Judge Joel Harris was also re-elected to another term. Glenn Scott and Mike Copeland both won re-election to the Nixa Public School board. And both school funding issues were passed. Thank you to those who turned out to make your voice heard. You can see full election results on the
Christian County website.
Do you know how to use the center turn lane?
Nixa Police see a lot of drivers using center turn lanes incorrectly. Not only is it a violation of the law, but it is dangerous and leads to traffic crashes. Three areas where we see many of these violations are:
- Along Highway 14
- Along Nicholas Rd between Nixa High School and Hwy 14
- Along Aldersgate near Wendy’s and Walmart
We want to see less traffic accidents and fewer violations, so we want to educate the public on how to use the center turn lane properly. On Thursday April 18th, Nixa Police kicked off their educational campaign by posting a Facebook live video explaining the proper use of center turn lanes, and we will be doing more education on social media over the next few weeks.
Some things to keep in mind:
- It’s called a “center TURN lane” not a “center CRUISE lane”.
- Only use the center turn lane to turn left.
- Don’t drive in the center turn lane for more than 500 ft.
- Don’t ever use the center turn lane to pass traffic.
- Don’t use the center turn lane as an on-ramp for gaining speed to merge. When turning left from a cross street, wait until all lanes are clear cross to your lane of travel.
- Using the center turn lane incorrectly leads to crashes.
Nixa Police will soon be stepping up enforcement of center turn lane laws. This week, violators will be given warnings for using the center turn lanes incorrectly, but soon, we will begin enforcing a zero-tolerance policy and our officers will write tickets for violations. Our stats show that when we step up traffic enforcement, the public begins driving better, and we see less crashes. We don’t increase enforcement to be jerks, we do it to correct dangerous driving and hopefully keep you from having a crash.
Thank you for driving safe!
- The Nixa Police Department
City of Nixa to begin weather radio donation program thanks to grant funding from the Nixa Community Foundation
On Friday, April 19, the Nixa Community Foundation presented a grant check for $1,500 to the City of Nixa. The grant will fund a program to give away weather radios to city residents who may not have another effective way to receive severe weather alerts. While many people have smart phones with apps which can warn them of severe weather, elderly and disabled people may be less likely to use that technology. The city’s goal is to provide weather radios to elderly and disabled residents who do not have or cannot afford a weather radio or a smart phone.
“We’re very excited to be able to offer this weather radio program to those who are less likely to have a cell phone app or other means of receiving weather alerts. This is especially important as we enter the peak of severe weather season,” said Cindy Robbins, Assistant City Administrator and City Clerk. “The City of Nixa is extremely grateful to the Nixa Community Foundation for granting the funding necessary for this program.”
The city will soon purchase the radios and plans to work with the Nixa Senior Center and CCLinks to identify individuals inside Nixa city limits who would benefit from the program. Stay tuned for more information regarding this program. Feel free to call Nixa City Hall with any questions (417-725-3785) or email us at
Brendan Justin has worked with the City of Nixa since 2011. He started part-time for the Parks Department before transferring to Utility Billing as an account specialist in 2012. He began his current role in the Planning & Development Department as Customer Service and Code Enforcement officer in April of 2016.
He is responsible for responding to citizen inquiries about issues relating to city codes and ordinances and also enforcement of the city's adopted nuisance ordinance. His calm and approachable demeanor makes him the perfect person to serve in this position. Brendan gains the respect of his customers as well as his co-workers, making him a great asset to the City of Nixa and the Planning & Development Department.
Career Day at Mathews Elementary
Nixa city staff from the Planning & Development Department, Finance Department, and Police Department visited Mathews Elementary's career day to teach students about their jobs. They learned how to build benches with our building inspector Joe Ripple and code enforcement officer Brendan Justin, learned about where tax dollars go with the finance clerks Autumn Miller, Jenni Gerhauser, and Laurie Wilkerson, and asked lots of questions of Police Sgt. Jason Bennett.
Nixa Utilities Staff Fight Crime
On April 12th, Braydon Carr and Nate Hartsell, meter readers in the Nixa Utilities Billing Department, were at Nixa Hardware getting some supplies and noticed a person walking out of the store looking suspicious.
The person was wearing a coat with the tag still on and was carrying a soft sided tool case with a variety of items inside it. The shoplifter walked past them and hurriedly got into a car. They got the license plate number and notified the manager of Nixa Hardware, helping the manager identify the person on surveillance footage.
Nixa Hardware was able to get the images out on Facebook and other media. The manager of Nixa Hardware called the City Administrator that same day to thank him for our employees being vigilant and assisting them. Good job Braydon and Nate!
Vote now to see Nixa PD on national television!
If you liked the Nixa Police Department's lip sync challenge video from last summer, please go vote for it NOW! You can vote as many times as you want! The top 10 videos will be featured as part of a special on CBS called "Lip Sync to the Rescue." The Nixa Police Department was the only first responder agency from the state of Missouri to make it into the competition!
Drug Take Back Day: April 27
Nixa Police are partnering with the Drug Enforcement Agency and Nixa CVS Pharmacy for Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday April 27th. Anyone can drop off expired, unused, or unwanted medicines in pill or liquid form from 10am to 2pm at the Nixa CVS. We cannot accept any needles, infectious waste, or aerosol cans. We are able to take any pills. If you have any questions, call Officer Forgey at 725-2510.
Health and Wellness Expo: May 4
Come join us for a day of nutrition, fitness education, and health awareness. The Health and Wellness Expo will be an opportunity for the community to engage in various health and wellness activities, seminars, demonstrations, and visit with vendors to learn about the numerous resources available to them within their community.
Join us Saturday, May 4th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Entrance is FREE to the public! Booth spaces are available for vendors. Don’t miss the FREE Yoga in the Park class kicking off the Health and Wellness Expo at 10:00 am.
City Wide Garage Sale: May 10-12
The annual Nixa Citywide Garage Sale is coming up on Mother's Day weekend, May 10-12. No garage sale permits are needed on that weekend.
This year, the Nixa Area Chamber of Commerce is leading the coordination and scheduling of Sucker Days, Nixa's signature annual event.
A local barber named Finis Gold started Nixa Sucker Days in 1957, and it has since been a longstanding tradition with the people of Nixa.
Locals would often close up shop and skip school for the day to go "grabbin’ for suckers", a fish which is then fried and eaten, similar to catfish. Nixa Sucker Days was the result of this annual tradition.
This event provides fun for all ages. The event will have kids rides, a beer garden, art shows, vendors, and more. It is a great way to bring the community together and truly
Vendors looking to reserve a booth space should contact the Nixa Area Chamber of Commerce.
City Wide Clean Up Day: May 18
Citywide Clean-up Day is an opportunity to let Republic Services collect trash items which they may normally not be able to dispose of for you. Please set items curbside by 7:00am on May 18th. It's best if you can leave the items out the night before, as the trash collection trucks will be running special routes at different times than your normal trash collection.
The Update is a great way to learn more about what's happening in Nixa and have your questions answered while enjoying lunch. Each month, we bring a different guest speaker from Nixa local government. These events give senior citizens an opportunity to meet and interact with the city's leadership, voice their concerns, and stay informed!
2019 DATES: April 24, May 29, June 26, July 24, August 28, September 25, October 30, November 27, December 31.
Anyone can enjoy lunch at the Nixa Senior Center. A suggested donation covers the cost of lunch: $3.50 for those 60+ and $6.00 for those under 60. Learn more about the Nixa Senior Center at the
Nixa Senior Center
Pre-Season Pool Pass Sale: Ends May 14th
Members: $95 per person; additional person(s) within same household $15.
Nixa Residents: $95 per person; additional person(s) within same household $15.
Non-Residents: $105 per person; additional person(s) within same household $17.50.
*Valid through May 14th: After May 14th these rates increase per person $10 and additional person(s) $2.50.*
There are 6 levels of swim lessons. Each level has 4 sessions, with each session consisting of 8 total classes.
Classes are held Monday - Thursday for two weeks. In case of inclement weather or holidays, Friday may be used as a make-up day. Tadpoles and Intro to Swim are 30 minute classes; Levels 1 - 5 are 45 minute classes.
Registration for swim lessons begins February 1st and ends the Thursday prior to the session start date. Fees for Swim Lessons are as follows: Members $40, Nixa Residents $45, Non-Residents $53. For details on each lessons, available times, or for private lessons--contact us
Session 1: June 3rd - June 13th
Session 2: June 17th - June 27th
Session 3: July 1st - July 11th
Session 4: July 15th - July 25th
Come join the Nixa Vipers Swim Team. Each participant will learn the proper strokes in order to propel themselves through the water.
Practices are held Monday through Thursday: 10 years and younger from 7:30 am to 8:15 am; 11 years and older 8:15 am - 9:15 am.
Optional swim meets will be held on Thursday mornings.
All participants must be able to swim the length of the pool unassisted.
Swim Team meeting held on May 20th at 6:00 pm at The X Center.
Registration for the Nixa Vipers Swim Team opens February 1st. The program begins May 28th and ends July 5th.
The fees for the program are as follows: Members $60, Nixa Residents $65, Non-Residents $70.
Join us for one or multiple 8-class sessions of lessons on Ballroom, Salsa, Tango, and other types of dance. The class is open to ages 16 years and older.
Registration for each session $60 per individual or $100 per couple (a drop in rate is available for $10 per person, per class).
The session will consist of classes held on Thursdays with session dates being:
April 4th - May 23rd
September 5th - October 24th
November 7th - December 26th.
The Movies in the Park series is presented by the Massengale Group. All movies are held at McCauley Park, begin at dusk, and all movies are FREE! Please bring lawn chairs or blankets. Concessions will be available for purchase. All movies are dependent on weather. No smoking and no alcohol.
May 11th:
Incredibles 2
June 8th:
July 13th:
The Greatest Showman
August 10th:
September 21st:
Mary Poppins Returns
You're invited to Nixa's biggest pool party! The Nixa Police Department will be hosting it's National Night Out event on
August 6
, 2019 at The X Center pool from 6pm to 8pm. National Night Out is an evening to hang out with your community and first responders as we enjoy family fun, games, swimming, food, prizes, and more!
This is an instructional league that has been designed to continue a child’s all around development from t-ball to baseball or softball. Each division is a progressional step up from the previous division.
Season Dates:
The six game season begins the week of July 22nd.
Open To:
The program is open to boys and girls ages 3 years old to
currently in 6th grade (Must be 3 years old by July 22nd).
Rotary Park and Nixa Schools.
Members $40, Residents $45, Non-Residents $53.
Ends on June 19th. *Late registration from June 20th - 23rd, with a $10 additional late fee.
Game Days:
3&4 year old T-Ball: Thursday evenings.
5 year old/Kindergarten T-Ball: To be determined.
1st/2nd grade (boys): Monday evenings.
1st/2nd grade (girls): Tuesday evenings.
3rd/4th grade (boys and girls): Tuesday evenings.
5th/6th grade (boys): Monday evenings.
5th/6th grade (girls): Thursday evenings.
*Game nights are subject to change.
The British Soccer Camp is coming to Nixa Parks! This camp will focus on developing speed/agility, juggling, foot skills, passing, control, dribbling, and shooting. The camp is open to ages 3 - 15 years old. To register, visit The deadline to register is June 8th. The camp will take place July 8th - 11th (Monday - Thursday) at McCauley Park.
Tiny Tykes: 3 - 4 years, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm, $65
Tiny Tykes: 5 - 6 years, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, $80
Half Day: 7 - 15 years, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm, $105
Friends of the Park Summer Pool Party
All are welcome to the Friends of the Park: Summer Pool Party! This FREE event will be held at the Aquatics Center. Come swim with us—the pool party will be held on Sunday, June 30th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
Join Nixa Parks and Recreation for Summer It Up, the schedule is packed with field trips, activities, games, crafts, contests, guest speakers, and much, much more!
The day camp is offered Monday through Friday (with the exception of Memorial Day and the 4th of July), from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm.
The program is open to children ages 5 to 12 years old; entering Kindergarten - 6th grade.
Summer camp will begin May 22nd and end August 12th. Registration will begin March 1st. The fees for the program are as follows: $25 (per family) registration fee, Members (per week) $86.50, Non-Members (per week) $100.
More Nixa Parks Events, Programs, & Sports Leagues
For the latest info on all the events happening at Nixa Parks and The X Center, follow the link to
FYI: For Your Information
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The City of Nixa has job openings for various city departments!
City Hall: 725-3785
Police: 725-2510
911 Non-emergency and Animal Control: 582-1030
Nixa Utilities and report an outage: 725-3229
Public Works: 725-2353
Parks: 725-5486
The solution to your scalp scratchin'.
What has a head, a tail, is brown, but has no legs?
A: A penny.
Nixa City Hall | 417-725-3785 | |