Early Spring 2020 Newsletter
Dear  ,

Much has been written about gifts bestowed on beautiful people. In love and life, looks matter! No debate here.

In politics, too, a candidate's appearance can affect voters in powerful ways.  In the famous 1960 presidential debate between a tired Richard Nixon and a tanned John F. Kennedy, voters chose the more attractive male.  By contrast, female politicians have always been categorically described as either too feminine or not feminine enough.
Now, as a result of the famous Cosmo skincare questions like those asked on Candidates Come to Cosmo female politicians have been willing to speak of something as frivolous as appearance.  Elizabeth Warren happily discussed her skincare routine.  Hillary Clinton advised "pay attention to your hair, because everyone else will." A fan of bright red lipstick and hoop earrings, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez detailed her sense of style. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand revealed her weight-loss secrets, and Representative Ayanna Pressley described her struggle with alopecia. 

With  women making up a quarter of the Senate and almost a quarter of the House, they are freer to express their thoughts on motherhood, femininity, cosmetics and fashion along with their political views. And refreshingly, today's women don't view this as a problem! 

Just like their female counterparts, male candidates have also evolved. Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Bernie Sanders have discussed their economic plans and public policy ideas, right along with their own skincare regimens. The famous Cosmo skincare question has certainly  leveled the playing field in the 2020 election.  Beauty as a path toward  equality? There's clearly no debate about that! 
Source, NBC News. 02/19/2020
First impressions are lasting, so make a great first impression! If you want to look naturally refreshed, Dr. Yagoda can help. With her exceptional aesthetic eye for detail, she is  the one other doctors choose when they want the very best.

C all us at 212.434.1210 or email us at info@DrYagoda.com to schedule your experience.  


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Skincare Supplement Promotion

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Call our office today at 212.434.1210 to take advantage of our Skincare Supplement Promotion.*

*Supplies limited. ORDERS MUST BE PLACED BY TELEPHONE. THIS OFFER IS NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE. Promotion is not redeemable for cash or other goods or services. Offers may not be combined and must be redeemed on or before March 31, 2020. Not applied to retroactive sales. Limit one promotion per person. 

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Michelle R. Yagoda, M.D., P.C.
1025 Fifth Avenue, Suite #3
T: 212.434.1210
F: 212.535.8155