Week of April 1, 2024

Worship Sunday

9:30 a.m. Hickey Hall · 11 a.m. Sanctuary

Livestream on Facebook · Livestream on YouTube

Office Hours

Mon - Thu 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Office Closed April 1

No Fooling! Time is Running Out!

Scholarships Available

Application Deadline is April 15

St. Paul’s Scholarships are available to eligible members of St. Paul’s UMC who have demonstrated service to the church or community. Scholarships may be used for tuition or room and board at an accredited college or university, vocational program, apprenticeship or training program. See more

St. Paul’s UWF Scholarship

St. Paul’s United Women in Faith offer scholarships for women and youth members of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. Scholarships of $250 will be available for higher education and summer camp.  

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Prayer List

The following prayer requests have been received by our church. Please contact the office at 248-651-9361 with your prayer requests.

Healing & Comfort

Pete Olson, Joyce Olson, Kathy Pardon, Earl Bryant, Jessie Medlen - brother of Sigrid Grace, Jo Ann Midbo


United Methodist Men's Breakfast

Saturday, April 6

8 a.m. in the Parlor

All men are invited to join us for a delicious breakfast, brotherhood and interesting program. No RSVP necessary. 

Support for Caregivers

Saturday, April 6; 9:30 a.m. in Rickard Chapel

You don't have to do this alone! Join this group of caregivers who support each other emotionally while renewing spirits and sharing ideas and resources. It is difficult to care for others when we struggle to care for ourselves.

Farewell for Rev. Dr. April Gutierrez

Sunday, April 14; 10:30 a.m. in Hickey Hall

Please join Staff Parish Committee in a farewell celebration to thank Pastor April for her 3 years of service to St. Paul’s and to wish her well in her new appointment as co-pastor at the Chapel Hill United Methodist Church in Portage, Michigan.

If you would like to contribute toward a gift for Pastor April and her family, please send a check to St. Paul’s UMC and list her name on the envelope and on the memo line. You can also Give Online where you can designate your gift for ‘Love Gift’.  

Harmony in the Hills Concert

Amanda Blaikie

Sunday, April 14; 4 p.m. in the Sanctuary

Join us for a delightful concert by Amanda Blaikie on flute accompanied by Dr. Seung Hee Cho and Bret Hoag.

Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for 18 and under.

Get tickets

General Conference April 23 - May 3

And Are We Yet Alive?

Sunday, April 21; 5 - 7 p.m. in Hickey Hall

Due to the pandemic, the 2020 General Conference of the United Methodist Church was postponed until April 23 - May 3, 2024. In that time, there has been much conversation about the future of United Methodism in the United States and throughout our world as our Church and our world have changed in these years. Join Rev. Dulworth on April 21 as he shares some thoughts about the General Conference as well as hopes for the future of United Methodism. Continue the discussion over a shared dinner at 6:30 p.m. in Hickey Hall.

Hands with Detroit

Saturday, April 27; 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Cass Community Social Services

St. Paul’s is organizing a team to work at Hands with Detroit at Cass Community Social Services. We will be helping both in the kitchen and with maintenance projects. St. Paul’s will also be providing materials to make 25 hygiene kits. Please contact John Kelly to register. See more

Health Ministry Team has provided the following important information:

Exercise - What's in it for You?

Stretching Exercises

Benefits of Walking

Coffee Hour Help Needed!

The FISH Committee is bringing back coffee hour before and after both services, but volunteers are needed! If you like coffee hour and a chance to visit with others before and after church, please sign up to help! Coffee Hour Sign Up

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Contact your pastors:

Rev. Elbert Dulworth - EDulworth@stpaulsrochester.org

Rev. Dr. April Gutierrez -on renewal leave until 6/30/2024

Rev. Judy May - JMay@stpaulsrochester.org 

Rev. Rick Kress - RKress@stpaulsrochester.org


Church Office               248-651-9361 


Dr. Timothy R. Hickey  Pastor Emeritus