There is a remote tribe in South America, who sent one of their men to explore the mysterious world beyond their small village. Upon his return, the explorer could barely control himself.  He was hardly able to put into words the wonders he had seen the exotic flowers, the mystical sounds of the forest in the night, the strange wild animals, and the thrill of paddling the canoe over the treacherous rapids of the great river.  “Go see for yourselves,” he said to them.  “You have got to see the wonders of life beyond the great river.”  To guide them, he drew them a map. The tribe was grateful. They framed the map and hung it on the wall in the center of the village.  They made many copies and studied it till they were all experts in the great river.  They knew every turn, where the rapids were, and the waterfalls.  They knew where the wild animals roamed and where the exotic flowers bloomed. But not one of those people ever went to the great river. Not one ever saw its rapids or waterfalls or flowers.  Not one, not ever.

            Jesus has given us a map to find our way back to him. With varying degrees and interest, we have all studied the map. Most of us could even reasonably point out what we should do and how it should be done. In this weekend’s first reading Jesus puts it simply, “Be my witnesses.” He doesn’t say, “Go and talk about me,” but rather “Be my witnesses.”


We will have to be reshaped on the inside to be that witness. We need to become people who know how to heal people and feed them. We must be persons who know how to give people hope and peace. Becoming like Jesus means trusting God enough to follow His map. It means walking out of the fortified castle that our ego builds for us. Following God’s map means letting go of your fears and your masks as well. Open your hands and your hearts. Let yourself be transformed into God’s likeness. That is what will happen if you follow God’s map. Then you can give your gift and discover the Lord’s joy at last! No GPS needed, just follow God’s directions.   

Fr. Don

A Look Ahead


After the 5pm Mass on Saturday and the 9am & 11am Masses on Sunday!


The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will take place after the 9am Mass on Sunday.


Norbert Koehn will share with us the how's and why of the designs of the tabernacle, baptismal font and other items of our church on Sunday at 7pm in the church!


Parishioners are invited to RED next Sunday, May 28th. The color red represents the power and energy of the Holy Spirit.


Be sure to join us at 11am on Sunday June 4th for a Mass in honor of our High School and College graduates. Reception after in Cullen Hall.