ICYMI: Governor Mike DeWine closed Tuesday's press conference with the Ohio University March 110's virtual version of "Stand Up and Cheer," the OU fight song. It's pretty inspiring.
Today's update is going to read more like a list. Lots of stuff to get to, so let's get to it:

  • It seemed like a cruel April Fool's joke. You may have seen or heard of an email that stated that Good Samaritan Food Network would be closing at noon Friday, April 3 and no re-open date was planned. THIS IS NOT TRUE. The email was sent in error. The pantry will close for about 2 1/2 hours on Friday, but will re-open at the end of that time and will remain open on a regular schedule to serve the community's needs, which leads me to ...

  • Good Sam does have a great need for volunteers. They currently have volunteers, but some of them are in the at-risk population and may need to bow out of volunteering temporarily to stay safe and healthy. As usual, volunteerrosscounty.org is the place to go to help out, if you're willing.

  • On SBA economic injury disaster loans, important new information was released on Tuesday that will impact those applying for the loans. To be eligible for the $10,000 forgivable loan advance, businesses will need to complete the new application that launched March 30 even if they have already completed one of the prior versions of the application or if the business has already been declined for a loan. Questions? Please call the SBA at 1-800-659-2955. More information is available here.

  • The governor announced today a new website designed to help manufacturers and businesses connect to ways they can help donate items to create PPE for our medical doctors and first responders. We're encouraging everyone to go to the site and see if they can help.

  • A couple of shout outs. First, to Scentsy by Chris Powers, a Gold Member of the Chamber. Chris and Jerry have been looking for ways to connect with the community and found one - making PPE for nursing homes. She's staying up late and making them by hand.

  • And, congratulations to Rhonda Thorne Otworth, who is the first winner of our #BeSafeThinkLocal social media contest. She posted a picture of her carryout pizza order at Donatos. We had a slow start to the contest, but we picked up steam at the end. Remember, add our hashtag and tag us in your post and you're automatically eligible to win.

  • Finally, happy birthday wishes to a few business owners I know, Tara Gillum of Steiner's Speakeasy, Dusty Countryman of Leading Edge Integration, and Ben Thompson of Hometown Threads.

Tomorrow, I'll offer a few thoughts on #BeSafeThinkLocal based on some comments and posts I'm seeing on social media. Have a great rest of your Wednesday. If you need me, I'm at mthrone@chillicotheohio.com or 740-649-6372.

A message from State Sen. Bob Peterson
*NEW* Information for small business owners
For yesterday's links, click here .

Important dates for Paycheck Protection Program ( fact sheet, PDF ):
  • Starting April 3, small business and sole proprietorships can apply for and receive loans to cover their payroll and other certain expenses through existing SBA lenders.
  • Starting April 10, independent contractors and self-employed individuals can apply.

From OhioSE President Mike Jacoby: Appalachian Growth Capital (AGC) announced yesterday JobsOhio made a $2 million investment that will allow them to help more small companies across the region. Follow the links below for more information and to access the AGC process and application.

How to access stimulus money for your small business ( US Chamber )


  • Tuesday, April 14 - How to save your small business. (Cultivate Eventbrite site)
  • Each day next week - How to succeed at selling remotely (Zoom meeting (register please), courtesy of Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance)
Miss one of these updates? Click below to catch up!
March 31, 2020 - What does 'state of emergency' for Ross County mean?; Community Response team
March 30, 2020 : More information on the SBA loans, CARES Act
March 26, 2020 : What 'essential' businesses must do; SBA loans and CARES Act
March 23, 2020 : REGULAR NEWSLETTER: Even as businesses close, they're reaching out to the community; video interview with Alex Kohls from the U.S. Small Business Administration on disaster loans.
March 17, 2020 : A video message from Chamber CEO Mike Throne
Coronavirus numbers, facts and figures
Links to information:

  • The Ohio Channel YouTube page, where the Governor, Lt. Gov. and director of the Ohio Department of Health give regular updates at 2 p.m. on most days.

  • Governor's Stay at Home Order (Link)

  • The Chillicothe Ross Community Foundation's Coronavirus Fund needs donations, and can potentially help non-profits with some of the costs of helping the community cope with the impact of COVID-19 in the area.
Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce | Email Mike Throne | chillicotheohio.com