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Biblical Musings
Have you ever been fascinated about the way the world was before Noah built his ark?

I've often blogged about Noah and the ark - and about how the world was before the flood. Recently I started watching The Days of Noah - Part 1 on Amazon Prime. The world was so much different before the flood. Since there was no rain, a mist would water the earth. The trees were huge, and their wood was sturdy, almost like stone. There was lush, plentiful vegetation. The ground was full of gold, silver and precious stones. People lived longer back then, and giants were on the earth.

To me, it sounded like the earth was almost like a variation of The Garden of Eden. Although things were not as perfect as Eden, there was still a lot of lush, wonderful natural "amenities" which were available to mankind.

But wickedness was widespread - hence, God had the flood to occur.

Do you know very much about this time on earth - before the flood? If you do, I'd love to hear anything that you know about this time period.
Our Son's Award!
Our son received an award for the solos he played on his saxophone! So exciting! He will be a senior in the Fall!
If your Kindle is starving for a new read, then download Rocky Road Dreams this weekend! I appreciate all of the kind emails and wonderful reviews about this endearing Christmas story! Rocky Road Dreams reminds us that all of us are broken - and we need to rely on the strength of our Savior, Jesus, during rough times. Tell your friends!
Take care and stay safe!

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Books by Cecelia Dowdy
The Bakery Romance Series
The Candy Beach Series
Historical Standalone Titles