Red Tailed Hawks, Cormorants, Gannets, Ospreys, Turkeys, Eiders, Crows!
All photography courtesy of Mike Tucker
Dear Friends,

Nobska is a great place to see and watch birds. On certain windy afternoons at Nobska, a murder (flock) of crows gather as they get ready to make their way across the sound to Martha’s Vineyard. The common belief is that they nest on the Vineyard because, historically, there were no Great Horned Owls on the island so the young crows were safe from one of their few predators.

Want to participate as a citizen scientist?  Happening on May 9th, Global Big Day, a project of eBird at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, is a worldwide bird count in which everyone can participate. Individuals' observations help to better understand global bird populations. No matter where you are or your level of birding experience, they want your sightings!  Click here to learn more.
Learn more about local birds.  
Locally, WCAI, the Cape and Islands NPR station, broadcasts the weekly bird report Wednesday mornings at 8:45 and afternoons at 5:45.  WCAI Bird Report Monthly, on WCAI's, The Point, an hour is devoted to birding with the opportunity for listeners to call in and ask questions.  WCAI April Bird News
Enjoy Nature’s beauty. If you enjoy fabulous photos of birds and other wildlife in Falmouth the Falmouth Wildlife Facebook page has some extraordinary photographers and many knowledgeable folks who happily share information.
Nest cameras galore! 
Osprey   Click here.
Eagles   Click here. ( Did you know there are reports of a nesting pair in Falmouth or Mashpee?) 
Peregrine Falcons Click here. (I n the Boston Custom House...not quite in a lighthouse, but close!)
Barn Owls Click here. (This nest box was placed as natural pest control in CA!) 

Friends of Nobska Light |