Message from the Executive Director

Is summer coming to a close already? Time really does fly when you're having fun. And that is exactly how I would describe the past month. It was fun looking back on our first year and preparing the Nonprofit Center's first annual report. Planning this fall's cohort programs and interviewing several amazing candidates for the Program Assistant position left me energized (stay tuned for details on both in the next couple of weeks), and it has been an absolute pleasure to work with our summer intern, Alana. What brought the most joy, however, was watching work crews start the process of turning 41 Community Place into our future home. I'm excited for what fall will bring and plan to have more fun along the way. I hope you do as well.

-- Jennifer

A Busy First Year

The Nonprofit Center released its first annual report earlier this month, which is available to download and print from our website. The Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2024 highlights several ways the Nonprofit Center supports local organizations, from sharing resources to providing professional development opportunities. It includes the survey results we're using to guide FY25 program planning as well as a summary of community outreach and collaborative efforts. Finally, readers can get a sense of how the Nonprofit Center reached this point in its development and what's coming next.

View the Report Online

National Nonprofit Day

We hope that your organization celebrated National Nonprofit Day with lots of engagement with your volunteers, donors, and other stakeholders.

County Executive Steuart Pittman declared August 17th Nonprofit Day in Anne Arundel County in a formal proclamation. He also posted a video on Facebook mentioning the Nonprofit Center and stressing nonprofits' importance, encouraging County residents to support your organizations in any way they can. The Nonprofit Center's team is grateful for his support.

View the Video

Please update contact information for the Nonprofit Center to our new number: (410) 222-6999.

Resources for Nonprofits: Data Sources

Have you used the Nonprofit Center’s Resources for Nonprofits page to find or share a resource for nonprofits?

Last month, we asked readers to tell us if they had used OpenArundel, the county's collection of tools, reports and information to find data for grant applications. This is what respondents said.

This month, the Nonprofit Center has added a section on data sources like OpenArundel. From Department of Health statistics to United Way of Central Maryland's ALICE Report, this list includes information specific to our county and region. Nonprofits can use these resources to prepare grant applications and to plan programs directly addressing community needs. The goal is to offer a list of data sources and reports in a single location. If you know of a data source that should be added to the list, please email us at or submit it at the bottom of the Resources Page.

Renovations Are Now Underway!

All of us at the Nonprofit Center are excited to share that renovations to our future home at 41 Community Place are happening now. While it is far too early to project when we will officially open our doors, we wanted to share this major milestone with you. The crew is taking the first steps toward creating a safe and comfortable facility where nonprofits can work, learn, and collaborate.

Nonprofit Center, County Executive Office, and Facilities Management staff view floor and paint samples.

Future home of a flexible training, meeting, and event space.

Planning Poll

The Nonprofit Center at 41 Community Place will include a mixture of furnished and unfurnished offices to allow maximum flexibility and accommodate a wide range of organizations with different space needs. If your organization might consider requesting office space at the Nonprofit Center in the future, would you prefer unfurnished space ready to customize to fit your specific needs, or would you prefer that basic office furniture provided?

My organization prefers that offices be:

Shining a Light on the Great Work of Local Nonprofits

Since the last issue of NonprofitNEWS, the Nonprofit Center has featured Club 164, Accessible Resources for Independence, and Anne Arundel County CASA, Inc. If you would like your organization to be considered for a future Spotlight, please reach out to us at We may also contact you about this opportunity.

Read about these three and other amazing local nonprofits under the "In the Spotlight" section on the main page of our website.

“A few people of integrity can go a long way.”

 Bill Kauth of The ManKind Project

Other Nonprofit News and Announcements

☆ The Anne Arundel County Office of Planning and Zoning (OPZ) is seeking applications from nonprofit organizations to qualify for grants to provide public outreach and engagement support for Region Plans in Regions 5, 6, and 8. Outreach efforts should focus on reaching communities that have historically been underrepresented in land use planning efforts. The results of this project will inform preparation of land use plans. Applications are due by 4:00pm on Friday, September 13th. Click here for more details including the notice of funds and scope of work.

☆ An upcoming training opportunity from the Center for Nonprofit Advancement is FREE for all who register. The Capacity Building Conference is coming to Washington D.C. on September 19th and will be held from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Anne Arundel County Public Libraries offers FREE monthly workshops for nonprofits led by experts. The next two are:

  • Grants Management and Compliance (Aug 22nd; 2:00 - 4:00) at the Crofton Library
  • Introduction to Corporate Giving (Sept 18th; 2:00 - 3:00) at Busch Annapolis Library

☆ REMINDER for those who registered: We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, August 22nd for the 2024 BUILDING BRIDGES Conference. This Arts Council of Anne Arundel County program at Chesapeake Arts Center was funded by the Nonprofit Center so all nonprofit participants could access a FREE learning and networking opportunity. See you there!

☆ The Arts Council of Anne Arundel County's Arts in Education Grants open August 15th. Grant funding is available up to $5000 with a 1:1 cash match recommended. Click here to view the guidelines.

☆ The Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County is hosting an Adult Mental Health First Aid Training Certification Course (Sept 17th AND Sept 24th; 5:30 - 8:30 pm). This opportunity will be offered virtually and cost $25 per participant. Inquire now, space is limited.

☆ Two studies confirm what charitable nonprofits have known for years: giving trends need to be reversed. Read more in the National Council of Nonprofits' Nonprofit Champion newsletter.

☆ Maryland Nonprofits needs your help as they consider what policy issues will be important for nonprofits in Maryland in 2025. Please take a few minutes to share your policy concerns and priorities for the coming year by completing a short survey. They also want to know the effects that possible state cutbacks could have on your organization's programs and on those you serve.


Or click HERE to follow us on Facebook.

The Nonprofit Center is a program of Anne Arundel County government. We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities. Each NPC-sponsored event includes information about how to request an ADA Accommodation.

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