Message from the Executive Director

It's been a stressful few weeks, so I was glad to participate in the Mental Health Matters event in Severn last weekend. We promoted the NEH and the benefits of volunteering. I was also reminded how important it is to take care of ourselves while we encourage others to do the same. The NPC's first annual conference is this Friday, and I look forward to seeing many of you there. We have an amazing group of speakers, but I'm equally excited to introduce you to two interns who have gone above and beyond their job descriptions this spring.

Finally, we are now on social media so we can share new opportunities more frequently, including updates on the renovations of 41 Community Place.

May Your Mental Health be Strong

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. We are quite confident that as leaders in the nonprofit sector, you work too many hours... if not non-stop. We probably don't need to tell you that staring at a screen for hours on end or providing services at all hours of the day and night can be detrimental to your mental and physical health. So we are challenging you to stop what you’re doing, get up, and head outside for at least two minutes. Or, if you've been running around nonstop, just sit down and take deep breaths for three. Your mind will appreciate a simple change of scenery and you don’t have to worry, this email will be here when you get back! :)

Did you know that scientists have linked volunteering to improved mental health? It’s true. We get a dopamine rush while engaging in volunteerism and scientists theorize that it’s because humans have an innate desire to help one another. If you’re looking for volunteers, be sure to post a request on the Nonprofit Events Hub - your one-stop-shop for all nonprofit events and activities. Not only will the volunteer be helping your organization - they'll benefit as well.

Poll: What’s your favorite way to prioritize your mental well-being?

Respond Below!
Reading a Book
Spending Time Outdoors
Cooking or Trying New Foods
Helping Others

Join Our Team: We're Looking for a Summer Intern

Summer is coming! That means warmer temperatures, longer days, beach trips, blue crabs and, sadly, the conclusion of the Spring 2024 Internship. We’re losing our two interns, Anthony and Penelope, who have made invaluable contributions to the Nonprofit Center. But, it also means we’re looking for someone to join our team this summer!

If you know a graduate or undergraduate student interested in nonprofit management, communications, event planning, research or building something new, encourage them to apply for the Nonprofit Center’s Summer 2024 Internship. Applications for this paid opportunity will be accepted until the position is filled and we hope to fill the position by mid-June.

“Interning for the Nonprofit Center allowed me the chance to develop my interpersonal and professional skillset while contributing to the growth of an office that helps residents across Anne Arundel County.”

- Anthony Morgan, Fall ‘23 & Spring ‘24 Intern

Watchdog Websites: The Importance of Charity Rating Sites

In a world filled with more and more scams, donors are looking for ways to verify the integrity of nonprofits before sending a donation or awarding them grants. That’s where charity rating sites come in. These sites, like GuideStar and Charity Navigator all have their own unique ways of calculating nonprofit reliability and transparency, but most consider finances, governance, impact, and other factors.

Having an up-to-date profile can also be an opportunity to be discovered by potential donors.

We know you don't have time to research each; that’s why we created a summary document with information and resources about several of the most well-known charity rating sites.

A great first step is to claim your GuideStar profile! It's quick and easy to do. Stay tuned the next few months for more information and how the Nonprofit Center can assist you with this process.

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

 William James

We're Finally on Facebook

We have no plans (or desire) to go viral, but we needed another avenue to share opportunities with you. Too many times we've received information about resources that nonprofits might find useful, but they arrived within a day or a week after this monthly newsletter was published. We want a more timely way to communicate, so now we can post or share to Facebook within a day or two. Please follow us so that you have a better chance of receiving our posts.

Click HERE to Follow

Let's Say What Matters This Friday

We’re excited to see so much interest in the ‘Say What Matters' Conference this Friday. You have filled every seat. Please check your inbox (or spam folder) for day-of details and a super short pre-event survey. If you have any questions between now and Friday morning, please email us.

Other Nonprofit News and Announcements

Anne Arundel Community Development Services, Inc. (ACDS) is hosting their housing resource fair on Saturday, June 1st, at the Severn Center from 9:30am-1pm. This free event will offer experts on-hand to discuss and answer questions about the housing market, budgeting, financing options, and more. Plus, there will be food and raffles! If your nonprofit serves low-income homebuyers, please click HERE for more information on how to request an exhibitor booth.

Maryland Nonprofits is seeking presenters for its Annual Conference, which will be held on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at the Maritime Conference Center in Linthicum Heights (Anne Arundel County), MD. Proposals will be accepted through May 22nd. They are seeking proposals that focus on leadership or introduce new tools, concepts, and ideas. Read the guidelines and submit your proposal HERE.

The National Council of Nonprofits is hosting a webinar on Thursday, May 30th to discuss the recently announced improvements to the federal grantmaking process. Organizations of all sizes can (and should if interested in federal funding) register for this webinar to hear from federal officials from the Office of Management and Budget. These changes will mean easier application and reporting processes!

For nonprofits impacted by the collapse of the Key Bridge, join Maryland Nonprofits on Thursday, June 6th for their Bridging Communities Conference: Nonprofits and Government Working Together. This full-day conference will bring together government agencies, foundations, and community-based organizations to facilitate collaboration, provide resources, and provide technical support. Register HERE!

☆ The Community Action Agency is conducting a needs assessment and is seeking community and nonprofit input. By participating, they will better understand our community needs, the resources available, and the services that are still needed. This information will help us all work together to provide services that are needed the most. 

REMINDER: Are you doing something exceptional? We want to hear about it! Every week or two we spotlight a nonprofit on our website and link to it in the CECS newsletter. If you want to be featured, email Send us your pictures, your success stories, your event recaps, and anything else that highlights the good work you’re doing in the community!


The Nonprofit Center is a program of Anne Arundel County government. We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities. Each NPC-sponsored event includes information about how to request an ADA Accommodation.

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