Let's be a do-tank.
"think tanks are good, but I would like a 'do' tank." - Sister Ann Keefe
Dear Peacemakers,
Thanks to Sister Ann's vision and drive, the Institute for the Study and Practice of Nonviolence (ISPN) is just what she ordered-- a "do-tank" for growing the Beloved Community.

Because of you, we are growing! ISPN added four new Nonviolence Streetworkers to the team this year. Two are assigned to Providence public middle schools, and two are former ISPN clients. Read Morris and Russell's stories below. 

Morris and Russell embody what success means to ISPN. The Beloved Community is possible, and we need people like you to make it a reality for more members in our community.

We hope you will consider a gift to ISPN this year. You understand, as we do, that in order to create vibrant, healthy, and safe communities we must be a community of do-ers, just like Sister Ann Said.

Thank you for supporting our "do-tank" and thank you for choosing peace.

Executive Director
Morris Parsons came to the Institute 12 years ago. An active gang member, a Streetworker approached him to offer a way out. "I came to a realization after being shot in 2009 that the way I was thinking and acting wasn't conducive to me being the best person I could be. I went through a lot of struggles. Having Juan and Sal say 'don't shoot' was one of the biggest conversations I've ever had to have. It went against how I thought I could survive. Nonviolence changed my way of thinking. Now, as a Streetworker, I have a sense of responsibility to my community. I feel empowered but also accountable because now I'm in a position to help." 

Meet Russell
Russel Ford-Brown was shot in 2015. "I was veering off track. I thought about my mother, my sister, and my girlfriend. I couldn't continue to live that life and have the people I love in my life be safe.  I remember Lynne visiting me in the hospital and Juan, Sal, and Ajay being there for me and offering help. Now as a Streetworker, I want to keep my community safe. I want to protect them." 

Save the Date for our Holiday Party!
Join us on Tuesday, December 13th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm for our annual holiday celebration at ISPN HQ (265 Oxford Street, Providence, RI 02905).   RSVP here.

Can't make the party? Join us at the Hot Club (575 S Water Street, Providence, RI 02903) at 9 pm for the official after party! 10% of bar sales will be donated to ISPN from December 11th to the 17th for "Choose Peace Week" in memory of the Newtown Shooting.

Stay Connected
265 Oxford Street, Providence, RI 02905 |  401.785.2320 |  info@nonviolenceinstitute.org