By: Jill Janes and Lydsey Hyman
Laney and Cheyanne began a fundraising campaign for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and completed ride-alongs with the local fire department to explore EMS careers. Gage worked in welding with a local manufacturer, often coming in on unscheduled days just to help out his employer and be a part of the work environment. Sarah and Brenna created a pop-up prom dress boutique and fashion show for a local bridal store owner prior to beginning a major in fashion merchandising next fall. Dalton gained confidence in iJAG and secured a paid summer trades internship with a future full-time employment option. Deeply personalized and grounded in community support, the varied experiences of these students highlight the culmination of work-based learning experiences provided by the Boone EDGE STEM BEST model.
EDGE (Empowering Desire, Guiding Experience) combines classroom experiences with work experiences to help students develop career awareness and skills for future success. EDGE ignites curiosity and empowers students to gain a set of core skills like communication and self-awareness. With a vision of a PK-12 work-based learning approach, younger EDGE students build career awareness, while high school students partner with local businesses for deeper career exploration and training experiences. The end result is students who are well prepared for success in any pathway of life and also have a deeper understanding of career opportunities right within the local community.
EDGE’s success comes from collaboration with local and regional businesses. Businesses not only recognize the skills needed in a particular industry, but also understand the local workforce needs.
“STEM BEST has been instrumental in not only getting EDGE up and running but has continued to support the work for students in continuing to build skills and knowledge,” says Lindsey Hyman, EDGE Director.
Since Boone EDGE’s creation in 2017-2018 as a STEM BEST Program, EDGE partnerships have given students hands-on experiences through job shadows, guest speaking, student tours, mentorships, authentic projects using the Iowa Work-Based Learning Clearinghouse, apprenticeships and internships. These partnerships are building future community members with the skills needed to help our community and state grow.