Why did you decide to become a member of the North Central STEM Advisory Board?
I applied to learn more about what we could do as a chamber to connect STEM happening in high schools to area businesses. I also was interested in learning about the connection between STEM and Future Ready Iowa, as workforce is a key issue to area businesses. I work with a high school leadership program, a business professional group, and a cohort focused on workforce development, so joining the North Central STEM Advisory Board is an opportunity to connect all of the areas together while emphasizing the importance of STEM education.
What message around STEM do you communicate with those around you?
STEM can be applied in everything we do. I think people have the notion that STEM is just science and math, but it’s so much more! What I love most about the STEM program is the hands-on learning it provides for students. My goal is to help communicate not only the impact STEM has in education, but the wide range of STEM programs and funding available, so anyone and everyone can get involved.
What action or "first step" can individuals or communities do to promote STEM?
I think the best way to promote something is to first experience it. I would encourage folks to find a STEM event in their area and participate! Once you have experienced a festival or program you can share your experience with others and get them involved. I’m amazed at how many grant opportunities are available through the state and how easy it is to get involved.