North Central STEM Region
June 14, 2022
Scale-Up Professional Developments Begin!
Project GUTS is one of 13 programs offered on the menu for 2022-2023
Just as schools are getting out for the summer, hundreds of teachers across north central Iowa will be gearing up to attend professional development as part of the 2022-2023 STEM Scale-Up Program. Thirteen different STEM programs were offered as a part of the program menu.

Those included:

Over the course of the summer, teachers will engage in the professional development for the programs they were awarded. This professional development will help provide the teacher with the necessary materials and supports for implementing the STEM program in the classroom.

If you want to check out the program menu you can find it here.

If you missed the deadline for the 2022-2023 STEM Scale-Up Program, that's ok! Be on the look for next year's program menu right after the start of the new year!
Regional Advisory Board
At the end of May, the NC STEM Regional Advisory Board convened at the Iowa Stater and had a visit to the Iowa 4-H and NASA Iowa Space Grant Consortium space camp training.
Program for K-12 Teachers Interested in STEM

Fall Deadline: July 29

North Central STEM Regional Advisory Board Profile
Allyson Krull
Board member Allyson Krull grew up in rural northern Iowa and received her Bachelor's Degree in Communication Studies from Iowa State University. After college, she spent five years working as the Communications Manager for the Iowa State Fair Blue Ribbon Foundation. She now works as the Marketing & Leadership Development Director at the Mason City Chamber of Commerce.

Why did you decide to become a member of the North Central STEM Advisory Board?

I applied to learn more about what we could do as a chamber to connect STEM happening in high schools to area businesses. I also was interested in learning about the connection between STEM and Future Ready Iowa, as workforce is a key issue to area businesses. I work with a high school leadership program, a business professional group, and a cohort focused on workforce development, so joining the North Central STEM Advisory Board is an opportunity to connect all of the areas together while emphasizing the importance of STEM education.

What message around STEM do you communicate with those around you?

STEM can be applied in everything we do. I think people have the notion that STEM is just science and math, but it’s so much more! What I love most about the STEM program is the hands-on learning it provides for students. My goal is to help communicate not only the impact STEM has in education, but the wide range of STEM programs and funding available, so anyone and everyone can get involved.

What action or "first step" can individuals or communities do to promote STEM?

I think the best way to promote something is to first experience it. I would encourage folks to find a STEM event in their area and participate! Once you have experienced a festival or program you can share your experience with others and get them involved. I’m amazed at how many grant opportunities are available through the state and how easy it is to get involved.
Summer STEM Events!
July 14-17 CSTA National Conference
July 18-20 PLTW Training**
July 18-22 Soapy Cilantro Training**
July 18-22 Project GUTS Training**
July 28 Daily Math Training**
August 1-2 ILED Training**
August 4 Water Works Training**
August 4 - Ioponics Training**
August 9 Tiny Techies Training**
August 9-11 Ready, Set, Drone Training**
August 21 STEM Day at the Fair

** STEM Scale-Up Program Training

Know of other STEM events in North Central Iowa? Email us at:
NC Regional Manager:
Mauree Haage

Phone: 515-294-2940


Extension 4-H Building
1259 Stange Road
Ames, IA 50011